11 research outputs found

    Excluding subdivisions of bounded degree graphs

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    Let HH be a fixed graph. What can be said about graphs GG that have no subgraph isomorphic to a subdivision of HH? Grohe and Marx proved that such graphs GG satisfy a certain structure theorem that is not satisfied by graphs that contain a subdivision of a (larger) graph H1H_1. Dvo\v{r}\'ak found a clever strengthening---his structure is not satisfied by graphs that contain a subdivision of a graph H2H_2, where H2H_2 has "similar embedding properties" as HH. Building upon Dvo\v{r}\'ak's theorem, we prove that said graphs GG satisfy a similar structure theorem. Our structure is not satisfied by graphs that contain a subdivision of a graph H3H_3 that has similar embedding properties as HH and has the same maximum degree as HH. This will be important in a forthcoming application to well-quasi-ordering

    Packing Topological Minors Half-Integrally

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    The packing problem and the covering problem are two of the most general questions in graph theory. The Erd\H{o}s-P\'{o}sa property characterizes the cases when the optimal solutions of these two problems are bounded by functions of each other. Robertson and Seymour proved that when packing and covering HH-minors for any fixed graph HH, the planarity of HH is equivalent with the Erd\H{o}s-P\'{o}sa property. Thomas conjectured that the planarity is no longer required if the solution of the packing problem is allowed to be half-integral. In this paper, we prove that this half-integral version of Erd\H{o}s-P\'{o}sa property holds with respect to the topological minor containment, which easily implies Thomas' conjecture. Indeed, we prove an even stronger statement in which those subdivisions are rooted at any choice of prescribed subsets of vertices. Precisely, we prove that for every graph HH, there exists a function ff such that for every graph GG, every sequence (Rv:v∈V(H))(R_v: v \in V(H)) of subsets of V(G)V(G) and every integer kk, either there exist kk subgraphs G1,G2,...,GkG_1,G_2,...,G_k of GG such that every vertex of GG belongs to at most two of G1,...,GkG_1,...,G_k and each GiG_i is isomorphic to a subdivision of HH whose branch vertex corresponding to vv belongs to RvR_v for each v∈V(H)v \in V(H), or there exists a set Z⊆V(G)Z \subseteq V(G) with size at most f(k)f(k) intersecting all subgraphs of GG isomorphic to a subdivision of HH whose branch vertex corresponding to vv belongs to RvR_v for each v∈V(H)v \in V(H). Applications of this theorem include generalizations of algorithmic meta-theorems and structure theorems for HH-topological minor free (or HH-minor free) graphs to graphs that do not half-integrally pack many HH-topological minors (or HH-minors)

    A global decomposition theorem for excluding immersions in graphs with no edge-cut of order three

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    A graph GG contains another graph HH as an immersion if HH can be obtained from a subgraph of GG by splitting off edges and removing isolated vertices. There is an obvious necessary degree condition for the immersion containment: if GG contains HH as an immersion, then for every integer kk, the number of vertices of degree at least kk in GG is at least the number of vertices of degree at least kk in HH. In this paper, we prove that this obvious necessary condition is "nearly" sufficient for graphs with no edge-cut of order 3: for every graph HH, every HH-immersion free graph with no edge-cut of order 3 can be obtained by an edge-sum of graphs, where each of the summands is obtained from a graph violating the obvious degree condition by adding a bounded number of edges. The condition for having no edge-cut of order 3 is necessary. A simple application of this theorem shows that for every graph HH of maximum degree d≥4d \geq 4, there exists an integer cc such that for every positive integer mm, there are at most cmc^m unlabelled dd-edge-connected HH-immersion free mm-edge graphs with no isolated vertex, while there are superexponentially many unlabelled (d−1)(d-1)-edge-connected HH-immersion free mm-edge graphs with no isolated vertex. Our structure theorem will be applied in a forthcoming paper about determining the clustered chromatic number of the class of HH-immersion free graphs