4 research outputs found


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    This study aims to develop an optimization model for solving the insular cost minimization single-tour travel problems. The model was developed using an integer non-linear programming approach by considering the selection of departure and arrival points of an island, selecting accommodation points, selecting transportation mode departure schedules, and selecting travel routes both within islands and between islands. The cost components considered include inter-island travel costs, land travel costs, costs at selective points, and costs waiting for departure. A numerical experiment was conducted on the case of planning a tourist route in Maluku, Indonesia. The departure day scenario is built to find out the exact route and schedule on each day of departure with a minimum total cost. In addition, comparisons were also made to the results obtained in the time minimization model that was introduced earlier. The results showed that the model can adapt through variations of solutions to changes in the given parameters and objectives


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model optimasi penyelesaian masalah minimisasi waktu perjalanan wisata tur-tunggal di daerah kepulauan. Model dikembangkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan integer programming dan diformulasikan dalam bentuk non-linear. Faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan meliputi klaster pulau, rute dan jadwal keberangkatan di setiap titik koneksi, dan seleksi titik akomodasi. Validasi model dilakukan melalui percobaan numerikal untuk menguji konsistensi dan adaptabilitas nilai keluaran model terhadap perubahan parameter yang diberikan. Skenario percobaan direncanakan berdasarkan variasi hari keberangkatan dan maksimum waktu kover titik akomodasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model memiliki adaptabilitas dan konsisten terhadap perubahan parameter berdasarkan empat belas skenario yang diberikan

    Augmented tour construction heuristics for the travelling salesman problem

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    Tour construction heuristics serve as fundamental techniques in optimizing the routes of a traveling salesman. These heuristics remain significant as foundational methods for generating initial solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), facilitating subsequent applications of tour improvement heuristics. These heuristics effectively comprise the iterative application of city node selection and insertion. However, thus far, no attempts have been made to enhance the basic structure of tour construction heuristics to bring a better initial solution for the advanced heuristics. This study aims to enhance tour construction heuristics without compromising their theoretical complexity. Specifically, an iterative step of partial tour deconstruction has been introduced to the existing heuristics. This additional step has been implemented and evaluated with three highly performing tour construction heuristics: the farthest insertion heuristic, the max difference insertion heuristic, and the fast max difference insertion heuristic. The results demonstrate that augmenting these heuristics with the partial tour deconstruction step improves the best, worst, and average solutions while preserving their theoretical complexit

    Insights into the application of the traveling salesman problem to logistics without considering financial risk: A bibliometric study

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    Suppliers can use different strategies to distribute their products, Among the most common complex optimization problems related to the transportation of products is the traveling salesman problem. In the traveling-salesman problem, a route is chosen that visits each node exactly once, taking into account the shortest travel time, and finally returns to the original node. In this problem, all nodes must be visited. If we consider the application of this problem in logistics, we can study the necessity of this problem in transportation means such as trucks or drones. The upcoming paper is thoroughly studied and researched considering the related articles published in the last three decades, and bibliometric analysis is used for the details of this problem. This paper aims to statistically evaluate the influence and importance of the traveling salesman on logistics without considering financial risk by presenting an analysis of the works published between 1983 and 2023. As part of our comprehensive literature review table with analysis of export, we will conduct a comprehensive review of the most relevant articles in the field from 2020 to 2023 to better understand the trend in the subject in the last few years. Data were obtained from the Web of Science and focused on metrics such as the total number of publications, citations, average citations per publication, and trending countries. Graphical and statistical analysis was performed using Excel and R-Studio. China, the USA, and Germany are the countries with the most publications. Laporte is the most prolific author with 8 publications. Much research has been done on this topic, especially in the Journal of transportation research part E-logistic with 43 articles, and the main application areas are logistics, vehicles, and drones. These data may prove useful to researchers seeking an overview of the traveling salesman problem to determine future research directions