441 research outputs found

    Distributed Finite Element Analysis Using a Transputer Network

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    The principal objective of this research effort was to demonstrate the extraordinarily cost effective acceleration of finite element structural analysis problems using a transputer-based parallel processing network. This objective was accomplished in the form of a commercially viable parallel processing workstation. The workstation is a desktop size, low-maintenance computing unit capable of supercomputer performance yet costs two orders of magnitude less. To achieve the principal research objective, a transputer based structural analysis workstation termed XPFEM was implemented with linear static structural analysis capabilities resembling commercially available NASTRAN. Finite element model files, generated using the on-line preprocessing module or external preprocessing packages, are downloaded to a network of 32 transputers for accelerated solution. The system currently executes at about one third Cray X-MP24 speed but additional acceleration appears likely. For the NASA selected demonstration problem of a Space Shuttle main engine turbine blade model with about 1500 nodes and 4500 independent degrees of freedom, the Cray X-MP24 required 23.9 seconds to obtain a solution while the transputer network, operated from an IBM PC-AT compatible host computer, required 71.7 seconds. Consequently, the 80,000transputernetworkdemonstratedacost−performanceratioabout60timesbetterthanthe80,000 transputer network demonstrated a cost-performance ratio about 60 times better than the 15,000,000 Cray X-MP24 system

    A hierarchical structure for automatic meshing and adaptive FEM analysis

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    A new algorithm for generating automatically, from solid models of mechanical parts, finite element meshes that are organized as spatially addressable quaternary trees (for 2-D work) or octal trees (for 3-D work) is discussed. Because such meshes are inherently hierarchical as well as spatially addressable, they permit efficient substructuring techniques to be used for both global analysis and incremental remeshing and reanalysis. The global and incremental techniques are summarized and some results from an experimental closed loop 2-D system in which meshing, analysis, error evaluation, and remeshing and reanalysis are done automatically and adaptively are presented. The implementation of 3-D work is briefly discussed

    A package for 3-D unstructured grid generation, finite-element flow solution and flow field visualization

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    A set of computer programs for 3-D unstructured grid generation, fluid flow calculations, and flow field visualization was developed. The grid generation program, called VGRID3D, generates grids over complex configurations using the advancing front method. In this method, the point and element generation is accomplished simultaneously, VPLOT3D is an interactive, menudriven pre- and post-processor graphics program for interpolation and display of unstructured grid data. The flow solver, VFLOW3D, is an Euler equation solver based on an explicit, two-step, Taylor-Galerkin algorithm which uses the Flux Corrected Transport (FCT) concept for a wriggle-free solution. Using these programs, increasingly complex 3-D configurations of interest to aerospace community were gridded including a complete Space Transportation System comprised of the space-shuttle orbitor, the solid-rocket boosters, and the external tank. Flow solutions were obtained on various configurations in subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flow regimes

    Overview of database projects

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    The use of entity and object oriented data modeling techniques for managing Computer Aided Design (CAD) is explored

    TriMe++: Multi-threaded triangular meshing in two dimensions

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    We present TriMe++, a multi-threaded software library designed for generating two-dimensional meshes for intricate geometric shapes using the Delaunay triangulation. Multi-threaded parallel computing is implemented throughout the meshing procedure, making it suitable for fast generation of large-scale meshes. Three iterative meshing algorithms are implemented: the DistMesh algorithm, the centroidal Voronoi diagram meshing, and a hybrid of the two. We compare the performance of the three meshing methods in TriMe++, and show that the hybrid method retains the advantages of the other two. The software library achieves significant parallel speedup when generating a large mesh with 10610^6 points. TriMe++ can handle complicated geometries and generates adaptive meshes of high quality

    Extreme-Scale Parallel Mesh Generation: Telescopic Approach

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    In this poster we focus and present our preliminary results pertinent to the integration of multiple parallel Delaunay mesh generation methods into a coherent hierarchical framework. The goal of this project is to study our telescopic approach and to develop Delaunay-based methods to explore concurrency at all hardware layers using abstractions at (a) medium-grain level for many cores within a single chip and (b) coarse-grain level, i.e., sub-domain level using proper error metric- and application-specific continuous decomposition methods

    Homeomorphic Tetrahedralization of Multi-material Images with Quality and Fidelity Guarantees

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    We present a novel algorithm for generating three-dimensional unstructured tetrahedral meshes of multi-material images. The algorithm produces meshes with high quality since it provides a guaranteed dihedral angle bound of up to 19.47° for the output tetrahedra. In addition, it allows for user-specified guaranteed bounds on the two-sided Hausdorff distance between the boundaries of the mesh and the boundaries of the materials. Moreover, the mesh boundary is proved to be homeomorphic to the object surface. The algorithm is fast and robust, it produces a sufficiently small number of mesh elements that comply with these guarantees, as compared to other software. The theory and effectiveness of our method are illustrated with the experimental evaluation on synthetic and real medical data
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