10 research outputs found

    Improving Term Frequency Normalization for Multi-topical Documents, and Application to Language Modeling Approaches

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    Term frequency normalization is a serious issue since lengths of documents are various. Generally, documents become long due to two different reasons - verbosity and multi-topicality. First, verbosity means that the same topic is repeatedly mentioned by terms related to the topic, so that term frequency is more increased than the well-summarized one. Second, multi-topicality indicates that a document has a broad discussion of multi-topics, rather than single topic. Although these document characteristics should be differently handled, all previous methods of term frequency normalization have ignored these differences and have used a simplified length-driven approach which decreases the term frequency by only the length of a document, causing an unreasonable penalization. To attack this problem, we propose a novel TF normalization method which is a type of partially-axiomatic approach. We first formulate two formal constraints that the retrieval model should satisfy for documents having verbose and multi-topicality characteristic, respectively. Then, we modify language modeling approaches to better satisfy these two constraints, and derive novel smoothing methods. Experimental results show that the proposed method increases significantly the precision for keyword queries, and substantially improves MAP (Mean Average Precision) for verbose queries.Comment: 8 pages, conference paper, published in ECIR '0

    Extracting Hierarchies of Search Tasks & Subtasks via a Bayesian Nonparametric Approach

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    A significant amount of search queries originate from some real world information need or tasks. In order to improve the search experience of the end users, it is important to have accurate representations of tasks. As a result, significant amount of research has been devoted to extracting proper representations of tasks in order to enable search systems to help users complete their tasks, as well as providing the end user with better query suggestions, for better recommendations, for satisfaction prediction, and for improved personalization in terms of tasks. Most existing task extraction methodologies focus on representing tasks as flat structures. However, tasks often tend to have multiple subtasks associated with them and a more naturalistic representation of tasks would be in terms of a hierarchy, where each task can be composed of multiple (sub)tasks. To this end, we propose an efficient Bayesian nonparametric model for extracting hierarchies of such tasks \& subtasks. We evaluate our method based on real world query log data both through quantitative and crowdsourced experiments and highlight the importance of considering task/subtask hierarchies.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted at SIGIR 2017 as a full pape

    A Gamma-Poisson Mixture Topic Model for Short Text

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    Most topic models are constructed under the assumption that documents follow a multinomial distribution. The Poisson distribution is an alternative distribution to describe the probability of count data. For topic modelling, the Poisson distribution describes the number of occurrences of a word in documents of fixed length. The Poisson distribution has been successfully applied in text classification, but its application to topic modelling is not well documented, specifically in the context of a generative probabilistic model. Furthermore, the few Poisson topic models in literature are admixture models, making the assumption that a document is generated from a mixture of topics. In this study, we focus on short text. Many studies have shown that the simpler assumption of a mixture model fits short text better. With mixture models, as opposed to admixture models, the generative assumption is that a document is generated from a single topic. One topic model, which makes this one-topic-per-document assumption, is the Dirichlet-multinomial mixture model. The main contributions of this work are a new Gamma-Poisson mixture model, as well as a collapsed Gibbs sampler for the model. The benefit of the collapsed Gibbs sampler derivation is that the model is able to automatically select the number of topics contained in the corpus. The results show that the Gamma-Poisson mixture model performs better than the Dirichlet-multinomial mixture model at selecting the number of topics in labelled corpora. Furthermore, the Gamma-Poisson mixture produces better topic coherence scores than the Dirichlet-multinomial mixture model, thus making it a viable option for the challenging task of topic modelling of short text.Comment: 26 pages, 14 Figures, to be published in Mathematical Problems in Engineerin

    A variational Bayes model for count data learning and classification

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    Several machine learning and knowledge discovery approaches have been proposed for count data modeling and classification. In particular, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003a) has received a lot of attention and has been shown to be extremely useful in several applications. Although the LDA is generally accepted to be one of the most powerful generative models, it is based on the Dirichlet assumption which has some drawbacks as we shall see in this paper. Thus, our goal is to enhance the LDA by considering the generalized Dirichlet distribution as a prior. The resulting generative model is named latent generalized Dirichlet allocation (LGDA) to maintain consistency with the original model. The LGDA is learned using variational Bayes which provides computationally tractable posterior distributions over the model׳s hidden variables and its parameters. To evaluate the practicality and merits of our approach, we consider two challenging applications namely text classification and visual scene categorization

