2,679 research outputs found

    Receiver-Initiated Handshaking MAC Based On Traffic Estimation for Underwater Sensor Networks

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    In underwater sensor networks (UWSNs), the unique characteristics of acoustic channels have posed great challenges for the design of medium access control (MAC) protocols. The long propagation delay problem has been widely explored in recent literature. However, the long preamble problem with acoustic modems revealed in real experiments brings new challenges to underwater MAC design. The overhead of control messages in handshaking-based protocols becomes significant due to the long preamble in underwater acoustic modems. To address this problem, we advocate the receiver-initiated handshaking method with parallel reservation to improve the handshaking efficiency. Despite some existing works along this direction, the data polling problem is still an open issue. Without knowing the status of senders, the receiver faces two challenges for efficient data polling: when to poll data from the sender and how much data to request. In this paper, we propose a traffic estimation-based receiver-initiated MAC (TERI-MAC) to solve this problem with an adaptive approach. Data polling in TERI-MAC depends on an online approximation of traffic distribution. It estimates the energy efficiency and network latency and starts the data request only when the preferred performance can be achieved. TERI-MAC can achieve a stable energy efficiency with arbitrary network traffic patterns. For traffic estimation, we employ a resampling technique to keep a small computation and memory overhead. The performance of TERI-MAC in terms of energy efficiency, channel utilization, and communication latency is verified in simulations. Our results show that, compared with existing receiver-initiated-based underwater MAC protocols, TERI-MAC can achieve higher energy efficiency at the price of a delay penalty. This confirms the strength of TERI-MAC for delay-tolerant applications

    Receiver-Initiated Handshaking MAC Based on Traffic Estimation for Underwater Sensor Networks

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    In underwater sensor networks (UWSNs), the unique characteristics of acoustic channels have posed great challenges for the design of medium access control (MAC) protocols. The long propagation delay problem has been widely explored in recent literature. However,the long preamble problem with acoustic modems revealed in real experiments brings new challenges to underwater MAC design. The overhead of control messages in handshaking-based protocols becomes significant due to the long preamble in underwater acoustic modems. To address this problem, we advocate the receiver-initiated handshaking method with parallel reservation to improve the handshaking efficiency. Despite some existing works along this direction, the data polling problem is still an open issue. Without knowing the status of senders, the receiver faces two challenges for efficient data polling: when to poll data from the sender and how much data to request. In this paper, we propose a traffic estimation-basedreceiver-initiated MAC(TERI-MAC)to solve this problem with an adaptive approach. Data polling in TERI-MAC depends on an online approximation of traffic distribution. It estimates the energy efficiency and network latency and starts the data request only when the preferred performance can be achieved. TERI-MAC can achieve a stable energy efficiency with arbitrary network traffic patterns. For traffic estimation, we employ a resampling technique to keep a small computation and memory overhead. The performance of TERI-MAC in terms of energy efficiency, channel utilization, and communication latency is verified in simulations. Our results show that, compared with existing receiver-initiated-based underwater MAC protocols, TERI-MAC can achieve higher energy efficiency at the price of a delay penalty. This confirms the strength of TERI-MAC for delay-tolerant applications

    Short-Range Underwater Acoustic Communication Networks

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    This chapter discusses the development of a short range acoustic communication channel model and its properties for the design and evaluation of MAC (Medium Access Control) and routing protocols, to support network enabled Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). The growth of underwater operations has required data communication between various heterogeneous underwater and surface based communication nodes. AUVs are one such node, however, in the future, AUV’s will be expected to be deployed in a swarm fashion operating as an ad-hoc sensor network. In this case, the swarm network itself will be developed with homogeneous nodes, that is each being identical, as shown in Figure 1, with the swarm network then interfacing with other fixed underwater communication nodes. The focus of this chapter is on the reliable data communication between AUVs that is essential to exploit the collective behaviour of a swarm network

    Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this chapter, we present a literature survey of an emerging, cutting-edge, and multi-disciplinary field of research at the intersection of Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which we refer to as Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks (RWSN). We define a RWSN as an autonomous networked multi-robot system that aims to achieve certain sensing goals while meeting and maintaining certain communication performance requirements, through cooperative control, learning and adaptation. While both of the component areas, i.e., Robotics and WSN, are very well-known and well-explored, there exist a whole set of new opportunities and research directions at the intersection of these two fields which are relatively or even completely unexplored. One such example would be the use of a set of robotic routers to set up a temporary communication path between a sender and a receiver that uses the controlled mobility to the advantage of packet routing. We find that there exist only a limited number of articles to be directly categorized as RWSN related works whereas there exist a range of articles in the robotics and the WSN literature that are also relevant to this new field of research. To connect the dots, we first identify the core problems and research trends related to RWSN such as connectivity, localization, routing, and robust flow of information. Next, we classify the existing research on RWSN as well as the relevant state-of-the-arts from robotics and WSN community according to the problems and trends identified in the first step. Lastly, we analyze what is missing in the existing literature, and identify topics that require more research attention in the future

    Maximize resource utilization based channel access model with presence of reactive jammer for underwater wireless sensor network

