3 research outputs found

    In vivo production of fluorine-18 in a chicken egg tumor model of breast cancer for proton therapy range verification

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    Range verification of clinical protontherapy systems via positron-emission tomography (PET) is not a mature technology, suffering from two major issues: insufficient signal from low-energy protons in the Bragg peak area and biological washout of PET emitters. The use of contrast agents including O-18, Zn-68 or Cu-63, isotopes with a high cross section for low-energy protons in nuclear reactions producing PET emitters, has been proposed to enhance the PET signal in the last millimeters of the proton path. However, it remains a challenge to achieve sufficient concentrations of these isotopes in the target volume. Here we investigate the possibilities of O-18-enriched water (18-W), a potential contrast agent that could be incorporated in large proportions in live tissues by replacing regular water. We hypothesize that 18-W could also mitigate the problem of biological washout, as PET (F-18) isotopes created inside live cells would remain trapped in the form of fluoride anions (F-), allowing its signal to be detected even hours after irradiation. To test our hypothesis, we designed an experiment with two main goals: first, prove that 18-W can incorporate enough O-18 into a living organism to produce a detectable signal from F-18 after proton irradiation, and second, determine the amount of activity that remains trapped inside the cells. The experiment was performed on a chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane tumor model of head and neck cancer. Seven eggs with visible tumors were infused with 18-W and irradiated with 8-MeV protons (range in water: 0.74 mm), equivalent to clinical protons at the end of particle range. The activity produced after irradiation was detected and quantified in a small-animal PET-CT scanner, and further studied by placing ex-vivo tumours in a gamma radiation detector. In the acquired images, specific activity of F-18 (originating from 18-W) could be detected in the tumour area of the alive chicken embryo up to 9 h after irradiation, which confirms that low-energy protons can indeed produce a detectable PET signal if a suitable contrast agent is employed. Moreover, dynamic PET studies in two of the eggs evidenced a minimal effect of biological washout, with 68% retained specific F-18 activity at 8 h after irradiation. Furthermore, ex-vivo analysis of 4 irradiated tumours showed that up to 3% of oxygen atoms in the targets were replaced by O-18 from infused 18-W, and evidenced an entrapment of 59% for specific activity of F-18 after washing, supporting our hypothesis that F- ions remain trapped within the cells. An infusion of 18-W can incorporate O-18 in animal tissues by replacing regular water inside cells, producing a PET signal when irradiated with low-energy protons that could be used for range verification in protontherapy. F-18 produced inside cells remains entrapped and suffers from minimal biological washout, allowing for a sharper localization with longer PET acquisitions. Further studies must evaluate the feasibility of this technique in dosimetric conditions closer to clinical practice, in order to define potential protocols for its use in patients

    A study of the parameters affecting minimum detectable activity concentration level of clinical LSO PET scanners

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    Investigation of the Effects of Image Signal-to-Noise Ratio on TSPO PET Quantification of Neuroinflammation

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    Neuroinflammation may be imaged using positron emission tomography (PET) and the tracer [11C]-PK11195. Accurate and precise quantification of 18 kilodalton Translocator Protein (TSPO) binding parameters in the brain has proven difficult with this tracer, due to an unfavourable combination of low target concentration in tissue, low brain uptake of the tracer and relatively high non-specific binding, all of which leads to higher levels of relative image noise. To address these limitations, research into new radioligands for the TSPO, with higher brain uptake and lower non-specific binding relative to [11C]-PK11195, is being conducted world-wide. However, factors other than radioligand properties are known to influence signal-to-noise ratio in quantitative PET studies, including the scanner sensitivity, image reconstruction algorithms and data analysis methodology. The aim of this thesis was to investigate and validate computational tools for predicting image noise in dynamic TSPO PET studies, and to employ those tools to investigate the factors that affect image SNR and reliability of TSPO quantification in the human brain. The feasibility of performing multiple (n≥40) independent Monte Carlo simulations for each dynamic [11C]-PK11195 frame- with realistic modelling of the radioactivity source, attenuation and PET tomograph geometries- was investigated. A Beowulf-type high performance computer cluster, constructed from commodity components, was found to be well suited to this task. Timing tests on a single desktop computer system indicated that a computer cluster capable of simulating an hour-long dynamic [11C]-PK11195 PET scan, with 40 independent repeats, and with a total simulation time of less than 6 weeks, could be constructed for less than 10,000 Australian dollars. A computer cluster containing 44 computing cores was therefore assembled, and a peak simulation rate of 2.84x105 photon pairs per second was achieved using the GEANT4 Application for Tomographic Emission (GATE) Monte Carlo simulation software. A simulated PET tomograph was developed in GATE that closely modelled the performance characteristics of several real-world clinical PET systems in terms of spatial resolution, sensitivity, scatter fraction and counting rate performance. The simulated PET system was validated using adaptations of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) quality assurance procedures within GATE. Image noise in dynamic TSPO PET scans was estimated by performing n=40 independent Monte Carlo simulations of an hour-long [11C]-PK11195 scan, and of an hour- long dynamic scan for a hypothetical TSPO ligand with double the brain activity concentration of [11C]-PK11195. From these data an analytical noise model was developed that allowed image noise to be predicted for any combination of brain tissue activity concentration and scan duration. The noise model was validated for the purpose of determining the precision of kinetic parameter estimates for TSPO PET. An investigation was made into the effects of activity concentration in tissue, radionuclide half-life, injected dose and compartmental model complexity on the reproducibility of kinetic parameters. Injecting 555 MBq of carbon-11 labelled TSPO tracer produced similar binding parameter precision to 185 MBq of fluorine-18, and a moderate (20%) reduction in precision was observed for the reduced carbon-11 dose of 370 MBq. Results indicated that a factor of 2 increase in frame count level (relative to [11C]-PK11195, and due for example to higher ligand uptake, injected dose or absolute scanner sensitivity) is required to obtain reliable binding parameter estimates for small regions of interest when fitting a two-tissue compartment, four-parameter compartmental model. However, compartmental model complexity had a similarly large effect, with the reduction of model complexity from the two-tissue compartment, four-parameter to a one-tissue compartment, two-parameter model producing a 78% reduction in coefficient of variation of the binding parameter estimates at each tissue activity level and region size studied. In summary, this thesis describes the development and validation of Monte Carlo methods for estimating image noise in dynamic TSPO PET scans, and analytical methods for predicting relative image noise for a wide range of tissue activity concentration and acquisition durations. The findings of this research suggest that a broader consideration of the kinetic properties of novel TSPO radioligands, with a view to selection of ligands that are potentially amenable to analysis with a simple one-tissue compartment model, is at least as important as efforts directed towards reducing image noise, such as higher brain uptake, in the search for the next generation of TSPO PET tracers