7,829 research outputs found

    Evaluation of color representation for texture analysis

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    Since more than 50 years texture in image material is a topic of research. Hereby, color was ignored mostly. This study compares 70 different configurations for texture analysis, using four features. For the configurations we used: (i) a gray value texture descriptor: the co-occurrence matrix and a color texture descriptor: the color correlogram, (ii) six color spaces, and (iii) several quantization schemes. A three classifier combination was used to classify the output of the configurations on the VisTex texture database. The results indicate that the use of a coarse HSV color space quantization can substantially improve texture recognition compared to various other gray and color quantization schemes

    Audio Classification from Time-Frequency Texture

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    Time-frequency representations of audio signals often resemble texture images. This paper derives a simple audio classification algorithm based on treating sound spectrograms as texture images. The algorithm is inspired by an earlier visual classification scheme particularly efficient at classifying textures. While solely based on time-frequency texture features, the algorithm achieves surprisingly good performance in musical instrument classification experiments

    Perception Driven Texture Generation

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    This paper investigates a novel task of generating texture images from perceptual descriptions. Previous work on texture generation focused on either synthesis from examples or generation from procedural models. Generating textures from perceptual attributes have not been well studied yet. Meanwhile, perceptual attributes, such as directionality, regularity and roughness are important factors for human observers to describe a texture. In this paper, we propose a joint deep network model that combines adversarial training and perceptual feature regression for texture generation, while only random noise and user-defined perceptual attributes are required as input. In this model, a preliminary trained convolutional neural network is essentially integrated with the adversarial framework, which can drive the generated textures to possess given perceptual attributes. An important aspect of the proposed model is that, if we change one of the input perceptual features, the corresponding appearance of the generated textures will also be changed. We design several experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can produce high quality texture images with desired perceptual properties.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, icme201

    Semantics-Aligned Representation Learning for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (reID) aims to match person images to retrieve the ones with the same identity. This is a challenging task, as the images to be matched are generally semantically misaligned due to the diversity of human poses and capture viewpoints, incompleteness of the visible bodies (due to occlusion), etc. In this paper, we propose a framework that drives the reID network to learn semantics-aligned feature representation through delicate supervision designs. Specifically, we build a Semantics Aligning Network (SAN) which consists of a base network as encoder (SA-Enc) for re-ID, and a decoder (SA-Dec) for reconstructing/regressing the densely semantics aligned full texture image. We jointly train the SAN under the supervisions of person re-identification and aligned texture generation. Moreover, at the decoder, besides the reconstruction loss, we add Triplet ReID constraints over the feature maps as the perceptual losses. The decoder is discarded in the inference and thus our scheme is computationally efficient. Ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our design. We achieve the state-of-the-art performances on the benchmark datasets CUHK03, Market1501, MSMT17, and the partial person reID dataset Partial REID. Code for our proposed method is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/Semantics-Aligned-Representation-Learning-for-Person-Re-identification.Comment: Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), code has been release

    Detecting the presence of large buildings in natural images

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    This paper addresses the issue of classification of lowlevel features into high-level semantic concepts for the purpose of semantic annotation of consumer photographs. We adopt a multi-scale approach that relies on edge detection to extract an edge orientation-based feature description of the image, and apply an SVM learning technique to infer the presence of a dominant building object in a general purpose collection of digital photographs. The approach exploits prior knowledge on the image context through an assumption that all input images are �outdoor�, i.e. indoor/outdoor classification (the context determination stage) has been performed. The proposed approach is validated on a diverse dataset of 1720 images and its performance compared with that of the MPEG-7 edge histogram descriptor

    Extended pipeline for content-based feature engineering in music genre recognition

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    We present a feature engineering pipeline for the construction of musical signal characteristics, to be used for the design of a supervised model for musical genre identification. The key idea is to extend the traditional two-step process of extraction and classification with additive stand-alone phases which are no longer organized in a waterfall scheme. The whole system is realized by traversing backtrack arrows and cycles between various stages. In order to give a compact and effective representation of the features, the standard early temporal integration is combined with other selection and extraction phases: on the one hand, the selection of the most meaningful characteristics based on information gain, and on the other hand, the inclusion of the nonlinear correlation between this subset of features, determined by an autoencoder. The results of the experiments conducted on GTZAN dataset reveal a noticeable contribution of this methodology towards the model's performance in classification task.Comment: ICASSP 201