4 research outputs found

    Design Guidelines for Sensor-based Mobile Learning Applications

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    We present five design guidelines that we have developed from issues identified during our usability evaluations in a sensor-based citizen inquiry project. These have been compiled from existing literature, and after receiving feedback on use of the mobile application from participants through forum comments and survey responses, statistical analysis of the sensor measurements, and the researchers' observation and reflection. These guidelines aim to assist Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL) researchers and teachers who develop, modify or use mobile apps for their projects and lessons

    Aprendizaje asistido por dispositivos móviles: UP2B2

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el enfoque denominado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) y presenta un prototipo de juego de preguntas y respuestas de opción múltiple que revisa la gramática, el vocabulario y el uso de la lengua inglesa del nivel B2 (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas-MCERL). La aplicación se caracteriza por presentar una componente de gamificación cuyo objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes a que la usen mediante un sistema de puntuación que los sitúa en un ranking global y que considera tanto los aciertos de cada uno como el tiempo en completar los tests. Se definen distintos índices para la monitorización de la plataforma e indicadores tanto de carácter cualitativo como cuantitativo para la medida de los resultados. ABSTRACT This work is framed within the approach called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and presents a game prototype consisting of multiple choice questions and answers that assess the grammar, vocabulary and the use of the English language at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The application is characterized by a strong gamification component that aims to motivate the students using it. Therefore, response time, correct answers and a ranking with the punctuation centre the most prominent aspects related to its playability. Different indexes are defined for the monitoring of the platform as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators for the study of the results

    Designing a Responsive Internet Banking by Design Science

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    Technology progress, during the recent decades, has influenced the banking industry. Banks have moved from traditional banking to online banking. Users expect to view systems on different browsers or different devices without disrupting the overall/page due to the small size of the display on some devices such. This expectation is responsiveness which is one of the factors influencing the user experience. Responsiveness means that the contents of a web-based system are displayed correctly and clearly on all devices and browsers, regardless of screen size. The purpose of this article is also to design a responsive Internet Banking system based on design science. It has been designed, based on the study of the scientific background and considering the concepts of Internet Banking, its adoption factors, responsiveness and user experience and the system requirements, from a business and technical point of view.The present study provides a system design that can be used by all financial institutions. It can also be applicable for universities and higher education institutions, as it describes, step by step, how to practically use the research method in a real system.Considering the results of this study, user experience, including issues such as responsiveness, ease of use and learnability, is much interesting for users, and the Internet banks that provide these factors along with security and performance are very attractive and are highly appreciated

    Revisão sistemática da investigação em ensino da programação em contexto de ensino superior não presencial

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    Os trabalhos de investigação, através de seus métodos científicos, proporcionam valiosos contributos para o avanço do conhecimento. Nesse contexto, a revisão sistemática da literatura ocupa um lugar de capítal importância no processo científico identificando, avaliando e recompilando dados. O propósito da presente investigação é mostrar até que ponto o estado actual do conhecimento sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem da programação abrange o âmbito do ensino superior não presencial. Para tal, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da produção científica, caracterizando e sintetizando o state-of-the-art do conhecimento, abordando as duas grandes modalidades de educação: presencial e não presencial e analisando o corpus de literatura existente actualmente, dando prioridade à mais recente.Research, through its scientific methods, provides valuable contributions for the advancement of knowledge. In this context, the systematic literature review occupies a place of primary importance in the scientific process by identifying, assessing and gathering data. The aim of this research is to determine to which extent current knowneldge on the teaching and learning of the programming encompasses distance education. Thus, a systematic literature review was conducted, characterizing and synthesizing the state-of-the-art of the knowledge, distinguishing two major types of education: face-to-face and distance learning, and analyzing the current corpus of literature, giving priority to the most recent