3 research outputs found

    An Experiment on Multi-Video Transmission with Multipoint Tiled Display Wall, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 1

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    In order to realize realistic remote communication between multipoint remote places via the Internet, displaying the appearance of remote participants by transmission of a video streaming with the large-sized display system is effective. However, the display of video streaming with sufficient quality is difficult because the specification of a commercial projector and large-sized display equipment is low-resolution. In order to these issues, we focus on the tiled display wall technology which configure effective wide-area screen system with two or more LCD panels and tried to display a high-resolution video streaming on the large-scale display environment. In this paper, we have constructed remote communication environment with tiled display wall in multipoint sites and have conducted experiment in order to study the possibility of realizing realistic remote communication with multi-video streaming. As these results, these video streaming from each site have been shown to display more high-quality than magnified view of video image by a single small camera. Moreover, we have measured the network throughput performance for each transmitted and received video streaming in this environment. From measurement results, the steady throughput performance has been gained at the case of each transmitted and received video streaming

    VR Jugglerを用いたPCクラスタによる没入型ディスプレイの構築

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     PCクラスタを構成することにより、没入型VR環境を構築した。システムは、低価格、アプリケーション構築の容易性、システムのスケーラビリティといった設計指針に基づいて実装された。GPU搭載のPCを4台つなげて、立体視映像を同期生成する。没入型VR環境を構築するためのフレームワークとして、VR Jugglerを利用した。複数のPCをネットワーク接続し、同期的にグラフィックス・レンダリングを行う機能を提供する。仮想世界のシーンを構築するフレームワークとして、OpenSceneGraphを利用した。教育応用を目的として、ラムサール条約に登録されている干潟を自由に動き回る体験ができる可視化アプリケーションを開発した