7 research outputs found

    A technique for multicoloring triangle-free hexagonal graphs

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    In order to avoid interference in cellular telephone networks, sets of radio frequencies are to be assigned to transmitters such that adjacent transmitters are allotted disjoint sets of frequencies. Often these transmitters are laid out like vertices of a triangular lattice in a plane. This problem corresponds to the problem of multicoloring an induced subgraph of a triangular lattice with integer demands associated with each vertex. We deal with the simpler case of triangle-free subgraphs of the lattice. [Frédéric Havet, Discrete Math. 233 (2001) 1–3] uses inductive arguments to prove that triangle-free hexagonal graphs can be colored with 7/6 wd + o(1) colors where ωd is the maximum demand on a clique in the graph. We give a simpler proof and hope that our techniques can be used to prove the conjecture by [McDiarmid and Reed, Networks Suppl. 36 (2000) 114–117] that these graphs are 9/8 wd + o(1)-multicolorable.© Elsevie

    A Technique for Multicoloring Triangle-free Hexagonal Graphs

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    In order to avoid interference in cellular telephone networks, sets of radio frequencies are to be assigned to transmitters such that adjacent transmitters are allotted disjoint sets of frequencies. Often these transmitters are laid out like vertices of a triangular lattice in a plane. This problem corresponds to the problem of multicoloring an induced subgraph of a triangular lattice with integer demands associated with each vertex. We deal with the simpler case of triangle-free subgraphs of the lattice. Frédéric Havet[2] uses inductive arguments to prove that triangle-free hexagonal graphs can be colored with 7 6 ωd + o(1) colors where ωd is the maximum demand on a clique in the graph. We give a simpler proof and hope that our techniques can be used to prove the conjecture by McDiarmid and Reed[1] that these graphs are 9 8 ωd + o(1)-multicolorable.