6 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence and its impact on the domains of universal health coverage, health emergencies and health promotion: An overview of systematic reviews

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    [EN] Background: Artificial intelligence is fueling a new revolution in medicine and in the healthcare sector. Despite the growing evidence on the benefits of artificial intelligence there are several aspects that limit the measure of its impact in people & rsquo;s health. It is necessary to assess the current status on the application of AI towards the improvement of people's health in the domains defined by WHO's Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW13) and the European Programme of Work (EPW), to inform about trends, gaps, opportunities, and challenges. Objective: To perform a systematic overview of systematic reviews on the application of artificial intelligence in the people's health domains as defined in the GPW13 and provide a comprehensive and updated map on the application specialties of artificial intelligence in terms of methodologies, algorithms, data sources, outcomes, predictors, performance, and methodological quality. Methods: A systematic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane and IEEEXplore was conducted between January 2015 and June 2021 to collect systematic reviews using a combination of keywords related to the domains of universal health coverage, health emergencies protection, and better health and wellbeing as defined by the WHO's PGW13 and EPW. Eligibility criteria was based on methodological quality and the inclusion of practical implementation of artificial intelligence. Records were classified and labeled using ICD-11 categories into the domains of the GPW13. Descriptors related to the area of implementation, type of modeling, data entities, outcomes and implementation on care delivery were extracted using a structured form and methodological aspects of the included reviews studies was assessed using the AMSTAR checklist. Results: The search strategy resulted in the screening of 815 systematic reviews from which 203 were assessed for eligibility and 129 were included in the review. The most predominant domain for artificial intelligence applications was Universal Health Coverage (N=98) followed by Health Emergencies (N=16) and Better Health and Wellbeing (N=15). Neoplasms area on Universal Health Coverage was the disease area featuring most of the applications (21.7%, N=28). The reviews featured analytics primarily over both public and private data sources (67.44%, N=87). The most used type of data was medical imaging (31.8%, N=41) and predictors based on regions of interest and clinical data. The most prominent subdomain of Artificial Intelligence was Machine Learning (43.4%, N=56), in which Support Vector Machine method was predominant (20.9%, N=27). Regarding the purpose, the application of Artificial Intelligence I is focused on the prediction of the diseases (36.4%, N=47). (...)Martinez-Millana, A.; Saez-Saez, A.; Tornero-Costa, R.; Azzopardi-Muscat, N.; Traver Salcedo, V.; Novillo-Ortiz, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence and its impact on the domains of universal health coverage, health emergencies and health promotion: An overview of systematic reviews. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 166:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.10485511216

    Exploiting scanning surveillance data to inform future strategies for the control of endemic diseases: the example of sheep scab

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    Scanning surveillance facilitates the monitoring of many endemic diseases of livestock in Great Britain, including sheep scab, an ectoparasitic disease of major welfare and economic burden. There is, however, a drive to improve the cost-effectiveness of animal health surveillance, for example by thoroughly exploiting existing data sources. By analysing the Veterinary Investigation Diagnosis Analysis (VIDA) database, this study aimed to enhance the use of existing scanning surveillance data for sheep scab to identify current trends, highlighting geographical “hotspots” for targeted disease control measures, and identifying a denominator to aid the interpretation of the diagnostic count data. Furthermore, this study collated and assessed the impact of past targeted disease control initiatives using a temporal aberration detection algorithm, the Farrington algorithm, to provide an evidence base towards developing cost-effective disease control strategies. A total of 2,401 positive skin scrapes were recorded from 2003 to 2018. A statistically significant decline in the number of positive skin scrapes diagnosed (p < 0.001) occurred across the study period, and significant clustering was observed in Wales, with a maximum of 47 positive scrapes in Ceredigion in 2007. Scheduled ectoparasite tests was also identified as a potential denominator for the interpretation of positive scrapes by stakeholders. Across the study period, 11 national disease control initiatives occurred: four in Wales, three in England, and four in Scotland. The majority (n = 8) offered free diagnostic testing while the remainder involved knowledge transfer either combined with free testing or skills training and the introduction of the Sheep Scab (Scotland) Order 2010. The Farrington algorithm raised 20 alarms of which 11 occurred within a period of free testing in Wales and one following the introduction of the Sheep Scab (Scotland) Order 2010. In summary, our analysis of the VIDA database has greatly enhanced our knowledge of sheep scab in Great Britain, firstly by identifying areas for targeted action and secondly by offering a framework to measure the impact of future disease control initiatives. Importantly this framework could be applied to inform future strategies for the control of other endemic diseases

