4 research outputs found

    Smart Contracts to Support the Advancement of Blockchain Technology in the Security Integrity

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    The development of technology today is used as a benchmark in the advancement of the industrial world where the development of technology has influenced various aspects in the life of today's society. Smart contracts as one form of blockchain technology that resembles a conventional contract can be used to bind agreements between one party and another. One difference between a smart contract and a conventional contract is the smart contract that is stored in the blockchain. With the presence of smart contracts on the blockchain has become one of the most sought-after technologies, because the number of users is high enough for each transaction within the company. In this case various features of smart contracts applications in various worlds, ranging from financial services, life sciences, energy resources and media voting. Smart contracts still pose a lot of challenges that overwhelm the interaction of some Parties, such as users, developers, and organizations built on smart contracts. Smart contracts are essentially a very effective source of problem solvers, where smart contracts on the blockchain make it easy to maintain data security, and save costs and time. In addition, in the absence of third parties strongly minimizes the fraud that is often done by irresponsible parties, this prevents conflicts between parties. Prone to cases of loss of a document is generated because there is no secure storage media. The advent of smart contracts on the blockchain is expected to be a solution to tackle most of the world's commercial and bureaucratic systems. &nbsp

    A Survey on Efficient Parallelization of Blockchain-based Smart Contracts

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    Hacia una regulación de los smart contracts: especial referencia al sector financiero

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    Esta tesis doctoral aborda un tema complejo y de actualidad. Complejo, porque no es posible estudiarlo desde un punto de vista jurídico, sin un conocimiento previo de la tecnología subyacente - el blockchain. Y de actualidad, porque esta tecnología ya ha tenido un profundo impacto en el sector financiero en general, coincidiendo con una tendencia reguladora en este campo que no tiene precedentes normativos en los que basarse. El mundo financiero, el derecho bancario, el derecho de valores y los contratos comerciales se enfrentan a retos que no se pueden ignorar. Este trabajo de investigación aborda esta tecnología desde una perspectiva jurídica, valorando en qué medida el ordenamiento jurídico se está adaptando al ritmo exigido; en qué medida el régimen jurídico vigente ofrece soluciones y puede aplicarse, con ligeras adaptaciones, a esta nueva realidad económico-comercial; y, por último, cuáles son los elementos y características diferenciales de las aplicaciones de la tecnología blockchain, que deben tenerse en cuenta para una adecuada regulación de las mismas, que responda a los problemas que plantean. Conocer los beneficios, riesgos y ventajas son elementos esenciales a considerar en el proceso de regulación, ya iniciado y guiado por la UE, en su voluntad de apostar por la innovación digital en la economía de la Eurozona.This doctoral thesis addresses a complex and topical issue. Complex, because it is not possible to study it from a legal point of view, without prior knowledge of the underlying technology -blockchain. And current, because this technology has already had a profound impact on the financial sector in a broad sense, coinciding with a regulatory trend on the subject that has no regulatory precedent to rely on. The financial world, banking law, securities law and commercial contracts face challenges that cannot be ignored. In this research work an approach to this technology is made from a legal perspective, assessing to what extent the legal system is adapting to the required pace, to what extent the current legal regime offers solutions and can be applied, with slight adaptations, to this new economic-mercantile reality; and, finally, what are the differential elements and characteristics of the applications of blockchain technology, which must be taken into account for an adequate regulation of the same, which responds to the problems they pose. Knowing the utilities, risks and advantages are essential elements to consider in the regulatory process, which has already been initiated and led by the the EU, in its desire to bet on digital innovation in the economy of the Eurozone.Questa tesi di dottorato affronta un tema complesso e attuale. Complesso, perché non è possibile studiarlo da un punto di vista giuridico, senza una preventiva conoscenza della tecnologia sottostante - la blockchain. E attuale, perché questa tecnologia ha già avuto un profondo impatto sul settore finanziario in senso lato, coincidendo con una tendenza normativa in materia che non ha precedenti normativi su cui basarsi. Il mondo finanziario, il diritto bancario, il diritto dei valori mobiliari e i contratti commerciali devono affrontare sfide che non possono essere ignorate. In questo lavoro di ricerca si affronta questa tecnologia da un punto di vista giuridico, valutando in che misura l'ordinamento giuridico si sta adattando al ritmo richiesto, in che misura l'attuale regime giuridico offre soluzioni e può essere applicato, con lievi adattamenti, a questa nuova realtà economico-mercantile; e, infine, quali sono gli elementi e le caratteristiche differenziali delle applicazioni della tecnologia blockchain, che devono essere presi in considerazione per una regolamentazione adeguata delle stesse, che risponda ai problemi che pongono. Conoscere le utilità, i rischi e i vantaggi sono elementi essenziali da considerare nel processo di regolamentazione, che è già stato avviato e guidato dall'UE, nella sua volontà di scommettere sull'innovazione digitale nell'economia dell'Eurozona