8 research outputs found

    Evaluating implicit feedback models using searcher simulations

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    In this article we describe an evaluation of relevance feedback (RF) algorithms using searcher simulations. Since these algorithms select additional terms for query modification based on inferences made from searcher interaction, not on relevance information searchers explicitly provide (as in traditional RF), we refer to them as implicit feedback models. We introduce six different models that base their decisions on the interactions of searchers and use different approaches to rank query modification terms. The aim of this article is to determine which of these models should be used to assist searchers in the systems we develop. To evaluate these models we used searcher simulations that afforded us more control over the experimental conditions than experiments with human subjects and allowed complex interaction to be modeled without the need for costly human experimentation. The simulation-based evaluation methodology measures how well the models learn the distribution of terms across relevant documents (i.e., learn what information is relevant) and how well they improve search effectiveness (i.e., create effective search queries). Our findings show that an implicit feedback model based on Jeffrey's rule of conditioning outperformed other models under investigation

    Boolean logic algebra driven similarity measure for text based applications

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    In Information Retrieval (IR), Data Mining (DM), and Machine Learning (ML), similarity measures have been widely used for text clustering and classification. The similarity measure is the cornerstone upon which the performance of most DM and ML algorithms is completely dependent. Thus, till now, the endeavor in literature for an effective and efficient similarity measure is still immature. Some recently-proposed similarity measures were effective, but have a complex design and suffer from inefficiencies. This work, therefore, develops an effective and efficient similarity measure of a simplistic design for text-based applications. The measure developed in this work is driven by Boolean logic algebra basics (BLAB-SM), which aims at effectively reaching the desired accuracy at the fastest run time as compared to the recently developed state-of-the-art measures. Using the term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) schema, the K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and the K-means clustering algorithm, a comprehensive evaluation is presented. The evaluation has been experimentally performed for BLAB-SM against seven similarity measures on two most-popular datasets, Reuters-21 and Web-KB. The experimental results illustrate that BLAB-SM is not only more efficient but also significantly more effective than state-of-the-art similarity measures on both classification and clustering tasks

    A set theory based similarity measure for text clustering and classification

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Similarity measures have long been utilized in information retrieval and machine learning domains for multi-purposes including text retrieval, text clustering, text summarization, plagiarism detection, and several other text-processing applications. However, the problem with these measures is that, until recently, there has never been one single measure recorded to be highly effective and efficient at the same time. Thus, the quest for an efficient and effective similarity measure is still an open-ended challenge. This study, in consequence, introduces a new highly-effective and time-efficient similarity measure for text clustering and classification. Furthermore, the study aims to provide a comprehensive scrutinization for seven of the most widely used similarity measures, mainly concerning their effectiveness and efficiency. Using the K-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN) for classification, the K-means algorithm for clustering, and the bag of word (BoW) model for feature selection, all similarity measures are carefully examined in detail. The experimental evaluation has been made on two of the most popular datasets, namely, Reuters-21 and Web-KB. The obtained results confirm that the proposed set theory-based similarity measure (STB-SM), as a pre-eminent measure, outweighs all state-of-art measures significantly with regards to both effectiveness and efficiency

    An Automatic Similarity Detection Engine Between Sacred Texts Using Text Mining and Similarity Measures