    Enhancing the use of data for the scanning surveillance of sheep scab as a model for endemic diseases

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    Scanning surveillance facilitates the monitoring of many endemic diseases in Great Britain, including sheep scab, an ectoparasitic disease of major economic and welfare burden. With emerging antiparasitic resistance making the development of control strategies particularly time , specifically to guide future control strategies. In Chapter 2 an existing source of scanning surveillance, positive skin scrape diagnoses ('positive scrapes') reported in the Veterinary Investigation Diagnosis Analysis (VIDA) database, were analysed to identify "hotspots" of disease for targeted control and evaluate a potential denominator to improve the interpretation of the count of positive scrapes. The details of all past targeted disease control initiatives were also collated and a temporal aberration detection algorithm (TADA) was applied to investigate their impact on positive scrape diagnoses. Then, in Chapter 3, data from a recently commercialised diagnostic test, the sheep scab ELISA, were collected and analysed, to explore its current use and uptake since commercialisation, identify risk factors for infestation and to consider its value as a complementary source of scanning surveillance. The results of this study showed a decline in positive scrapes, however, the positive scrapes as a proportion of submissions had remained stable. A strong seasonal pattern with high counts in winter was also observed. Wales was identified as a particular "hotspot", with the highest count of positive scrapes. Furthermore, two potential denominators 'scheduled scrapes' and 'skin submissions' were identified to provide further interpretation of positive scrapes. Finally, 11 disease control initiatives were identified and collated, and the TADA offered a framework to objectively measure the impact of these, showing 'free testing' initiatives had the most impact on positive scrape diagnoses. The sheep scab ELISA demonstrated a steady uptake since the beginning of testing, an established seasonal pattern and broad spatial uptake across England and Wales, with few submissions originating from Scotland. The recommended 12-sample submissions for monitoring were most frequently submitted; however, the majority of submissions originated from itchy sheep, showing this test is also widely used to diagnose sheep with clinical or subclinical signs. For the first time, double fencing was shown to significantly decrease the likelihood of a positive serostatus submission; however, common grazing was not identified as a risk factor. Ultimately, this project resulted in the creation of a new data source that could enhance the scanning surveillance of sheep scab. Using sheep scab as a model, the methods used here offer a framework to improve the use of existing and new data sources for the scanning surveillance of other endemic diseases

    Enhancing outbreak early warning surveillance in resource-limited Pacific island countries and territories

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    Comprehensive, timely, and accurate health data are essential for the detection of outbreak-prone diseases. If these go unnoticed or are identified late, they pose significant risks to the health of a population. In the Pacific islands, a syndrome-based surveillance strategy, known as the Pacific Syndromic Surveillance System (PSSS), is employed for the early detection of outbreaks. The PSSS, implemented in 2010, has provided a mechanism by which resource-limited Pacific island governments have been able to perform routine surveillance activities and address many of their national and international health protection needs and obligations. Despite being a cornerstone of health protection for many Pacific islands, the surveillance system had not been comprehensively evaluated. Nor had behavioural, technical, or upstream health system factors that influence its performance been investigated. This thesis assesses whether the PSSS is meeting its stated objectives and produces evidence to augment technical and operational elements of the system. The thesis answers the following questions: (i) is the PSSS meeting its stated objectives? (ii) are algorithm-based approaches to outbreak detection appropriate in the Pacific island systems and context?; (iii) how can the PSSS be enhanced to meet information needs during public health emergencies?; and (iv) what factors enable and constrain surveillance nurses’data collection and reporting practice? The thesis found that the surveillance system is simple, well regarded, trusted, and context-relevant mechanism that Pacific island governments from across the development spectrum have been able to adopt and maintain with minimal external technical or financial support. Despite these positive findings, the research identified several statistical, procedural, and broader systems barriers to optimal performance, including chronic staffing and other resource constraints, insufficient data on which to base outbreak detection analysis, and poor integration of health information systems. Looking ahead, the thesis identifies practical opportunities for system improvement and highlights areas for further research

