56,670 research outputs found


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    The rise in energy costs urged the need in minimizing the energy consumption. As significant amount of energy is used for illuminating in educational buildings such as lecture halls and lecture rooms, improvements is needed to avoid energy waste for unoccupied and daylight hour. The lighting will be controlled based on demand to save the energy costs. The project is to design a smart energy saving classroom system using programmable logic controller (PLC). It integrates the lighting and air conditioner control system. Software for this project includes Simatic Manager, Wincc Flexible and Microsoft Visio 2010.The hardware includes Siemens S300 series PLC, Siemens 10 inch touch screen, network cable and MPI cable. The inputs are sensor at the door and sensors at each of the student seat while the outputs are the projector dc motor, lights, air-conditioner and touch screen. The proposed system offers a costs-saving solution with low maintenance and gives great performance results

    Developing a Mini Smart House model

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    The work is devoted to designing a smart home educational model. The authors analyzed the literature in the field of the Internet of Things and identified the basic requirements for the training model. It contains the following levels: command, communication, management. The authors identify the main subsystems of the training model: communication, signaling, control of lighting, temperature, filling of the garbage container, monitoring of sensor data. The proposed smart home educational model takes into account the economic indicators of resource utilization, which gives the opportunity to save on payment for their consumption. The hardware components for the implementation of the Mini Smart House were selected in the article. It uses a variety of technologies to conveniently manage it and use renewable energy to power it. The model was produced in-dependently by students involved in the STEM project. Research includes sketching, making construction parts, sensor assembly and Arduino boards, programming in the Arduino IDE environment, testing the functioning of the system. Research includes sketching, making some parts, assembly sensor and Arduino boards, programming in the Arduino IDE environment, testing the functioning of the system. Approbation Mini Smart House researches were conducted within activity the STEM-center of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, in particular during the educational process and during numerous trainings and seminars for pupils and teachers of computer science

    Design of Controlling and Monitoring System for Room Temperature, Lighting, Power, and Energy Using Internet of Things

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    One goal of a smart home is to save the use of energy. Savings can be made with a control system where the things related to electricity usage will be controlled automatically. This research designs a control system of several parameters in a replica of a room with a monitoring application. Those parameters include room temperature, lighting, voltage, current, power, and energy using the Internet of Things. The room temperature control system uses the DHT11 sensor, the light intensity controller uses the LDR HL01 sensor module, while measuring current, voltage, power, and electrical energy at the load uses the PZEM-004T sensor. The NodeMCU ESP8266 is used as a control center that receives, processes, and sends data to the Blynk application using WiFi. The core of the system is based on the detection of the room temperature threshold and the state of light intensity based on light or dark. From these two conditions, the control center will instruct the relay to turn on or turn off the fan and lighting according to the predefined conditions. If the load is on then the voltage, current, power, and energy data will be acquired and displayed on the Blynk application in real-time

    Analysis of the value of home automation systems

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    Smart technology involves the integration of a variety of home systems including lighting, climate control, security etc. to enhance the comfort, convenience and economy of the home for its users. It is currently unknown if homebuyers believe that these systems add value to the home. This study used the market value of home sales and an attitudinal survey of homebuyers, to determine the increased value of homes containing smart technology. The results demonstrated that a significant price premium was paid for the incorporation of the technology into new homes. In addition, the research suggests that the use of this technology is not limited to high-income earners or other demographic stereotypes. Instead it has broad market appeal and the potential to save energy for the community at large.<br /

    Market analysis study of the value technology systems to home owners

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    Smart Technology involves the integration of a variety of home systems including lighting, climate control, security etc. to enhance the comfort, convenience and economy of the home for its users. It is currently unknown if home buyers believe that these systems add value to the home. This study used the market value of home sales and an attitudinal survey of home buyers, to determine the increased value of homes containing Smart Technology. The results demonstrated that a significant price premium was paid by for the incorporation of the technology into new homes. In addition, the research suggests that the use of this technology is not limited to high income earners or other demographic stereotypes. Instead it has broad market appeal and the potential to save energy for the community at large.<br /