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    Is there any similarity between the contexts of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, and can this be proven mathematically? The purpose of this research is using the Bible and the Quran as our corpus, we explore the performance of various feature extraction and machine learning techniques. The unstructured nature of text data adds an extra layer of complexity in the feature extraction task, and the inherently sparse nature of the corresponding data matrices makes text mining a distinctly difficult task. Among other things, We assess the difference between domain-based syntactic feature extraction and domain-free feature extraction, and then use a variety of similarity measures like Euclidean, Hillinger, Manhattan, cosine, Bhattacharyya, symmetries kullback-leibler, Jensen Shannon, probabilistic chi-square and clark. For a similarity to identify similarities and differences between sacred texts. Initially I started by comparing chapters of two raw text using the proximity measures to visualize their behaviors on high dimensional and spars space. It was apparent there was similarity between some of the chapters, but it was not conclusive. Therefore, there was a need to clean the noise using the so called Natural Language processing (NLP). For example, to minimize the size of two vectors, We initiated lists of similar vocabulary that worded differently in both texts but indicates the same exact meaning. Therefore, the program would recognize Lord as God in the Holy Bible and Allah as God in the Quran and Jacob as prophet in bible and Yaqub as a prophet in Quran. This process was completed many times to give relative comparisons on a variety of different words. After completion of the comparison of the raw texts, the comparison was completed for the processed text. The next comparison was completed using probabilistic topic modeling on feature extracted matrix to project the topical matrix into low dimensional space for more dense comparison. Among the distance measures intrdued to the sacred corpora, the analysis of similarities based on the probability based measures like Kullback leibler and Jenson shown the best result. Another similarity result based on Hellinger distance on the CTM also shows good discrimination result between documents. This work started with a believe that if there is intersection between Bible and Quran, it will be shown clearly between the book of Deuteronomy and some Quranic chapters. It is now not only historically, but also mathematically is correct to say that there is much similarity between the Biblical and Quranic contexts more than the similarity within the holy books themselves. Furthermore, it is the conclusion that distances based on probabilistic measures such as Jeffersyn divergence and Hellinger distance are the recommended methods for the unstructured sacred texts

    Foundations research in information retrieval inspired by quantum theory

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    In the information age information is useless unless it can be found and used, search engines in our time thereby form a crucial component of research. For something so crucial, information retrieval (IR), the formal discipline investigating search, can be a confusing area of study. There is an underlying difficulty, with the very definition of information retrieval, and weaknesses in its operational method, which prevent it being called a 'science'. The work in this thesis aims to create a formal definition for search, scientific methods for evaluation and comparison of different search strategies, and methods for dealing with the uncertainty associated with user interactions; so that one has the necessary formal foundation to be able to perceive IR as "search science". The key problems restricting a science of search pertain to the ambiguity in the current way in which search scenarios and concepts are specified. This especially affects evaluation of search systems since according to the traditional retrieval approach, evaluations are not repeatable, and thus not collectively verifiable. This is mainly due to the dependence on the method of user studies currently dominating evaluation methodology. This evaluation problem is related to the problem of not being able to formally define the users in user studies. The problem of defining users relates in turn to one of the main retrieval-specific motivations of the thesis, which can be understood by noticing that uncertainties associated with the interpretation of user interactions are collectively inscribed in a relevance concept, the representation and use of which defines the overall character of a retrieval model. Current research is limited in its understanding of how to best model relevance, a key factor restricting extensive formalization of the IR discipline as a whole. Thus, the problems of defining search systems and search scenarios are the principle issues preventing formal comparisons of systems and scenarios, in turn limiting the strength of experimental evaluation. Alternative models of search are proposed that remove the need for ambiguous relevance concepts and instead by arguing for use of simulation as a normative evaluation strategy for retrieval, some new concepts are introduced that can be employed in judging effectiveness of search systems. Included are techniques for simulating search, techniques for formal user modelling and techniques for generating measures of effectiveness for search models. The problems of evaluation and of defining users are generalized by proposing that they are related to the need for an unified framework for defining arbitrary search concepts, search systems, user models, and evaluation strategies. It is argued that this framework depends on a re-interpretation of the concept of search accommodating the increasingly embedded and implicit nature of search on modern operating systems, internet and networks. The re-interpretation of the concept of search is approached by considering a generalization of the concept of ostensive retrieval producing definitions of search, information need, user and system that (formally) accommodates the perception of search as an abstract process that can be physical and/or computational. The feasibility of both the mathematical formalism and physical conceptualizations of quantum theory (QT) are investigated for the purpose of modelling the this abstract search process as a physical process. Techniques for representing a search process by the Hilbert space formalism in QT are presented from which techniques are proposed for generating measures for effectiveness that combine static information such as term weights, and dynamically changing information such as probabilities of relevance. These techniques are used for deducing methods for modelling information need change. In mapping the 'macro level search' process to 'micro level physics' some generalizations were made to the use and interpretation of basic QT concepts such the wave function description of state and reversible evolution of states corresponding to the first and second postulates of quantum theory respectively. Several ways of expressing relevance (and other retrieval concepts) within the derived framework are proposed arguing that the increase in modelling power by use of QT provides effective ways to characterize this complex concept. Mapping the mathematical formalism of search to that of quantum theory presented insightful perspectives about the nature of search. However, differences between the operational semantics of quantum theory and search restricted the usefulness of the mapping. In trying to resolve these semantic differences, a semi-formal framework was developed that is mid-way between a programmatic language, a state-based language resembling the way QT models states, and a process description language. By using this framework, this thesis attempts to intimately link the theory and practice of information retrieval and the evaluation of the retrieval process. The result is a novel, and useful way for formally discussing, modelling and evaluating search concepts, search systems and search processes

