4 research outputs found

    Anchor: Locating Android Framework-specific Crashing Faults

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    Android framework-specific app crashes are hard to debug. Indeed, the callback-based event-driven mechanism of Android challenges crash localization techniques that are developed for traditional Java programs. The key challenge stems from the fact that the buggy code location may not even be listed within the stack trace. For example, our empirical study on 500 framework-specific crashes from an open benchmark has revealed that 37 percent of the crash types are related to bugs that are outside the stack traces. Moreover, Android programs are a mixture of code and extra-code artifacts such as the Manifest file. The fact that any artifact can lead to failures in the app execution creates the need to position the localization target beyond the code realm. In this paper, we propose Anchor, a two-phase suspicious bug location suggestion tool. Anchor specializes in finding crash-inducing bugs outside the stack trace. Anchor is lightweight and source code independent since it only requires the crash message and the apk file to locate the fault. Experimental results, collected via cross-validation and in-the-wild dataset evaluation, show that Anchor is effective in locating Android framework-specific crashing faults.Comment: 12 page

    Detecting Dissimilar Classes of Source Code Defects

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    Software maintenance accounts for the most part of the software development cost and efforts, with its major activities focused on the detection, location, analysis and removal of defects present in the software. Although software defects can be originated, and be present, at any phase of the software development life-cycle, implementation (i.e., source code) contains more than three-fourths of the total defects. Due to the diverse nature of the defects, their detection and analysis activities have to be carried out by equally diverse tools, often necessitating the application of multiple tools for reasonable defect coverage that directly increases maintenance overhead. Unified detection tools are known to combine different specialized techniques into a single and massive core, resulting in operational difficulty and maintenance cost increment. The objective of this research was to search for a technique that can detect dissimilar defects using a simplified model and a single methodology, both of which should contribute in creating an easy-to-acquire solution. Following this goal, a ‘Supervised Automation Framework’ named FlexTax was developed for semi-automatic defect mapping and taxonomy generation, which was then applied on a large-scale real-world defect dataset to generate a comprehensive Defect Taxonomy that was verified using machine learning classifiers and manual verification. This Taxonomy, along with an extensive literature survey, was used for comprehension of the properties of different classes of defects, and for developing Defect Similarity Metrics. The Taxonomy, and the Similarity Metrics were then used to develop a defect detection model and associated techniques, collectively named Symbolic Range Tuple Analysis, or SRTA. SRTA relies on Symbolic Analysis, Path Summarization and Range Propagation to detect dissimilar classes of defects using a simplified set of operations. To verify the effectiveness of the technique, SRTA was evaluated by processing multiple real-world open-source systems, by direct comparison with three state-of-the-art tools, by a controlled experiment, by using an established Benchmark, by comparison with other tools through secondary data, and by a large-scale fault-injection experiment conducted using a Mutation-Injection Framework, which relied on the taxonomy developed earlier for the definition of mutation rules. Experimental results confirmed SRTA’s practicality, generality, scalability and accuracy, and proved SRTA’s applicability as a new Defect Detection Technique

    Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Software Reliability

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    Finding software faults is a critical task during the lifecycle of a software system. While traditional software quality control practices such as statistical defect prediction, static bug detection, regression test, and code review are often inefficient and time-consuming, which cannot keep up with the increasing complexity of modern software systems. We argue that machine learning with its capability in knowledge representation, learning, natural language processing, classification, etc., can be used to extract invaluable information from software artifacts that may be difficult to obtain with other research methodologies to improve existing software reliability practices such as statistical defect prediction, static bug detection, regression test, and code review. This thesis presents a suite of machine learning based novel techniques to improve existing software reliability practices for helping developers find software bugs more effective and efficient. First, it introduces a deep learning based defect prediction technique to improve existing statistical defect prediction models. To build accurate prediction models, previous studies focused on manually designing features that encode the statistical characteristics of programs. However, these features often fail to capture the semantic difference of programs, and such a capability is needed for building accurate prediction models. To bridge the gap between programs' semantics and defect prediction features, this thesis leverages deep learning techniques to learn a semantic representation of programs automatically from source code and further build and train defect prediction models by using these semantic features. We examine the effectiveness of the deep learning based prediction models on both the open-source and commercial projects. Results show that the learned semantic features can significantly outperform existing defect prediction models. Second, it introduces an n-gram language based static bug detection technique, i.e., Bugram, to detect new types of bugs with less false positives. Most of existing static bug detection techniques are based on programming rules inferred from source code. It is known that if a pattern does not appear frequently enough, rules are not learned, thus missing many bugs. To solve this issue, this thesis proposes Bugram, which leverages n-gram language models instead of rules to detect bugs. Specifically, Bugram models program tokens sequentially, using the n-gram language model. Token sequences from the program are then assessed according to their probability in the learned model, and low probability sequences are marked as potential bugs. The assumption is that low probability token sequences in a program are unusual, which may indicate bugs, bad practices, or unusual/special uses of code of which developers may want to be aware. We examine the effectiveness of our approach on the latest versions of 16 open-source projects. Results show that Bugram detected 25 new bugs, 23 of which cannot be detected by existing rule-based bug detection approaches, which suggests that Bugram is complementary to existing bug detection approaches to detect more bugs and generates less false positives. Third, it introduces a machine learning based regression test prioritization technique, i.e., QTEP, to find and run test cases that could reveal bugs earlier. Existing test case prioritization techniques mainly focus on maximizing coverage information between source code and test cases to schedule test cases for finding bugs earlier. While they often do not consider the likely distribution of faults in the source code. However, software faults are not often equally distributed in source code, e.g., around 80\% faults are located in about 20\% source code. Intuitively, test cases that cover the faulty source code should have higher priorities, since they are more likely to find faults. To solve this issue, this thesis proposes QTEP, which leverages machine learning models to evaluate source code quality and then adapt existing test case prioritization algorithms by considering the weighted source code quality. Evaluation on seven open-source projects shows that QTEP can significantly outperform existing test case prioritization techniques to find failed test cases early. Finally, it introduces a machine learning based approach to identifying risky code review requests. Code review has been widely adopted in the development process of both the proprietary and open-source software, which helps improve the maintenance and quality of software before the code changes being merged into the source code repository. Our observation on code review requests from four large-scale projects reveals that around 20\% changes cannot pass the first round code review and require non-trivial revision effort (i.e., risky changes). In addition, resolving these risky changes requires 3X more time and 1.6X more reviewers than the regular changes (i.e., changes pass the first code review) on average. This thesis presents the first study to characterize these risky changes and automatically identify these risky changes with machine learning classifiers. Evaluation on one proprietary project and three large-scale open-source projects (i.e., Qt, Android, and OpenStack) shows that our approach is effective in identifying risky code review requests. Taken together, the results of the four studies provide evidence that machine learning can help improve traditional software reliability such as statistical defect prediction, static bug detection, regression test, and code review

    Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Software Reliability

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    Finding software faults is a critical task during the lifecycle of a software system. While traditional software quality control practices such as statistical defect prediction, static bug detection, regression test, and code review are often inefficient and time-consuming, which cannot keep up with the increasing complexity of modern software systems. We argue that machine learning with its capability in knowledge representation, learning, natural language processing, classification, etc., can be used to extract invaluable information from software artifacts that may be difficult to obtain with other research methodologies to improve existing software reliability practices such as statistical defect prediction, static bug detection, regression test, and code review. This thesis presents a suite of machine learning based novel techniques to improve existing software reliability practices for helping developers find software bugs more effective and efficient. First, it introduces a deep learning based defect prediction technique to improve existing statistical defect prediction models. To build accurate prediction models, previous studies focused on manually designing features that encode the statistical characteristics of programs. However, these features often fail to capture the semantic difference of programs, and such a capability is needed for building accurate prediction models. To bridge the gap between programs' semantics and defect prediction features, this thesis leverages deep learning techniques to learn a semantic representation of programs automatically from source code and further build and train defect prediction models by using these semantic features. We examine the effectiveness of the deep learning based prediction models on both the open-source and commercial projects. Results show that the learned semantic features can significantly outperform existing defect prediction models. Second, it introduces an n-gram language based static bug detection technique, i.e., Bugram, to detect new types of bugs with less false positives. Most of existing static bug detection techniques are based on programming rules inferred from source code. It is known that if a pattern does not appear frequently enough, rules are not learned, thus missing many bugs. To solve this issue, this thesis proposes Bugram, which leverages n-gram language models instead of rules to detect bugs. Specifically, Bugram models program tokens sequentially, using the n-gram language model. Token sequences from the program are then assessed according to their probability in the learned model, and low probability sequences are marked as potential bugs. The assumption is that low probability token sequences in a program are unusual, which may indicate bugs, bad practices, or unusual/special uses of code of which developers may want to be aware. We examine the effectiveness of our approach on the latest versions of 16 open-source projects. Results show that Bugram detected 25 new bugs, 23 of which cannot be detected by existing rule-based bug detection approaches, which suggests that Bugram is complementary to existing bug detection approaches to detect more bugs and generates less false positives. Third, it introduces a machine learning based regression test prioritization technique, i.e., QTEP, to find and run test cases that could reveal bugs earlier. Existing test case prioritization techniques mainly focus on maximizing coverage information between source code and test cases to schedule test cases for finding bugs earlier. While they often do not consider the likely distribution of faults in the source code. However, software faults are not often equally distributed in source code, e.g., around 80\% faults are located in about 20\% source code. Intuitively, test cases that cover the faulty source code should have higher priorities, since they are more likely to find faults. To solve this issue, this thesis proposes QTEP, which leverages machine learning models to evaluate source code quality and then adapt existing test case prioritization algorithms by considering the weighted source code quality. Evaluation on seven open-source projects shows that QTEP can significantly outperform existing test case prioritization techniques to find failed test cases early. Finally, it introduces a machine learning based approach to identifying risky code review requests. Code review has been widely adopted in the development process of both the proprietary and open-source software, which helps improve the maintenance and quality of software before the code changes being merged into the source code repository. Our observation on code review requests from four large-scale projects reveals that around 20\% changes cannot pass the first round code review and require non-trivial revision effort (i.e., risky changes). In addition, resolving these risky changes requires 3X more time and 1.6X more reviewers than the regular changes (i.e., changes pass the first code review) on average. This thesis presents the first study to characterize these risky changes and automatically identify these risky changes with machine learning classifiers. Evaluation on one proprietary project and three large-scale open-source projects (i.e., Qt, Android, and OpenStack) shows that our approach is effective in identifying risky code review requests. Taken together, the results of the four studies provide evidence that machine learning can help improve traditional software reliability such as statistical defect prediction, static bug detection, regression test, and code review