5 research outputs found

    A survey of statistical approaches for query expansion

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    A major issue in effective information retrieval is the problem of vocabulary mismatches. The method called query expansion addresses this issue by reformulating each search query with additional terms that better define the information needs of the user. Many researchers have contributed to improving the accuracy of information retrieval systems, through different approaches to query expansion. In this article, we primarily discuss statistical query expansion approaches that include document analysis, search and browse log analyses, and web knowledge analyses. In addition to proposing a comprehensive classification for these approaches, we also briefly analyse the pros and cons of each technique. Finally, we evaluate these techniques using five functional features and experimental settings such as TREC collection and results of performance metrics. An in-depth survey of different statistical query expansion approaches suggests that the selection of the best approach depends on the type of search query, the nature and availability of data resources, and performance efficiency requirements

    Kombinasi Ekstraksi Kata Kunci dan Ekspansi Kueri Untuk Deteksi Isu Etik pada Ringkasan Penelitian Kesehatan

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    Penelitian kesehatan harus melalui proses telaah etik yang bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi dugaan atas risiko fisik, sosial, ekonomi dan psikologis. Secara etik penelitian kesehatan dapat diterima apabila pada penelitian tersebut mampu dibuktikan dengan metode ilmiah yang valid serta lulus uji etik sebelum penelitian dilakukan. Untuk memastikan pada ringkasan penelitian kesehatan terdapat aspek etik, dibutuhkan kata kunci yang dapat dijadikan representasi dari isi ringkasan tersebut. Salah satu pendekatan yang sering dilakukan adalah dengan menghitung frekuensi kemunculan kata dalam dokumen. Pendekatan lain yaitu pendekatan YAKE dan keyBERT yang tidak hanya menghitung frekuensi kata namun juga menghitung konteks kata. Selain melakukan ekstraksi dilakukan juga proses ekspansi kueri sebagai upaya memperluas istilah yang dapat mewakili masing-masing aspek etik. Salah satu pendekatan yang digunakan untuk ekspansi kueri adalah model word2Vec. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode pengembangan ekspansi kueri dengan dan metode ekstraksi kata kunci seperti TFIDF,YAKE dan keyBERT dan mengombinasikannya dengan fuzzy. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa metode paling unggul secara presisi yaitu YAKE dan gabungan antara TFIDF + YAKE + keyBERT dengan nilai tertinggi 46% kemudian dari untuk recall model YAKE mendapat nilai tertinggi dengan angka 72% dan untuk nilai F1-Score yang paling unggul adalah metode YAKE dengan nilai tertinggi 54%

    Geographical queries reformulation using a parallel association rules generator to build spatial taxonomies

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    Geographical queries need a special process of reformulation by information retrieval systems (IRS) due to their specificities and hierarchical structure. This fact is ignored by most of web search engines. In this paper, we propose an automatic approach for building a spatial taxonomy, that models’ the notion of adjacency that will be used in the reformulation of the spatial part of a geographical query. This approach exploits the documents that are in top of the retrieved list when submitting a spatial entity, which is composed of a spatial relation and a noun of a city. Then, a transactional database is constructed, considering each document extracted as a transaction that contains the nouns of the cities sharing the country of the submitted query’s city. The algorithm frequent pattern growth (FP-growth) is applied to this database in his parallel version (parallel FP-growth: PFP) in order to generate association rules, that will form the country’s taxonomy in a Big Data context. Experiments has been conducted on Spark and their results show that query reformulation using the taxonomy constructed based on our proposed approach improves the precision and the effectiveness of the IRS

    Students’ Performance Prediction in Higher Education Using Multi-Agent Framework-Based Distributed Data Mining Approach: A Review

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    An effective educational program warrants the inclusion of an innovative construction that enhances the higher education efficacy in such a way that accelerates the achievement of desired results and reduces the risk of failures. Educational decision support system has currently been a hot topic in educational systems, facilitating the pupil result monitoring and evaluation to be performed during their development. In this literature survey, the authors have discussed the importance of multi-agent systems and comparative machine learning approaches in EDSS development. They explored the relationship between machine learning and multiagent intelligent systems in literature to conclude their effectiveness in student performance prediction paradigm. They used the PRISMA model for the literature review process. They finalized 18 articles published between 2014-2022 for the survey that match the research objectives