4 research outputs found

    A Sound and Complete Abstraction for Reasoning about Parallel Prefix Sums

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    Prefix sums are key building blocks in the implementation of many concurrent software applications, and recently much work has gone into efficiently implementing prefix sums to run on massively par-allel graphics processing units (GPUs). Because they lie at the heart of many GPU-accelerated applications, the correctness of prefix sum implementations is of prime importance. We introduce a novel abstraction, the interval of summations, that allows scalable reasoning about implementations of prefix sums. We present this abstraction as a monoid, and prove a sound-ness and completeness result showing that a generic sequential pre-fix sum implementation is correct for an array of length n if and only if it computes the correct result for a specific test case when instantiated with the interval of summations monoid. This allows correctness to be established by running a single test where the in

    A sound and complete abstraction for reasoning about parallel prefix sums

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