126 research outputs found

    Convergence and optimality of the adaptive Morley element method

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    This paper is devoted to the convergence and optimality analysis of the adaptive Morley element method for the fourth order elliptic problem. A new technique is developed to establish a quasi-orthogonality which is crucial for the convergence analysis of the adaptive nonconforming method. By introducing a new parameter-dependent error estimator and further establishing a discrete reliability property, sharp convergence and optimality estimates are then fully proved for the fourth order elliptic problem

    Convergence and optimality of the adaptive nonconforming linear element method for the Stokes problem

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    In this paper, we analyze the convergence and optimality of a standard adaptive nonconforming linear element method for the Stokes problem. After establishing a special quasi--orthogonality property for both the velocity and the pressure in this saddle point problem, we introduce a new prolongation operator to carry through the discrete reliability analysis for the error estimator. We then use a specially defined interpolation operator to prove that, up to oscillation, the error can be bounded by the approximation error within a properly defined nonlinear approximate class. Finally, by introducing a new parameter-dependent error estimator, we prove the convergence and optimality estimates

    Convergence of an adaptive mixed finite element method for general second order linear elliptic problems

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    The convergence of an adaptive mixed finite element method for general second order linear elliptic problems defined on simply connected bounded polygonal domains is analyzed in this paper. The main difficulties in the analysis are posed by the non-symmetric and indefinite form of the problem along with the lack of the orthogonality property in mixed finite element methods. The important tools in the analysis are a posteriori error estimators, quasi-orthogonality property and quasi-discrete reliability established using representation formula for the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas solution in terms of the Crouzeix-Raviart solution of the problem. An adaptive marking in each step for the local refinement is based on the edge residual and volume residual terms of the a posteriori estimator. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical analysis.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    A posteriori error control for discontinuous Galerkin methods for parabolic problems

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    We derive energy-norm a posteriori error bounds for an Euler time-stepping method combined with various spatial discontinuous Galerkin schemes for linear parabolic problems. For accessibility, we address first the spatially semidiscrete case, and then move to the fully discrete scheme by introducing the implicit Euler time-stepping. All results are presented in an abstract setting and then illustrated with particular applications. This enables the error bounds to hold for a variety of discontinuous Galerkin methods, provided that energy-norm a posteriori error bounds for the corresponding elliptic problem are available. To illustrate the method, we apply it to the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method, which requires the derivation of novel a posteriori error bounds. For the analysis of the time-dependent problems we use the elliptic reconstruction technique and we deal with the nonconforming part of the error by deriving appropriate computable a posteriori bounds for it.Comment: 6 figure

    A posteriori error estimators for nonconforming finite element methods of the linear elasticity problem

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    AbstractIn this work we derive and analyze a posteriori error estimators for low-order nonconforming finite element methods of the linear elasticity problem on both triangular and quadrilateral meshes, with hanging nodes allowed for local mesh refinement. First, it is shown that equilibrated Neumann data on interelement boundaries are simply given by the local weak residuals of the numerical solution. The first error estimator is then obtained by applying the equilibrated residual method with this set of Neumann data. From this implicit estimator we also derive two explicit error estimators, one of which is similar to the one proposed by Dörfler and Ainsworth (2005) [24] for the Stokes problem. It is established that all these error estimators are reliable and efficient in a robust way with respect to the Lamé constants. The main advantage of our error estimators is that they yield guaranteed, i.e., constant-free upper bounds for the energy-like error (up to higher order terms due to data oscillation) when a good estimate for the inf–sup constant is available, which is confirmed by some numerical results

    Polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates in a unified setting for conforming, nonconforming, discontinuous Galerkin, and mixed discretizations

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    International audienceWe present equilibrated flux a posteriori error estimates in a unified setting for conforming, nonconforming, discontinuous Galerkin, and mixed finite element discretizations of the two-dimensional Poisson problem. Relying on the equilibration by mixed finite element solution of patchwise Neumann problems, the estimates are guaranteed, locally computable, locally efficient, and robust with respect to polynomial degree. Maximal local overestimation is guaranteed as well. Numerical experiments suggest asymptotic exactness for the incomplete interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin scheme
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