    Language Models and Smoothing Methods for Information Retrieval

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    Language Models and Smoothing Methods for Information Retrieval (Sprachmodelle und Glättungsmethoden für Information Retrieval) Najeeb A. Abdulmutalib Kurzfassung der Dissertation Retrievalmodelle bilden die theoretische Grundlage für effektive Information-Retrieval-Methoden. Statistische Sprachmodelle stellen eine neue Art von Retrievalmodellen dar, die seit etwa zehn Jahren in der Forschung betrachtet werde. Im Unterschied zu anderen Modellen können sie leichter an spezifische Aufgabenstellungen angepasst werden und liefern häufig bessere Retrievalergebnisse. In dieser Dissertation wird zunächst ein neues statistisches Sprachmodell vorgestellt, das explizit Dokumentlängen berücksichtigt. Aufgrund der spärlichen Beobachtungsdaten spielen Glättungsmethoden bei Sprachmodellen eine wichtige Rolle. Auch hierfür stellen wir eine neue Methode namens 'exponentieller Glättung' vor. Der experimentelle Vergleich mit konkurrierenden Ansätzen zeigt, dass unsere neuen Methoden insbesondere bei Kollektionen mit stark variierenden Dokumentlängen überlegene Ergebnisse liefert. In einem zweiten Schritt erweitern wir unseren Ansatz auf XML-Retrieval, wo hierarchisch strukturierte Dokumente betrachtet werden und beim fokussierten Retrieval möglichst kleine Dokumentteile gefunden werden sollen, die die Anfrage vollständig beantworten. Auch hier demonstriert der experimentelle Vergleich mit anderen Ansätzen die Qualität unserer neu entwickelten Methoden. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Vergleich von Sprachmodellen und der klassischen tf*idf-Gewichtung. Neben einem besseren Verständnis für die existierenden Glättungsmethoden führt uns dieser Ansatz zur Entwicklung des Verfahrens der 'empirischen Glättung'. Die damit durchgeführten Retrievalerexperimente zeigen Verbesserungen gegenüber anderen Glättungsverfahren.Language Models and Smoothing Methods for Information Retrieval Najeeb A. Abdulmutalib Abstract of the Dissertation Designing an effective retrieval model that can rank documents accurately for a given query has been a central problem in information retrieval for several decades. An optimal retrieval model that is both effective and efficient and that can learn from feedback information over time is needed. Language models are new generation of retrieval models and have been applied since the last ten years to solve many different information retrieval problems. Compared with the traditional models such as the vector space model, they can be more easily adapted to model non traditional and complex retrieval problems and empirically they tend to achieve comparable or better performance than the traditional models. Developing new language models is currently an active research area in information retrieval. In the first stage of this thesis we present a new language model based on an odds formula, which explicitly incorporates document length as a parameter. To address the problem of data sparsity where there is rarely enough data to accurately estimate the parameters of a language model, smoothing gives a way to combine less specific, more accurate information with more specific, but noisier data. We introduce a new smoothing method called exponential smoothing, which can be combined with most language models. We present experimental results for various language models and smoothing methods on a collection with large document length variation, and show that our new methods compare favourably with the best approaches known so far. We discuss the collection effect on the retrieval function, where we investigate the performance of well known models and compare the results conducted using two variant collections. In the second stage we extend the current model from flat text retrieval to XML retrieval since there is a need for content-oriented XML retrieval systems that can efficiently and effectively store, search and retrieve information from XML document collections. Compared to traditional information retrieval, where whole documents are usually indexed and retrieved as single complete units, information retrieval from XML documents creates additional retrieval challenges. By exploiting the logical document structure, XML allows for more focussed retrieval that identifies elements rather than documents as answers to user queries. Finally we show how smoothing plays a role very similar to that of the idf function: beside the obvious role of smoothing, it also improves the accuracy of the estimated language model. The within document frequency and the collection frequency of a term actually influence the probability of relevance, which led us to a new class of smoothing function based on numeric prediction, which we call empirical smoothing. Its retrieval quality outperforms that of other smoothing methods