    Implicit feedback for interactive information retrieval

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    Searchers can find the construction of query statements for submission to Information Retrieval (IR) systems a problematic activity. These problems are confounded by uncertainty about the information they are searching for, or an unfamiliarity with the retrieval system being used or collection being searched. On the World Wide Web these problems are potentially more acute as searchers receive little or no training in how to search effectively. Relevance feedback (RF) techniques allow searchers to directly communicate what information is relevant and help them construct improved query statements. However, the techniques require explicit relevance assessments that intrude on searchers’ primary lines of activity and as such, searchers may be unwilling to provide this feedback. Implicit feedback systems are unobtrusive and make inferences of what is relevant based on searcher interaction. They gather information to better represent searcher needs whilst minimising the burden of explicitly reformulating queries or directly providing relevance information. In this thesis I investigate implicit feedback techniques for interactive information retrieval. The techniques proposed aim to increase the quality and quantity of searcher interaction and use this interaction to infer searcher interests. I develop search interfaces that use representations of the top-ranked retrieved documents such as sentences and summaries to encourage a deeper examination of search results and drive the information seeking process. Implicit feedback frameworks based on heuristic and probabilistic approaches are described. These frameworks use interaction to identify needs and estimate changes in these needs during a search. The evidence gathered is used to modify search queries and make new search decisions such as re-searching the document collection or restructuring already retrieved information. The term selection models from the frameworks and elsewhere are evaluated using a simulation-based evaluation methodology that allows different search scenarios to be modelled. Findings show that the probabilistic term selection model generated the most effective search queries and learned what was relevant in the shortest time. Different versions of an interface that implements the probabilistic framework are evaluated to test it with human subjects and investigate how much control they want over its decisions. The experiment involved 48 subjects with different skill levels and search experience. The results show that searchers are happy to delegate responsibility to RF systems for relevance assessment (through implicit feedback), but not more severe search decisions such as formulating queries or selecting retrieval strategies. Systems that help searchers make these decisions are preferred to those that act directly on their behalf or await searcher action

    Interactive video retrieval

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    Video storage, analysis, and retrieval has become an important research topic recently due to the advancements in the creation and distribution of video data. In this thesis, an investigation into interactive video retrieval is presented. Advanced feedback techniques have been investigated in the retrieval of textual data. Novel interactive schemes, mainly based on the concept of relevance feedback, have been developed and experimented. However, such approaches have not been applied in the video retrieval domain. In this thesis, we investigate the use of advanced interactive retrieval schemes for the retrieval of video data. To understand the role of various features for the video retrieval, we experimented with various retrieval strategies. We benchmarked the role of visual features, the textual features and their combination. To explore this further, we categorized query into various classes and investigated the retrieval effectiveness of various features and their combination. Based on the results, we developed a retrieval scheme for video retrieval. We developed an interactive retrieval technique based on the concept of implicit feedback. A number of retrieval models are developed based on this concept and benchmarked with a simulation- based evaluation strategy. A Binary Voting Model performed well and has been reformed for user-based experiments. We experimented with the users and compared the performance of an interactive retrieval system, using a combination of implicit and explicit feedback techniques, with that of a system using explicit feedback techniques