63 research outputs found

    Efficient Retrieval of Top-k Weighted Spatial Triangles

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    Due to the proliferation of location-based services and IoT devices, a lot of spatial points are being generated. Spatial data analysis is well known to be an important task. As spatial data analysis tools, graphs consisting of spatial points, where each point has edges to its nearby points and the weight of each edge is the distance between the corresponding points, have been receiving much attention. We focus on triangles (one of the simplest sub-graph patterns) in such graphs and address the problem of retrieving the top-k weighted spatial triangles. This problem has important real-life applications, e.g., group search, urban planning, and co-location pattern mining. However, this problem is computationally challenging, because the number of triangles in a graph is generally huge and enumerating all of them is not feasible. To solve this challenge, we propose an efficient algorithm that returns the exact result. Our experimental results on real datasets show the efficiency of our algorithm.This version of the contribution has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-00123-9_17

    Why Can’t Neural Networks Forecast Pandemics Better

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    Why can’t neural networks (NN) forecast better? In the major super-forecasting competitions, NN have typically under-performed when compared to traditional statistical methods. When they have performed well, the underlying methods have been ensembles of NN and statistical methods. Forecasting stock markets, medical, infrastructure dynamics, social activity or pandemics each have their own challenges. In this study, we evaluate the strengths of a collection of methods for forecasting pandemics such as Covid-19 using NN, statistical methods as well as parameterized mechanistic models. Forecasts of epidemics can inform public health response and decision making, so accurate forecasting is crucial for general public notification, timing and spatial targeting of intervention. We show that NN typically under-perform in forecasting Covid-19 active cases which can be attributed to the lack of training data which is common for forecasts. Our test data consists of the top ten countries for active Covid-19 cases early in the pandemic and is represented as a Time Series (TS). We found that Statistical methods outperform NN for most cases. Albeit, NN are still good pattern finders and we suggest that there are perhaps more productive ways other than purely data driven models of using NN to help produce better forecasts

    Informed Deep Learning for Epidemics Forecasting

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has galvanized the interest of the scientific community toward methodologies apt at predicting the trend of the epidemiological curve, namely, the daily number of infected individuals in the population. One of the critical issues, is providing reliable predictions based on interventions enacted by policy-makers, which is of crucial relevance to assess their effectiveness. In this paper, we provide a novel data-driven application incorporating sub-symbolic knowledge to forecast the spreading of an epidemic depending on a set of interventions. More specifically, we focus on the embedding of classical epidemiological approaches, i.e., compartmental models, into Deep Learning models, to enhance the learning process and provide higher predictive accuracy

    Temporal cascade model for analyzing spread in evolving networks

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    Current approaches for modeling propagation in networks (e.g., of diseases, computer viruses, rumors) cannot adequately capture temporal properties such as order/duration of evolving connections or dynamic likelihoods of propagation along connections. Temporal models on evolving networks are crucial in applications that need to analyze dynamic spread. For example, a disease spreading virus has varying transmissibility based on interactions between individuals occurring with different frequency, proximity, and venue population density. Similarly, propagation of information having a limited active period, such as rumors, depends on the temporal dynamics of social interactions. To capture such behaviors, we first develop the Temporal Independent Cascade (T-IC) model with a spread function that efficiently utilizes a hypergraph-based sampling strategy and dynamic propagation probabilities. We prove this function to be submodular, with guarantees of approximation quality. This enables scalable analysis on highly granular temporal networks where other models struggle, such as when the spread across connections exhibits arbitrary temporally evolving patterns. We then introduce the notion of ‘reverse spread’ using the proposed T-IC processes, and develop novel solutions to identify both sentinel/detector nodes and highly susceptible nodes. Extensive analysis on real-world datasets shows that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the alternatives in modeling both if and how spread occurs, by considering evolving network topology alongside granular contact/interaction information. Our approach has numerous applications, such as virus/rumor/influence tracking. Utilizing T-IC, we explore vital challenges of monitoring the impact of various intervention strategies over real spatio-temporal contact networks where we show our approach to be highly effective
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