    Utilising LEDs in industrial lighting - Case study

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    Loistediodien eli ledien käyttö on yleistynyt huomattavasti viime vuosina kaikilla valaistuksen osa-alueilla. Tehokkuuden kasvaessa ja hinnan laskiessa ledit ovat yleistyneet myös katu- ja teollisuusvalaistuksessa. Teollisuuden hankalissa ympäristöissä erityisesti ledien pitkä käyttöikä on merkittävä tekijä. Tässä diplomityössä tutustuttiin teollisuuden erilaisiin valaistus- ja ohjausvaihtoehtoihin ja tutkittiin tutkimuskohteena olleen paperitehtaan valaistuksen nykytilannetta valaistusvoimakkuus- ja luminanssimittauksin sekä DIALux-mallinnuksin. Lisäksi kohteeseen suunniteltiin uusi ledivalaistus erilaisilla valaisinvaihtoehdoilla ja laskettiin näille mahdollisimman tarkat elinkaarikustannusarviot sekä takaisinmaksuajat. Elinkaarikustannusarvioiden perusteella paperitehtaan varastotilassa yksinkertaisella läsnäolo-ohjauksella sekä ledivalaisimilla energian kulutusta voitaisiin vähentää yli 80 %. Konesalin valaistuksen nykyisestä energiankulutuksesta puolestaan olisi mahdollista säästää 70 % 30 vuoden laskenta-ajalla pelkästään siirtymällä ledivalaistukseen nykyisten monimetallivalaisinten sijaan. Järkevästi suunnitellulla valaistuksen ohjauksella näitä säästöjä on mahdollista vieläkin kasvattaa. Kaiken kaikkiaan voidaan tämän tutkimuksen perusteella sanoa, että paperitehtaassa elinkaarensa päässä olevan valaistuksen saneeraaminen ledeillä on kokonaistaloudellisesti kannattavaa.In recent years, Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have become increasingly common in all areas of lighting. While luminous efficacy increases and unit price of LEDs decreases, their use in street and industrial lighting is also becoming more common. In the demanding environments of industrial plants, particularly the long life span of LEDs is a remarkable factor. This thesis investigated the economical profitability of using LED luminaires when renewing the lighting in a paper factory. First, different alternative solutions in lighting and its control were studied and then life cycle costs and payback times were calculated as accurately as possible using three different methods. The calculations in this thesis showed that by using smart control and appropriate LED luminaires it is possible to save over 80 % of the energy consumed today in the warehouse of the factory. In the machine room, the designed LED solutions without control would save 70 % of the energy consumed now and with smart control the energy consumption would decrease even further. Also, with LEDs, the life span of the lighting is longer and thus the maintenance interval is longer as well. The analysis concluded that renewing metal halide lighting at the end of its life span with LEDs is economically profitable

    Software reference architecture for smart environments: Perception

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    With the increase of intelligent devices, ubiquitous computing is spreading to all scopes of people life. Smart home (or industrial) environments include automation and control devices to save energy, perform tasks, assist and give comfort in order to satisfy specific preferences. This paper focuses on the proposal for Software Reference Architecture for the development of smart applications and their deployment in smart environments. The motivation for this Reference Architecture and its benefits are also explained. The proposal considers three main processes in the software architecture of these applications: perception, reasoning and acting. This paper centres attention on the definition of the Perception process and provides an example for its implementation and subsequent validation of the proposal. The software presented implements the Perception process of a smart environment for a standard office, by retrieving data from the real world and storing it for further reasoning and acting processes. The objectives of this solution include the provision of comfort for the users and the saving of energy in lighting. Through this verification, it is also shown that developments under this proposal produce major benefits within the software life cycle.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2009-14378-C02-01 (ARTEMISA)Junta de Andalucía TIC-8052 (Simon


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    A Lighting control system is an intelligent connection of lighting that controls the amount of light in a given space. It provides interaction between systems in order to regulate light. It is mostly used in public buildings in order to save energy maximally from the lighting system, to satisfy codes of buildings. The problem of expensive cost in the lighting system, increase in energy consumption bills and energy wastage led to the introduction of smart lighting. Therefore, an intelligent and efficient light control system that saves energy and cost of energy consumption of light in our day to day activities for rooms was assembled. Passive infrared sensor combined with the light dependent resistor was used to control the luminous intensity of LED from the comparator (ATMEGA328) comparing the values gotten from the two sensors as input such that when the value of luminous intensity gotten from the light dependent resistor is higher than the required intensity, then the LED remains off and when the value of luminous intensity gotten from the light dependent resistor is lower than the required intensity, the LED supplies light that will make up for the missing intensity. It was deduced that, as the intensity of light increases, the resistance of the light dependent resistor decreases. It was also observed that the luminous intensity increases as the time of the day increase i.e. as the laboratory light intensity decreased. Thus, the system function efficiently as the energy was considerably conserved

    Dynamic Daylight Metrics for Electricity Savings in Offices: Window Size and Climate Smart Lighting Management

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    Daylight performance metrics provide a promising approach for the design and optimization of lighting strategies in buildings and their management. Smart controls for electric lighting can reduce power consumption and promote visual comfort using different control strategies, based on affordable technologies and low building impact. The aim of this research is to assess the energy efficiency of these smart controls by means of dynamic daylight performance metrics, to determine suitable solutions based on the geometry of the architecture and the weather conditions. The analysis considers different room dimensions, with variable window size and two mean surface reflectance values. DaySim 3.1 lighting software provides the simulations for the study, determining the necessary quantification of dynamic metrics to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed smart controls and their impact on energy efficiency. The validation of dynamic metrics is carried out by monitoring a mesh of illuminance-meters in test cells throughout one year. The results showed that, for most rooms more than 3.00 m deep, smart controls achieve worthwhile energy savings and a low payback period, regardless of weather conditions and for worst-case situations. It is also concluded that dimming systems provide a higher net present value and allow the use of smaller window size than other control solutions


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    The rise in energy costs urged the need in minimizing the energy consumption. As significant amount of energy is used for illuminating in educational buildings such as lecture halls and lecture rooms, improvements is needed to avoid energy waste for unoccupied and daylight hour. The lighting will be controlled based on demand to save the energy costs. The project is to design a smart energy saving classroom system using programmable logic controller (PLC). It integrates the lighting and air conditioner control system. Software for this project includes Simatic Manager, Wincc Flexible and Microsoft Visio 2010.The hardware includes Siemens S300 series PLC, Siemens 10 inch touch screen, network cable and MPI cable. The inputs are sensor at the door and sensors at each of the student seat while the outputs are the projector dc motor, lights, air-conditioner and touch screen. The proposed system offers a costs-saving solution with low maintenance and gives great performance results