8,162 research outputs found

    Efficient Web Usage Mining Process for Sequential Patterns

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    The tremendous growth in volume of web usage data results in the boost of web mining research with focus on discovering potentially useful knowledge from web usage data. This paper presents a new web usage mining process for finding sequential patterns in web usage data which can be used for predicting the possible next move in browsing sessions for web personalization. This process consists of three main stages: preprocessing web access sequences from the web server log, mining preprocessed web log access sequences by a tree-based algorithm, and predicting web access sequences by using a dynamic clustering-based model. It is designed based on the integration of the dynamic clustering-based Markov model with the Pre-Order Linked WAP-Tree Mining (PLWAP) algorithm to enhance mining performance. The proposed mining process is verified by experiments with promising results

    Cluster Optimization for Improved Web Usage Mining

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    Now days, World Wide Web (WWW) has become rich and most powerful source of information. Conversely, it has become tricky and critical task to retrieve actual information due to its continuous expansion in dimensions. Web Usage Mining is a step-wise technique of extracting useful access patterns of the user from web. Web personalization makes use of web usage mining techniques, for knowledge acquisition process done by analyzing the user navigational patterns. The web page personalization involves clustering of different web pages having similar navigation patterns for an individual. Since cluster size expands due to the frequent access, optimization or shrinking the size of clusters becomes a chief consideration. This paper proposes a tactic of cluster optimization based on concept of swarm intelligence techniques. Later on based on the recognition of user access patterns, clustering is implemented using neural fuzzy approach i.e. NEF Class algorithm and cluster optimization is implemented using Ant Nest Mate Approach

    Business Intelligence from Web Usage Mining

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    The rapid e-commerce growth has made both business community and customers face a new situation. Due to intense competition on one hand and the customer's option to choose from several alternatives business community has realized the necessity of intelligent marketing strategies and relationship management. Web usage mining attempts to discover useful knowledge from the secondary data obtained from the interactions of the users with the Web. Web usage mining has become very critical for effective Web site management, creating adaptive Web sites, business and support services, personalization, network traffic flow analysis and so on. In this paper, we present the important concepts of Web usage mining and its various practical applications. We further present a novel approach 'intelligent-miner' (i-Miner) to optimize the concurrent architecture of a fuzzy clustering algorithm (to discover web data clusters) and a fuzzy inference system to analyze the Web site visitor trends. A hybrid evolutionary fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed in this paper to optimally segregate similar user interests. The clustered data is then used to analyze the trends using a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system learned using a combination of evolutionary algorithm and neural network learning. Proposed approach is compared with self-organizing maps (to discover patterns) and several function approximation techniques like neural networks, linear genetic programming and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system (to analyze the clusters). The results are graphically illustrated and the practical significance is discussed in detail. Empirical results clearly show that the proposed Web usage-mining framework is efficient

    A recommender system approach for classifying user navigation patterns using longest common subsequence algorithm.

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    Prediction of user future movements and intentions based on the users’ clickstream data is a main challenging problem in Web based recommendation systems. Web usage mining based on the users’ clickstream data has become the subject of exhaustive research, as its potential for web based personalized services, predicting user near future intentions, adaptive Web sites and customer profiling is recognized. A variety of the recommender systems for online personalization through web usage mining have been proposed. However, the quality of the recommendations in the current systems to predict users’ future intentions systems cannot still satisfy users in the particular huge web sites. In this paper, to provide online predicting effectively, we develop a model for online predicting through web usage mining system and propose a novel approach for classifying user navigation patterns to predict users’ future intentions. The approach is based on the using longest common subsequence algorithm to classify current user activities to predict user next movement. We have tested our proposed model on the CTI datasets. The results indicate that the approach can improve the quality of the system for the predictions

    Web Site Personalization based on Link Analysis and Navigational Patterns

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    The continuous growth in the size and use of the World Wide Web imposes new methods of design and development of on-line information services. The need for predicting the users’ needs in order to improve the usability and user retention of a web site is more than evident and can be addressed by personalizing it. Recommendation algorithms aim at proposing “next” pages to users based on their current visit and the past users’ navigational patterns. In the vast majority of related algorithms, however, only the usage data are used to produce recommendations, disregarding the structural properties of the web graph. Thus important – in terms of PageRank authority score – pages may be underrated. In this work we present UPR, a PageRank-style algorithm which combines usage data and link analysis techniques for assigning probabilities to the web pages based on their importance in the web site’s navigational graph. We propose the application of a localized version of UPR (l-UPR) to personalized navigational sub-graphs for online web page ranking and recommendation. Moreover, we propose a hybrid probabilistic predictive model based on Markov models and link analysis for assigning prior probabilities in a hybrid probabilistic model. We prove, through experimentation, that this approach results in more objective and representative predictions than the ones produced from the pure usage-based approaches

    A Fuzzy Approach for Feature Evaluation and Dimensionality Reduction to Improve the Quality of Web Usage Mining Results

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    The explosive growth in the information available on the Web has necessitated the need for developing Web personalization systems that understand user preferences to dynamically serve customized content to individual users. Web server access logs contain substantial data about the accesses of users to a Web site. Hence, if properly exploited, the log data can reveal useful information about the navigational behaviour of users in a site. In order to reveal the information about user preferences from, Web Usage Mining is being performed. Web Usage Mining is the application of data mining techniques to web usage log repositories in order to discover the usage patterns that can be used to analyze the user’s navigational behavior. WUM contains three main steps: preprocessing, knowledge extraction and results analysis. During the preprocessing stage, raw web log data is transformed into a set of user profiles. Each user profile captures a set of URLs representing a user session. Clustering can be applied to this sessionized data in order to capture similar interests and trends among users’ navigational patterns. Since the sessionized data may contain thousands of user sessions and each user session may consist of hundreds of URL accesses, dimensionality reduction is achieved by eliminating the low support URLs. Very small sessions are also removed in order to filter out the noise from the data. But direct elimination of low support URLs and small sized sessions may results in loss of a significant amount of information especially when the count of low support URLs and small sessions is large. We propose a fuzzy solution to deal with this problem by assigning weights to URLs and user sessions based on a fuzzy membership function. After assigning the weights we apply a "Fuzzy c-Mean Clustering" algorithm to discover the clusters of user profiles. In this paper, we describe our fuzzy set theoretic approach to perform feature selection (or dimensionality reduction) and session weight assignment. Finally we compare our soft computing based approach of dimensionality reduction with the traditional approach of direct elimination of small sessions and low support count URLs. Our results show that fuzzy feature evaluation and dimensionality  reduction results in better performance and validity indices for the discovered clusters