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    Behavior of relational databases is studied within the framework of Relational Discrete Event Systems (RDESes) and Models (RDEMs). Three behavior specification methods based on production systems, recurrence equations, and Petri nets are defined and their expressive powers are compared. Production system RDEM is extended to support non-determinism, and various deterministic and non-deterministic production system interpreters are introduced and formally compared in terms of their expressive power. It is shown that the parallel deterministic interpreter has more expressive power than other interpreters including an OPS5-like interpreter. Since it is also parallel, this makes the parallel deterministic interpreter a very attractive interpreter for production systems.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    On specifying database updates

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    AbstractWe address the problem of formalizing the evolution of a database under the effect of an arbitrary sequence of update transactions. We do so by appealing to a first-order representation language called the situation calculus, which is a standard approach in artificial intelligence to the formalization of planning problems. We formalize database transactions in exactly the same way as actions in the artificial intelligence planning domain. This leads to a database version of the frame problem in artificial intelligence. We provide a solution to the frame problem for a special, but substantial, class of update transactions. Using the axioms corresponding to this solution, we provide procedures for determining whether a given sequence of update transactions is legal, and for query evaluation in an updated database. These procedures have the desirable property that they appeal to theorem-proving only with respect to the initial database state.We next address the problem of proving properties true in all states of the database. It turns out that mathematical induction is required for this task, and we formulate a number of suitable induction principles. Among those properties of database states that we wish to prove are the standard database notions of static and dynamic integrity constraints. In our setting, these emerge as inductive entailments of the database.Finally, we discuss various possible extensions of the approach of this paper, including transaction logs and historical queries, the complexity of query evaluation, actualized transactions, logic programming approaches to updates, database views, and state constraints

    Measure-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Maintenance of Database Integrity

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    [EN] To maintain integrity, constraint violations should be prevented or repaired. However, it may not be feasible to avoid inconsistency, or to repair all violations at once. Based on an abstract concept of violation measures, updates and repairs can be checked for keeping inconsistency bounded, such that integrity violations are guaranteed to never get out of control. This measure-based approach goes beyond conventional methods that are not meant to be applied in the presence of inconsistency. It also generalizes recently introduced concepts of inconsistency-tolerant integrity maintenance.Partially supported by FEDER and the Spanish grants TIN2009-14460-C03 and TIN2010-17139Decker, H. (2013). Measure-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Maintenance of Database Integrity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7693:149-173. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36008-4_7S1491737693Abiteboul, S., Hull, R., Vianu, V.: Foundations of Databases. 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    On the Formal Specification and Derivation of Relational Database Applications

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    The development of database applications is usually carried out informally. The derivation of database programs directly from formal specifications is a well known and unsolved problem. Most of the previous work in the area either tried to solve the problem too generally or was restricted to some trivial aspects, for example deriving the database structure and/or simple operations. This thesis describes an extension to the traditional database design process aimed at formalizing the development of (relational) database applications. Specifically, it gives a complete description of a general method for the specification of relational database applications using Z, as well as a comprehensive description of a set of rules on how to derive database programs from specifications which result from using the method. The method prescribes how to specify all the important aspects of relational database applications, which includes the definition of relations, the specification of constraints, and querying and updating of relations, including error handling. It also addresses more advanced features such as transactions, sorting of results, aggregate functions, etc. However difficult in general, deriving relational database applications directly from Z specifications written according to the method is not arduous. With appropriate tool support, writing formal specifications according to the method and deriving the corresponding relational database programs can be straightforward. Moreover, it should produce code which is standardized and thus easier to understand and maintain. An intrinsic part of the thesis is a prototype which was built to support the method. It provides a syntactic editor for the method and partially implements the mapping for a specific Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), namely the DBPL system