    Public Health Monitoring of Behavioural Risk Factors and Mobility in Canada: An IoT-based Big Data Approach

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    Background: Despite the presence of robust global public health surveillance mechanisms, the COVID-19 pandemic devastated the world and exposed the weakness of the public healthcare systems. Public health surveillance has improved in recent years as technology evolved to enable the mining of diverse data sources, for example, electronic medical records, and social media, to monitor diseases and risk factors. However, the current state of the public health surveillance system depends on traditional (e.g., Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)) and modern data sources (e.g., Health insurance registry, Physician billing claims database). While improvement was observed over the past few years, there is still a room for improving the current systems with NextGen data sources (e.g., social media data, Internet of Things data), improved analytical mechanism, reporting, and dissemination of the results to drive improved policymaking at the national and provincial level. With that context, data generated from modern technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) have demonstrated the potential to bridge the gap and be relevant for public health surveillance. This study explores IoT technologies as potential data sources for public health surveillance and assesses their feasibility with a proof of concept. The objectives of this thesis are to use data from IoT technologies, in this case, a smart thermostat with remote sensors that collect real-time data without additional burden on the users, to measure some of the critical population-level health indicators for Canada and its provinces. Methods: This exploratory research thesis utilizes an innovative data source (ecobee) and cloud-based analytical infrastructure (Microsoft Azure). The research started with a pilot study to assess the feasibility and validity of ecobee smart thermostat-generated movement sensor data to calculate population-level indicators for physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep parameters for Canada. In the pilot study, eight participants gathered step counts using a commercially available Fitbit wearable as well as sensor activation data from ecobee smart thermostats. In the second part of the study, a perspective article analyzes the feasibility and utility of IoT data for public health surveillance. In the third part of this study, data from ecobee smart thermostats from the “Donate your Data” program was used to compare the behavioural changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in four provinces of Canada. In the fourth part of the study, data from the “Donate your Data” program was used in conjunction with Google residential mobility data to assess the impact of the work-from-home policy on micro and macro mobility across four provinces of Canada. The study's final part discusses how IoT data can be utilized to improve policy-level decisions and their impact on daily living, with a focus on situations similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: The Spearman correlation coefficient of the step counts from Fitbit and the number of sensors activated was 0.8 (range 0.78-0.90; n=3292) with statistically significant at P < .001 level. The pilot study shows that ecobee sensors data have the potential to generate the population-level health indicators. The indicators generated from IoT data for Canada, Physical Activity, Sleep, and Sedentary Behaviours (PASS) were consistent with values from the PASS indicators developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Following the pilot study, the perspective paper analyzed the possible use of the IoT data from nine critical dimensions: simplicity, flexibility, data quality, acceptability, sensitivity, positive predictive value, representativeness, timeliness, and stability. This paper also described the potential advantages, disadvantages and use cases of IoT data for individual and population-level health indicators. The results from the pilot study and the viewpoint paper show that IoT can become a future data source to complement traditional public health surveillance systems. The third part of the study shows a significant change in behaviour in Canada after the COVID-19 pandemic and work-from-home, stay at home and other policy changes. The sleep habits (average bedtime, wake-up time, sleep duration), average in-house and out-of-the-house duration has been calculated for the four major provinces of Canada (Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia). Compared to pre-pandemic time, the average sleep duration and time spent inside the house has been increased significantly whereas bedtime, and wake-up-time got delayed, and average time spent out-of-the-house decreased significantly during COVID-19 pandemic. The result of the fourth study shows that the in-house mobility (micro-mobility) has been increased after the pandemic related policy changes (e.g., stay-at-home orders, work-from-home policy, emergency declaration). The results were consistent with findings from the Google residential mobility data published by Google. The Pearson correlation coefficient between these datasets was 0.7 (range 0.68-0.8) with statistically significant at P <.001 level. The time-series data analysis for ecobee and google residential mobility data highlights the substantial similarities. The potential strength of IoT data has been demonstrated in the chapter in terms of anomaly detection. Discussion and Conclusion: This research's findings demonstrate that IoT data, in this case, smart thermostats with remote motion sensors, is a viable option to measure population-level health indicators. The impact of the population-level behavioural changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic might be sustained even after policy relaxation and significantly affects physical and mental health. These innovative datasets can strengthen the existing public health surveillance mechanism by providing timely and diverse data to public health officials. These additional data sources can offer surveillance systems with near-real-time health indicators and potentially measure short- and long-term impact policy changes