    A bi-directional unified Model for information retrieval

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    Relevance matching between two information objects such as a document and query or a user and product (e.g. movie) is an important problem in information retrieval systems. The most common and most successful way to approach this problem is by probabilistically modelling the relevance between information objects, and computing their relevance matching as the probability of relevance. The objective of a probabilistic relevance retrieval model is to compute the probability of relevance between a given information object pair using all the available information about the individual objects (e.g., document and query), the existing relevance information on both objects and all the information available on other information objects (other documents, queries in the collection and the relevance information on them). The probabilistic retrieval models developed to date are not capable of utilising all available information due to the lack of a unified theory for relevance modelling. More than three decades ago, the notion of simultaneously utilising the relevance information about individual user needs and individual documents to come to a retrieval decision was formalised as the problem of a unified relevance model for Information Retrieval (IR). Since the inception of the unified model, a number of unsuccessful attempts have been made to develop a formal probabilistic relevance model to solve the problem. This thesis provides a new theory and a probabilistic relevance framework that not only solves the problem of the original unified relevance model but also provides the capability to utilise any available information about the information objects in computing the probability of relevance. In this thesis, we consider information matching between two objects (e.g. documents and queries) to be bi-directional preference matching and the relevance between them is thus established and estimated on top of the bi-directional relationship. A key benefit of this bi-directional approach is that the resulting probabilistic bi-directional unified model not only solves the original problem of a unified model in information retrieval but also has the ability to incorporate all of the available information on the information objects (documents and queries) into a single model while computing the probability of relevance. Theoretically, we demonstrate the effectiveness of applying our single framework by deriving relevance ranking functions for popular retrieval scenarios such as collaborative filtering (recommendation), group recommendation and ad-hoc retrieval. In the past, the solution for relevance matching in each of these retrieval scenarios approached with a different solution/framework, partly due to the kind of information available to the retrieval system for computing the probability of relevance. However, the underlying problem of information matching is the same in all scenarios, and a solution to the problem of a unified model should be applicable to all scenarios. One of the interesting aspects of our new theory and model in applying to a collaborative filtering scenario is that it computes the probability of relevance between a given user and a given item while not applying any dimensionality reduction technique or computing the explicit similarity between the users/items, which is contrary to the state-of-the-art collaborative filtering/recommender models (e.g. Matrix Factorisation methods, neighbourhood-based methods). This property allows the retrieval model to model users and items independently with their own features, rather than forcing it to use a common feature space (e.g., common hidden factor-features between a user-item pair of objects or a common vocabulary space between a document-query pair of objects). The effectiveness of this theoretical framework is demonstrated in various real-world applications by experimenting on datasets in collaborative filtering, group recommendation and ad-hoc retrieval tasks. For collaborative filtering and group recommendation the model convincingly out-performs various state-of-the-art recommender models (or frameworks). For ad-hoc retrieval, the model also outperforms the state-of-the-art information retrieval models when it is restricted to use the same information used by the other models. The bi-directional unified model allows the building of both search and personalisation/recommender (or collaborative filtering) systems from a single model, which has not been possible before with the existing probabilistic relevance models. Finally, our theory and its framework have been adopted by some large companies in gaming, venture-capital matching, retail and media, and deployed on their web systems to match their customers, often in the tens of millions, with relevant content

    Inferring User Needs and Tasks from User Interactions

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    The need for search often arises from a broad range of complex information needs or tasks (such as booking travel, buying a house, etc.) which lead to lengthy search processes characterised by distinct stages and goals. While existing search systems are adept at handling simple information needs, they offer limited support for tackling complex tasks. Accurate task representations could be useful in aptly placing users in the task-subtask space and enable systems to contextually target the user, provide them better query suggestions, personalization and recommendations and help in gauging satisfaction. The major focus of this thesis is to work towards task based information retrieval systems - search systems which are adept at understanding, identifying and extracting tasks as well as supporting user’s complex search task missions. This thesis focuses on two major themes: (i) developing efficient algorithms for understanding and extracting search tasks from log user and (ii) leveraging the extracted task information to better serve the user via different applications. Based on log analysis on a tera-byte scale data from a real-world search engine, detailed analysis is provided on user interactions with search engines. On the task extraction side, two bayesian non-parametric methods are proposed to extract subtasks from a complex task and to recursively extract hierarchies of tasks and subtasks. A novel coupled matrix-tensor factorization model is proposed that represents user based on their topical interests and task behaviours. Beyond personalization, the thesis demonstrates that task information provides better context to learn from and proposes a novel neural task context embedding architecture to learn query representations. Finally, the thesis examines implicit signals of user interactions and considers the problem of predicting user’s satisfaction when engaged in complex search tasks. A unified multi-view deep sequential model is proposed to make query and task level satisfaction prediction

    ABSTRACT A Study of Poisson Query Generation Model for Information Retrieval

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    Many variants of language models have been proposed for information retrieval. Most existing models are based on multinomial distribution and would score documents based on query likelihood computed based on a query generation probabilistic model. In this paper, we propose and study a new family of query generation models based on Poisson distribution. We show that while in their simplest forms, the new family of models and the existing multinomial models are equivalent, they behave differently for many smoothing methods. We show that the Poisson model has several advantages over the multinomial model, including naturally accommodating per-term smoothing and allowing for more accurate background modeling. We present several variants of the new model corresponding to different smoothing methods, and evaluate them on four representative TREC test collections. The results show that while their basic models perform comparably, the Poisson model can outperform multinomial model with per-term smoothing. The performance can be further improved with two-stage smoothing