4,488 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Hybrid Beamforming and Digital Beamforming with Low-Resolution ADCs for Multiple Users and Imperfect CSI

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    For 5G it will be important to leverage the available millimeter wave spectrum. To achieve an approximately omni- directional coverage with a similar effective antenna aperture compared to state of the art cellular systems, an antenna array is required at both the mobile and basestation. Due to the large bandwidth and inefficient amplifiers available in CMOS for mmWave, the analog front-end of the receiver with a large number of antennas becomes especially power hungry. Two main solutions exist to reduce the power consumption: hybrid beam forming and digital beam forming with low resolution Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs). In this work we compare the spectral and energy efficiency of both systems under practical system constraints. We consider the effects of channel estimation, transmitter impairments and multiple simultaneous users. Our power consumption model considers components reported in literature at 60 GHz. In contrast to many other works we also consider the correlation of the quantization error, and generalize the modeling of it to non-uniform quantizers and different quantizers at each antenna. The result shows that as the SNR gets larger the ADC resolution achieving the optimal energy efficiency gets also larger. The energy efficiency peaks for 5 bit resolution at high SNR, since due to other limiting factors the achievable rate almost saturates at this resolution. We also show that in the multi-user scenario digital beamforming is in any case more energy efficient than hybrid beamforming. In addition we show that if different ADC resolutions are used we can achieve any desired trade-offs between power consumption and rate close to those achieved with only one ADC resolution.Comment: Submitted to JSTSP. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0290

    Linear Block Coding for Efficient Beam Discovery in Millimeter Wave Communication Networks

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    The surge in mobile broadband data demands is expected to surpass the available spectrum capacity below 6 GHz. This expectation has prompted the exploration of millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequency bands as a candidate technology for next generation wireless networks. However, numerous challenges to deploying mm-wave communication systems, including channel estimation, need to be met before practical deployments are possible. This work addresses the mm-wave channel estimation problem and treats it as a beam discovery problem in which locating beams with strong path reflectors is analogous to locating errors in linear block codes. We show that a significantly small number of measurements (compared to the original dimensions of the channel matrix) is sufficient to reliably estimate the channel. We also show that this can be achieved using a simple and energy-efficient transceiver architecture.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM '1

    Bit Allocation Law for Multi-Antenna Channel Feedback Quantization: Single-User Case

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    This paper studies the design and optimization of a limited feedback single-user system with multiple-antenna transmitter and single-antenna receiver. The design problem is cast in form of the minimizing the average transmission power at the base station subject to the user's outage probability constraint. The optimization is over the user's channel quantization codebook and the transmission power control function at the base station. Our approach is based on fixing the outage scenarios in advance and transforming the design problem into a robust system design problem. We start by showing that uniformly quantizing the channel magnitude in dB scale is asymptotically optimal, regardless of the magnitude distribution function. We derive the optimal uniform (in dB) channel magnitude codebook and combine it with a spatially uniform channel direction codebook to arrive at a product channel quantization codebook. We then optimize such a product structure in the asymptotic regime of Bβ†’βˆžB\rightarrow \infty, where BB is the total number of quantization feedback bits. The paper shows that for channels in the real space, the asymptotically optimal number of direction quantization bits should be (Mβˆ’1)/2{(M{-}1)}/{2} times the number of magnitude quantization bits, where MM is the number of base station antennas. We also show that the performance of the designed system approaches the performance of the perfect channel state information system as 2βˆ’2BM+12^{-\frac{2B}{M+1}}. For complex channels, the number of magnitude and direction quantization bits are related by a factor of (Mβˆ’1)(M{-}1) and the system performance scales as 2βˆ’BM2^{-\frac{B}{M}} as Bβ†’βˆžB\rightarrow\infty.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, March 201
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