    Use of Smart Technology Tools for Supporting Public Health Surveillance: From Development of a Mobile Health Platform to Application in Stress Prediction

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    BACKGROUND Traditional public health data collection methods are typically based on self-reported data and may be subject to limitations such as biases, delays between collection and reporting, costs, and logistics. These may affect the quality of collected information and the ability of public health agencies to monitor and improve the health of populations. An alternative may be the use of personal, off-the-shelf smart devices (e.g., smartphones and smartwatches) as additional data collection tools. These devices can collect passive, continuous, real-time and objective health-related data, mitigating some of the limitations of self-reported information. The novel data types can then be used to further study and predict a condition in a population through advanced analytics. In this context, this thesis’ goal is to investigate new ways to support public health through the use of consumer-level smart technologies as complementary survey, monitoring and analyses tools, with a focus on perceived stress. To this end, a mobile health platform (MHP) that collects data from devices connected to Apple Health was developed and tested in a pilot study collecting self-reported and objective stress-related information, and a number of Machine Learning (ML) models were developed based on these data to monitor and predict the stress levels of participants. METHODS The mobile platform was created for iOS using the XCode software, allowing users to self-report their stress levels based on the stress subscale of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) as well as a single-item LIKERT-based scale. The platform also collects objective data from sensors that integrate with Apple Health, one of the most popular mobile health data repositories. A pilot study with 45 participants was conducted that uses the platform to collects stress self-reports and variables associated with stress from Apple Health, including heart rate, heart rate variability, ECG, sleep, blood pressure, weight, temperature, and steps. To this end, participants were given an iPhone with the platform installed as well as an Apple Watch, Withings Sleep, Withings Thermos, Withings BPM Connect, Withings Body+, and an Empatica E4 (the only device that does not connect to Apple Health but included due to its wide use in research). Participants were instructed to take device measurements and self-report stress levels 6 times per day for 14 days. Several experiments were conducted involving the development of ML models to predict stress based on the data, using Random Forests and Support Vector Machines. In each experiment, different subsets of the data from the full sample of 45 participants were used. 3 approaches to model development were followed: a) creating generalized models with all data; b) a hybrid approach using 80% of participants to train and 20% to test the model c) creating individualized user-specific models for each participant. In addition, statistical analyses of the data – specifically Spearman correlation and repeated measures ANOVA – were conducted. RESULTS Statistical analyses did not find significant differences between groups and only weak significant correlations. Among the Machine Learning models, the approach of using generalized models performed well, with f1-macro scores above 60% for several of the samples and features investigated. User-specific models also showed promise, with 82% achieving accuracies higher than 60% (the bottom limit of the state-of-the-art). While the hybrid approach had lower f1-macro scores, suggesting the models could not predict the two classes well, the accuracy of several of these models was in line with the state-of-the-art. Apple Watch sleep features, as well as weight, blood pressure, and temperature, were shown to be important in building the models. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ML-based models built with data collected from the MHP in real-life conditions were able to predict stress with results often in line with state-of-the- art, showing that smart technology data can be a promising tool to support public health surveillance. In particular, the approaches of creating models for each participant or one generalized model were successful, although more validation is needed in future studies (e.g., with more purposeful sampling) for increased generalizability and validity on the use of these technologies in the real-world. The hybrid approach had good accuracy but lower f1-scores, indicating results could potentially be improved (e.g., possibly with less missing or noisy data, collected in more controlled conditions). For feature selection, important features included sleep data as well as weight, blood pressure and temperature from mobile and wearable devices. In summary, this study indicates that a platform such as the MHP, collecting data from smart technologies, could potentially be a novel tool to complement population-level public health data collection. The predictive stress modelling might be used to monitor stress levels in a population and provide personalized interventions. Although more validation may be needed, this work represents a step in this direction