5 research outputs found

    An Illustration Image Classication Focusing on Infrequent Colors

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    Illustration images used in comics or animation have a style that constitutes an emotional feature. The style is represented by the various elements of the illustration image. There are a few research studies that treat the style of illustration images. In this paper, we tried to model the style by using an image feature, and to classify an illustration image by style. We thought that the color that appeared infrequently would represent the style of the illustration image. Therefore, we proposed the method for creating the color histogram, which emphasizes colors appearing infrequently. We term this \Infrequency histogram; IF-hist." To test the effectiveness of the histogram, we experimented with classifying two styles defined as “For boys" and “For girls" based on the IF-hist. The results of the experiment indicated that, when using the IF-hist, the precision of the classification result of the style “For girls" is 93%. This is 50% higher than when using the existing normal color histogram. Moreover, the precision of the other classification results has improved

    Detection and Classification of Rice Diseases: An Automated Approach Using Textural Features

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    Image processing techniques are widely used for the detection and classification of diseases for various plants. The structure of the plant and appearance of the disease on the plant pose a challenge for image processing. This research implements SVM (Support Vector Machine) based image-processing approach to analyze and classify three of the rice crop diseases. The process consists of two phases, i.e. training phase and disease prediction phase. The approach identifies disease on the leaf using trained classifier. The proposed research work optimizes SVM parameters (gamma, nu) for maximum efficiency. The results show that the proposed approach achieved 94.16% accuracy with 5.83% misclassification rate, 91.6% recall rate and 90.9% precision. These findings were compared with image processing techniques discussed in review of literature. The results of comparison conclude that the proposed methodology yields high accuracy percentage as compared to the other techniques. The results obtained can help the development of an effective software solution by incorporating image processing and collaboration features. This may facilitate the farmers and other bodies in effective decision making to efficiently protect the rice crops from substantial damage. While considering the findings of this research, the presented technique may be considered as a potential solution for adding image processing techniques to KM (Knowledge Management) systems

    Improving sensitivity of machine learning methods for automated case identification from free-text electronic medical records

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    Background: Distinguishing cases from non-cases in free-text electronic medical records is an important initial step in observational epidemiological studies, but manual record validation is time-consuming and cumbersome. We compared different approaches to develop an automatic case identification system with high sensitivity to assist manual annotators. Methods. We used four different machine-learning algorithms to build case identification systems for two data sets, one comprising hepatobiliary disease patients, the other acute renal failure patients. To improve the sensitivity of the systems, we varied the imbalance ratio between positive cases and negative cases using under- and over-sampling techniques, and applied cost-sensitive learning with various misclassification costs. Results: For the hepatobiliary data set, we obtained a high sensitivity of 0.95 (on a par with manual annotators, as compared to 0.91 for a baseline classifier) with specificity 0.56. For the acute renal failure data set, sensitivity increased from 0.69 to 0.89, with specificity 0.59. Performance differences between the various machine-learning algorithms were not large. Classifiers performed best when trained on data sets with imbalance ratio below 10. Conclusions: We were able to achieve high sensitivity with moderate specificity for automatic case identification on two data sets of electronic medical records. Such a high-sensitive case identification system can be used as a pre-filter to significantly reduce the burden of manual record validation

    Text Mining to Support Knowledge Discovery from Electronic Health Records

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    The use of electronic health records (EHRs) has grown rapidly in the last decade. The EHRs are no longer being used only for storing information for clinical purposes but the secondary use of the data in the healthcare research has increased rapidly as well. The data in EHRs are recorded in a structured manner as much as possible, however, many EHRs often also contain large amount of unstructured free‐text. The structured and unstructured clinical data presents several challenges to the researchers since the data are not primarily collected for research purposes. The issues related to structured data can be missing data, noise, and inconsistency. The unstructured free-text is even more challenging to use since they often have no fixed format and may vary from clinician to clinician and from database to database. Text and data mining techniques are increasingly being used to effectively and efficiently process large EHRs for research purposes. Most of the me