4 research outputs found

    An architecture for a heterogeneous private IaaS management system

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    Cloud computing and, more particularly, private IaaS, is seen as a mature technology with a myriad solutions tochoose from. However, this disparity of solutions and products has instilled in potential adopters the fear of vendor and data lock-in. Several competing and incompatible interfaces and management styles have given even more voice to these fears. On top of this, cloud users might want to work with several solutions at the same time, an integration that is difficult to achieve in practice. In this paper, we propose a management architecture that tries to tackle these problems; it offers a common way of managing several cloud solutions, and an interface that can be tailored to the needs of the user. This management architecture is designed in a modular way, and using a generic information model. We have validated our approach through the implementation of the components needed for this architecture to support a sample private IaaS solution: OpenStac

    A Generic Development and Deployment Framework for Cloud Computing and Distributed Applications

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    Cloud computing have paved the way for advance of IT-based demand services. This technology helps decrease operation costs, solve scalability issue and many more user and provider constraints. However, development and deployment of distributed applications on cloud environment becomes a more and more complex tasks. Cloud users must spend a lot of time to prepare, install and configure their applications on clouds. In addition, after development and deployment, the applications almost cannot move from a cloud to others due to the lack of interoperability between them. To address these problems, we present in this paper a novel development and deployment framework for cloud distributed applications/services. Our approach is based on abstraction and object-oriented programming technique, allowing users to easily and rapidly develop and deploy their services into cloud environment. The approach also enables service migration and interoperability among the clouds

    Cloud Computing Distilled: What the Practitioner Needs to Know

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    While cloud computing has moved to the forefront of strategic IT initiatives in recent years, only a few articles have focused on the basic fundamentals, and none have been written with the practitioner in mind. This article presents a basic, yet comprehensive discussion on what cloud computing is, and how it works. The article identifies and describes the core concepts that an IT manager should know about cloud computing, and provides simple explanations for how the fundamental methods of cloud are used and their impacts upon business processes. This article divides the technology of cloud computing into four distinct categories: service models, delivery architecture models, virtualization and performance. We describe three service models of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, three architecture models of public, private and hybrid cloud, explain how virtualization technology works, and discuss the current trends in performance factors of HA, FT, scalability, optimization, control and management

    Elasticidade em cloud computing: conceito, estado da arte e novos desafios

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    A elasticidade é sem dúvida uma das características mais marcantes da computação em nuvem, sendo um diferencial desse tipo de sistema distribuído em relação a outros como grades computacionais e peer-to-peer. Com base nos paradigmas de computação sobre demanda e pague-pelo-que-use, é possível dinamicamente aumentar ou diminuir instâncias de máquinas virtuais e/ou nós de computação, bem como aplicar reconfigurações de percentagem de CPU, memória e largura de banda de rede relativos a um serviço em nuvem. Além dos evidentes benefícios de custo e desempenho para o usuário, o provedor da nuvem também tem a vantagem de oferecer um melhor uso dos recursos perante seus usuários. Nesse contexto, esse artigo apresenta o estado-da-arte na área de elasticidade em nuvem, enfatizando desde a abordagem padrão que usa transações Web até iniciativas para a computação de alto desempenho. Ainda, o artigo discute sobre métricas para ativação da elasticidade, o seu nível de atuação (SaaS, PaaS ou IaaS), bem como a interface de uso (sem intervenção do usuário, linha de comando, ferramenta gráfica ou diretivas de programação). Para fins de experimentação, um estudo de caso do emprego da elasticidade em aplicações de alto desempenho sobre o middleware OpenNebula é apresentado e discutido. Por fim, o artigo aponta os desafios na área e oportunidades de pesquisa, tanto no cunho das nuvens privadas quanto públicas