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    Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) are vulnerable to jamming attacks. Especially, reactive jamming which emerged as a greatest security threat to UWSNs. Reactive jammer are difficult to be removed, defended and identified. Since reactive jammer can control and regulate (i.e., the duration of the jam signal) the probability of jamming for maintaining high vulnerability with low detection probability. The existing model are generally designed considering terrestrial wireless sensor networks (TWSNs). Further, these models are limited in their ability to detect jamming correctly, distinguish between the corrupted and uncorrupted parts of a packet, and be adaptive with the dynamic environment. Cooperative jamming model has presented in recent times to utilize resource efficiently. However, very limited work is carried out using cooperative jamming detection. For overcoming research challenges, this work present Maximize Resource Utilization based Channel Access (MRUCA). The MRUCA uses cross layer design for mitigating reactive jammer (i.e., MRUCA jointly optimizes the cooperative hopping probabilities and channel accessibility probabilities of authenticated sensor device). Along with channel, load capacity of authenticated sensor device is estimated to utilize (maximize) resource efficiently. Experiment outcome shows the proposed MRUCA model attain superior performance than state-of-art model in terms of packet transmission, BER and Detection rate

    Medium access control, error control and routing in underwater acoustic networks: a discussion on protocol design and implementation

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    The journey of underwater communication which began from Leonardo’s era took four and a half centuries to find practical applications for military purposes during World War II. However, over the last three decades, underwater acoustic communications witnessed a massive development due to the advancements in the design of underwater communicating peripherals and their supporting protocols. Successively, doors are opened for a wide range of applications to employ in the underwater environment, such as oceanography, pollution monitoring, offshore exploration, disaster prevention, navigation assistance, monitoring, coastal patrol and surveillance. Different applications may have different characteristics and hence, may require different network architectures. For instance, routing protocols designed for unpartitioned multi-hop networks are not suitable for Delay-Tolerant Networks. Furthermore, single-hop networks do not need routing protocols at all. Therefore, before developing a protocol one must study the network architecture properly and design it accordingly. There are several other factors which should also be considered with the network architecture while designing an efficient protocol for underwater networks, such as long propagation delay, limited bandwidth, limited battery power, high bit error rate of the channel and several other adverse properties of the channel, such as, multi-path, fading and refractive behaviors. Moreover, the environment also has an impact on the performance of the protocols designed for underwater networks. Even temperature changes in a single day have an impact on the performance of the protocols. A good protocol designed for any network should consider some or all of these characteristics to achieve better performance. In this thesis, we first discuss the impact of the environment on the performance of MAC and routing protocols. From our investigation, we discover that even temperature changes within a day may affect the sound speed profile and hence, the channel changes and the protocol performance vary. After that we discuss several protocols which are specifically designed for underwater acoustic networks to serve different purposes and for different network architectures. Underwater Selective Repeat (USR) is an error control protocol designed to assure reliable data transmission in the MAC layer. One may suspect that employing an error control technique over a channel which already suffers from long propagation delays is a burden. However, USR utilizes long propagation by transmitting multiple packets in a single RTT using an interlacing technique. After USR, a routing protocol for surveillance networks is discussed where some sensors are laid down at the bottom of the sea and some sinks are placed outside the area. If a sensor detects an asset within its detection range, it announces the presence of intruders by transmitting packets to the sinks. It may happen that the discovered asset is an enemy ship or an enemy submarine which creates noise to jam the network. Therefore, in surveillance networks, it is necessary that the protocols have jamming resistance capabilities. Moreover, since the network supports multiple sinks with similar anycast address, we propose a Jamming Resistance multi-path Multi-Sink Routing Protocol (MSRP) using a source routing technique. However, the problem of source routing is that it suffers from large overhead (every packet includes the whole path information) with respect to other routing techniques, and also suffers from the unidirectional link problem. Therefore, another routing protocol based on a distance vector technique, called Multi-path Routing with Limited Cross-Path Interference (L-CROP) protocol is proposed, which employs a neighbor-aware multi-path discovery algorithm to support low interference multiple paths between each source-destination pair. Following that, another routing protocol is discussed for next generation coastal patrol and surveillance network, called Underwater Delay-Tolerant Network (UDTN) routing where some AUVs carry out the patrolling work of a given area and report to a shore based control-center. Since the area to be patrolled is large, AUVs experience intermittent connectivity. In our proposed protocol, two nodes that understand to be in contact with each other calculate and divide their contact duration equally so that every node gets a fair share of the contact duration to exchange data. Moreover, a probabilistic spray technique is employed to restrict the number of packet transmissions and for error correction a modified version of USR is employed. In the appendix, we discuss a framework which was designed by our research group to realize underwater communication through simulation which is used in most of the simulations in this thesis, called DESERT Underwater (short for DEsign, Simulate, Emulate and Realize Test-beds for Underwater network protocols). It is an underwater extension of the NS-Miracle simulator to support the design and implementation of underwater network protocols. Its creation assists the researchers in to utilizing the same codes designed for the simulator to employ in actual hardware devices and test in the real underwater scenario