2,047 research outputs found

    On the Effectiveness of Genetic Search in Combinatorial Optimization

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    In this paper, we study the efficacy of genetic algorithms in the context of combinatorial optimization. In particular, we isolate the effects of cross-over, treated as the central component of genetic search. We show that for problems of nontrivial size and difficulty, the contribution of cross-over search is marginal, both synergistically when run in conjunction with mutation and selection, or when run with selection alone, the reference point being the search procedure consisting of just mutation and selection. The latter can be viewed as another manifestation of the Metropolis process. Considering the high computational cost of maintaining a population to facilitate cross-over search, its marginal benefit renders genetic search inferior to its singleton-population counterpart, the Metropolis process, and by extension, simulated annealing. This is further compounded by the fact that many problems arising in practice may inherently require a large number of state transitions for a near-optimal solution to be found, making genetic search infeasible given the high cost of computing a single iteration in the enlarged state-space.NSF (CCR-9204284

    Methods for evaluating Decision Problems with Limited Information

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    LImited Memory Influence Diagrams (LIMIDs) are general models of decision problems for representing limited memory policies (Lauritzen and Nilsson (2001)). The evaluation of LIMIDs can be done by Single Policy Updating that produces a local maximum strategy in which no single policy modification can increase the expected utility. This paper examines the quality of the obtained local maximum strategy and proposes three different methods for evaluating LIMIDs. The first algorithm, Temporal Policy Updating, resembles Single Policy Updating. The second algorithm, Greedy Search, successively updates the policy that gives the highest expected utility improvement. The final algorithm, Simulating Annealing, differs from the two preceeding by allowing the search to take some downhill steps to escape a local maximum. A careful comparison of the algorithms is provided both in terms of the quality of the obtained strategies, and in terms of implementation of the algorithms including some considerations of the computational complexity

    How Good are Genetic Algorithms at Finding Large Cliques: An Experimental Study

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    This paper investigates the power of genetic algorithms at solving the MAX-CLIQUE problem. We measure the performance of a standard genetic algorithm on an elementary set of problem instances consisting of embedded cliques in random graphs. We indicate the need for improvement, and introduce a new genetic algorithm, the multi-phase annealed GA, which exhibits superior performance on the same problem set. As we scale up the problem size and test on \hard" benchmark instances, we notice a degraded performance in the algorithm caused by premature convergence to local minima. To alleviate this problem, a sequence of modi cations are implemented ranging from changes in input representation to systematic local search. The most recent version, called union GA, incorporates the features of union cross-over, greedy replacement, and diversity enhancement. It shows a marked speed-up in the number of iterations required to find a given solution, as well as some improvement in the clique size found. We discuss issues related to the SIMD implementation of the genetic algorithms on a Thinking Machines CM-5, which was necessitated by the intrinsically high time complexity (O(n3)) of the serial algorithm for computing one iteration. Our preliminary conclusions are: (1) a genetic algorithm needs to be heavily customized to work "well" for the clique problem; (2) a GA is computationally very expensive, and its use is only recommended if it is known to find larger cliques than other algorithms; (3) although our customization e ort is bringing forth continued improvements, there is no clear evidence, at this time, that a GA will have better success in circumventing local minima.NSF (CCR-9204284

    Maximum common subgraph isomorphism algorithms for the matching of chemical structures

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    The maximum common subgraph (MCS) problem has become increasingly important in those aspects of chemoinformatics that involve the matching of 2D or 3D chemical structures. This paper provides a classification and a review of the many MCS algorithms, both exact and approximate, that have been described in the literature, and makes recommendations regarding their applicability to typical chemoinformatics tasks

    Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis

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    Uncovering the community structure exhibited by real networks is a crucial step towards an understanding of complex systems that goes beyond the local organization of their constituents. Many algorithms have been proposed so far, but none of them has been subjected to strict tests to evaluate their performance. Most of the sporadic tests performed so far involved small networks with known community structure and/or artificial graphs with a simplified structure, which is very uncommon in real systems. Here we test several methods against a recently introduced class of benchmark graphs, with heterogeneous distributions of degree and community size. The methods are also tested against the benchmark by Girvan and Newman and on random graphs. As a result of our analysis, three recent algorithms introduced by Rosvall and Bergstrom, Blondel et al. and Ronhovde and Nussinov, respectively, have an excellent performance, with the additional advantage of low computational complexity, which enables one to analyze large systems.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. The software to compute the values of our general normalized mutual information is available at http://santo.fortunato.googlepages.com/inthepress
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