1,923 research outputs found

    NEWSKY - A concept for NEtWorking the SKY for civil aeronautical communications

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    In this paper, an overview of the NEWSKY project is given. This project is funded by the European Commission within the 6th framework program and will start in January 2007. The NEWSKY project is a feasibility study to clarify if it is possible to establish a heterogeneous network for aeronautical communications which is capable to integrate different communications systems as well as different applications into a single global aeronautical network. The envisaged applications comprise not only air-traffic control and management but also airline and passenger communications

    The Octopus switch

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    This chapter1 discusses the interconnection architecture of the Mobile Digital Companion. The approach to build a low-power handheld multimedia computer presented here is to have autonomous, reconfigurable modules such as network, video and audio devices, interconnected by a switch rather than by a bus, and to offload as much as work as possible from the CPU to programmable modules placed in the data streams. Thus, communication between components is not broadcast over a bus but delivered exactly where it is needed, work is carried out where the data passes through, bypassing the memory. The amount of buffering is minimised, and if it is required at all, it is placed right on the data path, where it is needed. A reconfigurable internal communication network switch called Octopus exploits locality of reference and eliminates wasteful data copies. The switch is implemented as a simplified ATM switch and provides Quality of Service guarantees and enough bandwidth for multimedia applications. We have built a testbed of the architecture, of which we will present performance and energy consumption characteristics

    Energy-efficient wireless communication

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    In this chapter we present an energy-efficient highly adaptive network interface architecture and a novel data link layer protocol for wireless networks that provides Quality of Service (QoS) support for diverse traffic types. Due to the dynamic nature of wireless networks, adaptations in bandwidth scheduling and error control are necessary to achieve energy efficiency and an acceptable quality of service. In our approach we apply adaptability through all layers of the protocol stack, and provide feedback to the applications. In this way the applications can adapt the data streams, and the network protocols can adapt the communication parameters

    Managing Shared Access to a Spectrum Commons

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    The open access, unlicensed or spectrum commons approach to managing shared access to RF spectrum offers many attractive benefits, especially when implemented in conjunction with and as a complement to a regime of marketbased, flexible use, tradable licensed spectrum ([Benkler02], [Lehr04], [Werbach03]). However, as a number of critics have pointed out, implementing the unlicensed model poses difficult challenges that have not been well-addressed yet by commons advocates ([Benjam03], [Faulhab05], [Goodman04], [Hazlett01]). A successful spectrum commons will not be unregulated, but it also need not be command & control by another name. This paper seeks to address some of the implementation challenges associated with managing a spectrum commons. We focus on the minimal set of features that we believe a suitable management protocol, etiquette, or framework for a spectrum commons will need to incorporate. This includes: (1) No transmit only devices; (2) Power restrictions; (3) Common channel signaling; (4) Mechanism for handling congestion and allocating resources among users/uses in times of congestion; (5) Mechanism to support enforcement (e.g., established procedures to verify protocol is in conformance); (6) Mechanism to support reversibility of policy; and (7) Protection for privacy and security. We explain why each is necessary, examine their implications for current policy, and suggest ways in which they might be implemented. We present a framework that suggests a set of design principles for the protocols that will govern a successful commons management regime. Our design rules lead us to conclude that the appropriate Protocols for a Commons will need to be more liquid ([Reed05]) than in the past: (1) Marketbased instead of C&C; (2) Decentralized/distributed; and, (3) Adaptive and flexible (Anonymous, distributed, decentralized, and locally responsive)

    Data Link Control Layer Performance for Wireless ATM Networks

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    The growing demand for ATM-based technology and recent proliferation of wireless access technologies have motivated researchers to examine the feasibility of extending the ATM paradigm from the wireline to the wireless domain and create a new research area known as Wireless ATM (WATM) (Toh, 1997). Dealing with lossy wireless links, characterized by limited bandwidth and high, bursty error rates, breaks the main assumption of conventional ATM systems, which is that of using no errors per links. Therefore, WATM systems must provide a transparent mechanism to ensure reliable end-to-end data transmission over the wireless portion of the network. The identification of a wireless-specific data link control layer (W-DLC), sitting between the traditional ATM layer and a wireless-specific medium access control layer (WMAC), is the responsible entity for guaranteeing the quality of service (QOS) requested by individual ATM-based virtual connections. Thus the main focus is to investigate the performance of DLC protocol for ABR traffic over wireless ATM network. Retransmissions are only required for non-real time traffic and are implemented using a Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat (SR) ARQ (Lin et aI., 1984), (Schwartz, 1987). Wireless channels are usually time-varying and the channel bit error rates vary as the surrounding environment changes. Since these factors put in jeopardy the performance of the DLC protocol and higher layer end-to-end protocol at large, additional link-level mechanisms are added to provide reliability over impaired radio links. The DLC protocol implementation represents an attempt to achieve these goals under the strict constraints imposed by impaired wireless links. This thesis studies and compares the two Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocols, i.e., Go-Back-N (GBN) and Selective Repeat (SR) ARQ and analyse them for variable packet size and fixed packet size (WATM packet) by using C programming for simulation. The results show that the performance of SR ARQ is better than the GBN ARQ for variable packet size. The results also show that SR ARQ protocol has better performance than GBN ARQ in terms of error detection for fixed WATM packet in the range of 50 -70 bytes, which is the WATM packet range (ATM Forum, 1997)

    A comparison of the HIPERLAN/2 and IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standards

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    Investigation of delay jitter of heterogeneous traffic in broadband networks

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    Scope and Methodology of Study: A critical challenge for both wired and wireless networking vendors and carrier companies is to be able to accurately estimate the quality of service (QoS) that will be provided based on the network architecture, router/switch topology, and protocol applied. As a result, this thesis focuses on the theoretical analysis of QoS parameters in term of inter-arrival jitter in differentiated services networks by deploying analytic/mathematical modeling technique and queueing theory, where the analytic model is expressed in terms of a set of equations that can be solved to yield the desired delay jitter parameter. In wireless networks with homogeneous traffic, the effects on the delay jitter in reference to the priority control scheme of the ARQ traffic for the two cases of: 1) the ARQ traffic has a priority over the original transmission traffic; and 2) the ARQ traffic has no priority over the original transmission traffic are evaluated. In wired broadband networks with heterogeneous traffic, the jitter analysis is conducted and the algorithm to control its effect is also developed.Findings and Conclusions: First, the results show that high priority packets always maintain the minimum inter-arrival jitter, which will not be affected even in heavy load situation. Second, the Gaussian traffic modeling is applied using the MVA approach to conduct the queue length analysis, and then the jitter analysis in heterogeneous broadband networks is investigated. While for wireless networks with homogeneous traffic, binomial distribution is used to conduct the queue length analysis, which is sufficient and relatively easy compared to heterogeneous traffic. Third, develop a service discipline called the tagged stream adaptive distortion-reducing peak output-rate enforcing to control and avoid the delay jitter increases without bound in heterogeneous broadband networks. Finally, through the analysis provided, the differential services, was proved not only viable, but also effective to control delay jitter. The analytic models that serve as guidelines to assist network system designers in controlling the QoS requested by customer in term of delay jitter