26 research outputs found

    Addressing learner satisfaction outcomes in electronic instrumentation and measurement laboratory course organization

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    This paper proposes and details a course organization methodology based on learner satisfaction achievement. The approach follows the prevailing tendency in modern university reforms which are primarily concerned about “how people learn.” As a consequence, the learner has been placed as the main actor of the teaching–learning process. Nevertheless, the current learning literature has not addressed the measurement of learner satisfaction within laboratory and practical subjects. This study develops a general and comprehensive methodology for learner satisfaction measurement in practical subjects. As a case example, the proposed methodology has been applied to an electronic instrumentation and measurement course, confirming the variables with a significant influence on learner satisfaction and becoming the starting point for curriculum redesign based on the learner satisfaction approach. To assess the improvement of the proposed course organization methodology, a comparison with previous academic years has been performed showing the students’ rated score evolution. Results fully confirm the validity of the technique and the novel course organizatio

    How about integration: the impact of online activities on store satisfaction and loyalty

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    Although there has been widespread support for the concept of integrating the Internet with other channels, relatively little empirical research has been conducted in this area. This paper examines the effects of integrated online activities on customer perceptions, i.e., satisfaction and loyalty, as well as customer behavior, i.e., purchases. As this study focuses on a nontransaction site, the purchases only take place in the store. Through structural equation modeling, we test a model that determines the relationships between loyalty and satisfaction in two channels – the store and the web site –, as well as the antecedents of both store and site satisfaction. The results provide evidence for synergy effects between the store and the site. Site satisfaction and site loyalty are both positively and significantly related to their offline counterparts. Store loyalty and site loyalty are also positively and significantly related to each other, but the relationship between store satisfaction and site satisfaction is not significant. The online activities do not directly influence offline purchases, but there is an indirect effect via store loyalty. However, the magnitude of this effect is rather small.

    Strategic Employees Satisfaction toward Human Resource Management Information System in Higher Education Institutions

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the factors affecting employees’ satisfaction toward Human Resource Management Information System “HRMIS” in the Palestinian universities: the moderating role of training. To evaluate the hypotheses, an empirical study was undertaken utilizing a survey questionnaire to collect primary data. The data obtained from 347 Palestinian universities’ employees is analyzed using a structural equation model (SEM). The findings show that there is a relationship between independent variables (i.e. system quality, information quality, service quality, ICT infrastructure, and security), and employees’ satisfaction towards HRMIS. The findings also indicate that training plays a role in managing the relationship between independent and dependent variables, implying that it is important for the managements of universities to take the moderating role of training in the relationship between independent and dependent variables into account

    Explaining Satisfaction at Different Stages of Adoption in the Context of Internet-Based Services

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    In this research we develop, operationalize, and empirically test a model for explaining/predicting the satisfaction of customers with Internet-based services at different stages of adoption. We argue and empirically demonstrate the need to consider the evolutionary nature of satisfaction and the variability of its determinants. Our model identifies desire disconfirmation, expectation disconfirmation, and perceived performance as the main determinants of satisfaction and differentiates between satisfaction at adoption of Internet-based services and satisfaction in the post-adoption stage. Our empirical results show that desires and expectations are both important comparison standards that need to be considered simultaneously in explaining satisfaction at adoption. The role of desires, however, diminishes significantly in the post-adoption stage. The results also show no significant relationship between post-adoption satisfaction and satisfaction at adoption. The paper presents the theoretical foundation of the proposed model and discusses the implications of the empirical results

    User Satisfaction and Web Portal Use

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    Tujuan Penelitian Jumlah kunjungan telemedicine di masa pandemi COVID-19 terus mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Namun, masih ditemukan 53,3% pengguna yang merasa tidak puas dengan layanan aplikasi telemedicine. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pengguna layanan aplikasi telemedicine pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode Kepuasan pengguna diukur menggunakan model End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS). Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Populasi pengguna layanan telemedicine di DKI Jakarta pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dengan sampel sebanyak 358 pengguna menggunakan teknik pengambilan quota sampling tidak terkontrol. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner online (google form). Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis univariat, analisis bivariat (uji chi-square), dan analisis multivariat (regresi logistik). Hasil Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52% pengguna puas terhadap layanan aplikasi telemedicine. Hasil bivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara isi (p=0,000), ketepatan (p=0,000), tampilan (p=0,000), kemudahan penggunaan (p=0,000),dan ketepatan waktu (p=0,000) dengan kepuasan pengguna. Hasil multivariat menunjukkan variabel isi paling dominan memengaruhi kepuasan pengguna dengan nilai POR = 4,724 (p=0,000). Kesimpulan Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara isi, ketepatan, tampilan, kemudahan penggunaan, dan ketepatan waktu dengan kepuasan pengguna. Isi merupakan variabel yang paling dominan memengaruhi kepuasan pengguna. Diharapkan isi pada aplikasi telemedicine dapat terus dikembangkan dan dilengkapi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Daftar Pustaka : 89 (1988-2022) Kata kunci : isi, kepuasan pengguna, layanan telemedicin

    Modeling learner satisfaction in an electronic instrumentation and measurement course using structural equation models

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    The prevailing tendency in modern university reforms is towards “how people learn,” following a learner-centered approach in which the learner is the main actor of the teaching-learning process. As a consequence, one of the key indicators of the teaching-learning process is the measurement of learner satisfaction within the classroom. Learner satisfaction has traditionally been measured using survey responses to a standard learning survey. However, more scientific analysis should be performed to assess adequately not only learner satisfaction but also the main dimensions that have a positive impact on learner satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to define a structural and measurement model in which causal relationships among these different dimensions are adequately established. The methodology is based on a multivariate regression model (Structural Equation Models) to establish scientifically a structural model for learner satisfaction within a classroom, measuring its validity and reliability. The proposed approach has been applied to model learner satisfaction in an electronic instrumentation course at the University of Seville, Spain. The results and implications of this study will contribute to improve student satisfaction with respect to the dimensions considere

    The State of Research on Information System Satisfaction

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    Satisfaction with information systems (IS) has been and remains to be of great interest to both scholars and practitioners. The conceptualization of the construct, the theories employed to explain/predict it and the contexts of the empirical studies have changed considerably over time. Early research investigated system characteristics affecting end-user satisfaction, relying mostly on the IS success model. More recent research, on the other hand, studied satisfaction formation in the context of web-based products and services, using the disconfirmation theory originally developed in marketing. In this paper, we describe the evolution of IS satisfaction research and discuss the applicability of the marketing theories to IS contexts. We also explain the importance of further development and suggest future research directions

    Using the Twitter Platform as a Research Method in the Information and Social Media Age

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    Within the context of social media there are rich and massive qualitative sources of data. The intense volume of data produced by social media comprises a promising resource for studying socially constructed language, interactions and behaviours. Research utilising data from social media offers a useful alternative to traditional research methods, which are often restricted and limited by theoretical and methodological boundaries. Social media data are characterised by a qualitative and unstructured nature of using words, either written or spoken, that naturally leads to using a qualitative approach. With social media, researchers immerse themselves with captured social media data as ‘text’. Such involvement poses challenges to researchers, and in particular to identify and locate appropriate data to be collected and develop an appropriate research design that analyses data to its full potential with valid findings. This study contributes methodologically to qualitative research and extends traditional qualitative methods to include the social media platform of designated hashtag of Twitter. Two cases of Organic and Semi-organic Twitter Data are discussed along with research implications and limitations