1,367 research outputs found

    Preconditioned Locally Harmonic Residual Method for Computing Interior Eigenpairs of Certain Classes of Hermitian Matrices

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    We propose a Preconditioned Locally Harmonic Residual (PLHR) method for computing several interior eigenpairs of a generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem, without traditional spectral transformations, matrix factorizations, or inversions. PLHR is based on a short-term recurrence, easily extended to a block form, computing eigenpairs simultaneously. PLHR can take advantage of Hermitian positive definite preconditioning, e.g., based on an approximate inverse of an absolute value of a shifted matrix, introduced in [SISC, 35 (2013), pp. A696-A718]. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that PLHR is efficient and robust for certain classes of large-scale interior eigenvalue problems, involving Laplacian and Hamiltonian operators, especially if memory requirements are tight

    Randomized Riemannian Preconditioning for Orthogonality Constrained Problems

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    Optimization problems with (generalized) orthogonality constraints are prevalent across science and engineering. For example, in computational science they arise in the symmetric (generalized) eigenvalue problem, in nonlinear eigenvalue problems, and in electronic structures computations, to name a few problems. In statistics and machine learning, they arise, for example, in canonical correlation analysis and in linear discriminant analysis. In this article, we consider using randomized preconditioning in the context of optimization problems with generalized orthogonality constraints. Our proposed algorithms are based on Riemannian optimization on the generalized Stiefel manifold equipped with a non-standard preconditioned geometry, which necessitates development of the geometric components necessary for developing algorithms based on this approach. Furthermore, we perform asymptotic convergence analysis of the preconditioned algorithms which help to characterize the quality of a given preconditioner using second-order information. Finally, for the problems of canonical correlation analysis and linear discriminant analysis, we develop randomized preconditioners along with corresponding bounds on the relevant condition number

    On acceleration of Krylov-subspace-based Newton and Arnoldi iterations for incompressible CFD: replacing time steppers and generation of initial guess

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    We propose two techniques aimed at improving the convergence rate of steady state and eigenvalue solvers preconditioned by the inverse Stokes operator and realized via time-stepping. First, we suggest a generalization of the Stokes operator so that the resulting preconditioner operator depends on several parameters and whose action preserves zero divergence and boundary conditions. The parameters can be tuned for each problem to speed up the convergence of a Krylov-subspace-based linear algebra solver. This operator can be inverted by the Uzawa-like algorithm, and does not need a time-stepping. Second, we propose to generate an initial guess of steady flow, leading eigenvalue and eigenvector using orthogonal projection on a divergence-free basis satisfying all boundary conditions. The approach, including the two proposed techniques, is illustrated on the solution of the linear stability problem for laterally heated square and cubic cavities

    Block Locally Optimal Preconditioned Eigenvalue Xolvers (BLOPEX) in hypre and PETSc

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    We describe our software package Block Locally Optimal Preconditioned Eigenvalue Xolvers (BLOPEX) publicly released recently. BLOPEX is available as a stand-alone serial library, as an external package to PETSc (``Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation'', a general purpose suite of tools for the scalable solution of partial differential equations and related problems developed by Argonne National Laboratory), and is also built into {\it hypre} (``High Performance Preconditioners'', scalable linear solvers package developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory). The present BLOPEX release includes only one solver--the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) method for symmetric eigenvalue problems. {\it hypre} provides users with advanced high-quality parallel preconditioners for linear systems, in particular, with domain decomposition and multigrid preconditioners. With BLOPEX, the same preconditioners can now be efficiently used for symmetric eigenvalue problems. PETSc facilitates the integration of independently developed application modules with strict attention to component interoperability, and makes BLOPEX extremely easy to compile and use with preconditioners that are available via PETSc. We present the LOBPCG algorithm in BLOPEX for {\it hypre} and PETSc. We demonstrate numerically the scalability of BLOPEX by testing it on a number of distributed and shared memory parallel systems, including a Beowulf system, SUN Fire 880, an AMD dual-core Opteron workstation, and IBM BlueGene/L supercomputer, using PETSc domain decomposition and {\it hypre} multigrid preconditioning. We test BLOPEX on a model problem, the standard 7-point finite-difference approximation of the 3-D Laplacian, with the problem size in the range 105−10810^5-10^8.Comment: Submitted to SIAM Journal on Scientific Computin
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