4 research outputs found

    A study of the cache and branch performance issues with running Java on current hardware platforms

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    A Study of the Cache and Branch Performance Issues with Running Java on Current Hardware Platforms

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    The Java bytecode language is emerging as a software distribution standard. With major vendors committed to porting the Java run-time environment to their platforms, Java bytecode programs are expected to run without modification on multiple platforms. These first generation run-time environments rely on an interpreter to bridge the gap between the bytecode instructions and the native hardware. However, Java interpreters cause performance problems with microarchitectural features such as the caches and the Branch Target Buffer. Some of these problems can be solved by translating Java bytecode to native code. In this paper we compare the performance of code run through the SUN Java interpreter to code compiled through Caffeine, a bytecode to native code translator, as well as to compiled C/C++ versions of the code, using large applications and common benchmarks. We discuss the reasons for several performance problems incurred by both approaches to running Java code, and examine possible..

    A Co-Processor Approach for Efficient Java Execution in Embedded Systems

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    This thesis deals with a hardware accelerated Java virtual machine, named REALJava. The REALJava virtual machine is targeted for resource constrained embedded systems. The goal is to attain increased computational performance with reduced power consumption. While these objectives are often seen as trade-offs, in this context both of them can be attained simultaneously by using dedicated hardware. The target level of the computational performance of the REALJava virtual machine is initially set to be as fast as the currently available full custom ASIC Java processors. As a secondary goal all of the components of the virtual machine are designed so that the resulting system can be scaled to support multiple co-processor cores. The virtual machine is designed using the hardware/software co-design paradigm. The partitioning between the two domains is flexible, allowing customizations to the resulting system, for instance the floating point support can be omitted from the hardware in order to decrease the size of the co-processor core. The communication between the hardware and the software domains is encapsulated into modules. This allows the REALJava virtual machine to be easily integrated into any system, simply by redesigning the communication modules. Besides the virtual machine and the related co-processor architecture, several performance enhancing techniques are presented. These include techniques related to instruction folding, stack handling, method invocation, constant loading and control in time domain. The REALJava virtual machine is prototyped using three different FPGA platforms. The original pipeline structure is modified to suit the FPGA environment. The performance of the resulting Java virtual machine is evaluated against existing Java solutions in the embedded systems field. The results show that the goals are attained, both in terms of computational performance and power consumption. Especially the computational performance is evaluated thoroughly, and the results show that the REALJava is more than twice as fast as the fastest full custom ASIC Java processor. In addition to standard Java virtual machine benchmarks, several new Java applications are designed to both verify the results and broaden the spectrum of the tests.Siirretty Doriast

    Three pitfalls in Java performance evaluation

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    The Java programming language has known a remarkable growth over the last decade. This is partially due to the infrastructure required to run Java ap- plications on general purpose microprocessors: a Java virtual machine (VM). The VM ensures that Java applications are portable across different hardware platforms, because it shelters the applications from the underlying system. Hence the motto write once, run (almost) anywhere. Java applications are compiled to an intermediate form, called bytecode, and consist of a number of so-called class files. The virtual machine takes care of class loading, interpreting or compiling the bytecode to the native code of the underlying hardware platform, thread scheduling, garbage collection, etc. As such, during the execution of a Java application, the VM regularly intervenes to take care of housekeeping tasks and to optimise the application as it is executing. Furthermore, the specific implementation details of most virtual machines insert non-deterministic behaviour, not into the semantic part of the execution, but rather into the lower level execution. For example, to bring a Java application up to competitive speed with classical compiled programs written in languages such as C, the virtual machine needs to optimise Java bytecode. To limit the execution overhead, most virtual machines use a time sampling mechanism to determine the hot methods in the application. This introduces non-determinism, as over several runs, the methods are not always optimised at the same moment, nor is the set of optimised methods always the same. Other factors that introduce non-determinism are the thread scheduling, garbage collection, etc. It is readily seen that performance analysis of Java applications is not as simple as it seems at first, and warrants closer inspection. In this dissertation we are mainly interested in the behaviour of Java applications and their performance. In the course of this work, we uncovered three major pitfalls that were not taken into account by researchers when analysing Java performance prior to this work. We will briefly summarise the main achievements presented in this dissertation. The first pitfall we present involves the interaction between the virtual machine, the application and the input to the application. The performance for short running applications is shown to be mainly determined by the virtual machine. For longer running applications, this influence decreases, but remains tangible. We use statistical analysis, such as principal components analysis and cluster analysis (K-means and hierarchical clustering) to demonstrate and clarify the pitfall. By means of a large number of performance char- acteristics measured using hardware performance counters, five virtual machines and fourteen benchmarks with both a small and a large input size, we demonstrate that short running workloads are primarily clustered by virtual machines. Even for long running applications from the SPECjvm98 benchmark suite, the virtual machine still exerts a large influence on the observed behaviour at the microarchitectural level. This work has shown the need for both larger and longer running benchmarks than were available prior to it – this was (partially) met by the introduction of the DaCapo benchmark suite – as well as a careful consideration when setting up an experiment to avoid measuring the virtual machine, rather than the benchmark. Prior to this work, people were quite often using simulation with short running applications (to save time) for exploring Java performance. The second pitfall we uncover involves the analysis of performance numbers. During a survey of 50 papers published at premier conferences, such as OOPSLA, PLDI, CGO, ISMM and VEE, over the past seven years, we found that a variety of approaches are used, both for experimental design – for example, the input size, virtual machines, heap sizes, etc. – and, even more importantly, for data analysis – for example, using a best out of 3 performance number. New techniques are pitted against existing work using these prevalent approaches, and conclusions regarding their successfulness in beating prior state-of-the-art are based upon them. Given the fact that the execution of Java applications usually involves non-determinism in the virtual machine – for example, when determining which methods to optimise – it should come as no surprise that the lack of statistical rigour in these prevalent approaches leads to misleading or even incorrect conclusions. By this we mean that the conclusions are either not representative of what actually happens, or even contradict reality, as modelled in a statistical manner. To circumvent this pitfall, we propose a rigorous statistical approach that uses confidence intervals to both report and compare performance numbers. We also claim that sufficient experiments should be conducted to get a reliable performance measure. The non-determinism caused by the timer-based optimisation component in a virtual machine can be eliminated using so-called replay compilation. This technique will record a compilation plan during a first execution or profiling run of the application. During a second execution, the application is iterated twice: once to compile and optimise all methods found in the compilation plan, and a second time to perform the actual measurement. It turns out however that current practice of using either a single plan – corresponding to the best performing profiling run – or a combined plan choosing the methods that were optimised in, say, more than half the profiling runs, is no match for using multiple plans. The variability observed in the plans themselves is too large to capture in one of the current practices. Consequently, using multiple plans is definitely the better option. Moreover, this allows using a matched-pair approach in the data analysis, which results in tighter confidence intervals for the mean performance number. The third pitfall we examine is the usage of global performance numbers when tuning either an application or a virtual machine. We show that Java applications exhibit phase behaviour at the method level. This means that instances of the same method show more similarity to each other, behaviourwise, than to instances of other methods. A phase can then be identified as a set of sub-trees of the dynamic call-tree, with each sub-tree headed by the same method. We present an two-step algorithm that allows correlating hardware performance counter data in step 2 with the phases determined in step 1. The information obtained can be applied to show the programmer which methods perform worse than average, for example with respect to the number of cache misses they incur. In the dissertation, we pay particular attention to statistical rigour. For each pitfall, we use statistics to demonstrate its presence. Hopefully this work will encourage other researchers to use more rigour in their work as well