2 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationClosed-loop control of wireless capsule endoscopes is an active area of research because it would drastically improve screening of the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional endoscopic procedures are unable to view the entire gastrointestinal tract and current commercial wireless capsule endoscopes are limited in their effectiveness due to their passive nature. This dissertation advances the field of active capsule endoscopy by developing methods to localize the full six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) pose of a screw-type magnetic capsule while it is being propelled through a lumen (such as the small intestines) using an external rotating magnetic dipole. The same external magnetic dipole is utilized for both propulsion and localization. Hardware was designed and constructed to enable testing of the magnetic localization and propulsion methods, including a robotic end-effector used as the external actuator magnet, and a prototype capsule embedded with Hall-effect sensors. Due to the use of a rotating magnetic field for propulsion, at any given time, the capsule can be in one of three regimes: synchronously rotating with the applied field, in "step-out" where it is free to move but the external field is rotating too quickly for the capsule to remain synchronously rotating, or completely stationary. We show that it is only necessary to distinguish whether or not the capsule is synchronously rotating (i.e., a single localization method can be used for a capsule in either the step-out or stationary regimes). Two magnetic localization methods are developed. The first uses nonlinear least squares to estimate the capsule's pose when it has no (or approximately no) net motion (e.g., to find the initial capsule pose or when it is stuck in an intestinal fold). The second method estimates the 6-DOF capsule pose as it synchronously rotates with the applied magnetic field using a square-root variant of the Unscented Kalman filter. A simple process model is adopted that restricts the capsule's movement to translation along and rotation about its principle axis. The capsule is actively propelled forward or backward, but it is not actively steered, rather, steering is provided by the lumen. The propulsion parameters that transform magnetic force and torque to the capsule's spatial velocity and angular velocity are estimated with an additional square-root Unscented Kalman filter to enable the capsule to navigate heterogeneous environments such as the small intestines. An optimized localization-propulsion system is described using the two localization algorithms and prior work in screw-type magnetic capsule propulsion with a single rotating dipole field. The capsule's regime is determined and the corresponding localization method is employed. Based on the capsule's estimated pose and the current estimates of its propulsion parameters, the actuator magnet's pose relative to the capsule is optimized to maximize the capsule's forward propulsion. Using this system, our prototype magnetic capsule successfully completed U-shaped and S-shaped trajectories in fresh bovine intestines with an average forward velocity of 5.5mm/s and 3.5 mm/s, respectively. At this rate it would take approximately 18-30 minutes to traverse the 6 meters of a typical human small intestine

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationFor many with severe-to-profound hearing loss, a condition in which the cochlea is unable to convert sound vibration into neural information to the brain, the cochlear implant has become the standard treatment. The goal of a cochlear-implant system is to bypass the malfunctioned cochlea and directly stimulate the nerves responsible for hearing through an array of electrodes on a silicone-elastomer carrier. However, the insertion of the electrode arrays can often cause intracochlear damage and eliminate residual hearing. With increased focus on hearing preservation in cochlear implantation, methods to minimize intracochlear damage have become a priority in electrode-array insertions. This dissertation explores the application of magnetic manipulation toward improved cochlear-implant electrode-array insertions. We start with initial 3-to-1 proof-of-concept experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. Then, to achieve relevancy at clinical scale, lateral-wall-type electrode-array models, used in the clinic, are slightly modified at the tip to include a tiny magnet. Next, a scala-tympani phantom is designed with both simulated cochleostomy and round-window openings to mimic both classes of insertions typically conducted. In particular, this is the first phantom to model a round-window opening and can be used reliably to simulate insertion forces in cadaver cochleae. Electrode arrays are then magnetically guided through these phantoms with a statistically significant (p < 0.05) reduction in insertion forces, and by as much as 50% for some electrode-array models. In particular, guiding the electrode-array tip through the cochlear hook and the basal turn, in the same insertion, was demonstrated for the first time using this technology. All existing methods to guide the electrode array can only be accomplished for the basal turn. Analysis is conducted to determine the optimal size and placement of a magnetic dipole-field source for use in the clinic. Its placement is determined to be consistently lateral to and anterior to the patient’s cochlea. Its size depends on numerous factors including the patient, torque requirements, and registration error. Sensitivity curves summarizing these factors are provided. The volume of the magnetic dipole-field source can be reduced by a factor of 5, on average, by moving it from the modiolar configuration originally proposed to this optimal configuration. We verify that magnetic forces do not pose any appreciable risk to the basilar membrane at the optimal configuration. Although patient-specific optimal configurations are characterized, a one-size-fits-all version is described that may be more practical and carries the benefit of substantial robustness to registration error