4 research outputs found

    A Unified Account for German “doch”

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    Doch is one of the German discourse particles that has been widely discussed in the literature (a.o. Grosz, 2014; Egg and Zimmermann, 2012; Karagjosova, 2009). There are two main challenges of providing a meaning for it: first, doch can be prosodically realized either unstressed (roughly as you know) or stressed (roughly after all) with the two realizations providing related yet different meanings. While some accounts focus on only one of the two realizations (a.o. Rieser, 2015; Grosz, 2014), other accounts pursue a unified account for both realizations, treating the two as one lexical item (a.o. Rojas-Esponda, 2014; Egg and Zimmermann, 2012). Second, one has to account for its distribution. While the occurrence of doch in declaratives can straightforwardly be explained in most accounts, its discourse initial use and its occurrence in other sentence types is often absent from the discussion of doch. I follow the line of previous accounts that treat the two prosodic realizations as a single lexical item and propose a new unified account in which both the unstressed and the stressed realization of doch conventionally convey the speaker’s belief as well as her belief about the addressee’s belief at a past time, attributing the difference in meaning contribution of the two realizations to the contribution of stress

    Epistemic particles and perfomativity

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    The German discourse particles ja and doch both mark the information expressed by their host sentence as somehow given, obvious, or uncontroversial (McCready & Zimmermann 2011 call them 'epistemic particles'). Two things are puzzling: (i) despite its 'epistemic' nature, doch can appear in imperatives and with performative modals; (ii) despite their similarity, ja is unacceptable in imperatives and forces a descriptive reading of modal verbs. We explain (i) by assuming that the performativity of modalized propositions depends on certain contextual constellations which may conflict with constraints imposed by the particles. To account for (ii), we offer an analysis for ja and doch that explains the inviolable ban against ja (but not doch) from performative modal contexts in terms of defeasible inferences about the context