2 research outputs found

    Computational Complexity of SAT, XSAT and NAE-SAT for linear and mixed Horn CNF formulas

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    The Boolean conjunctive normal form (CNF) satisfiability problem, called SAT for short, gets as input a CNF formula and has to decide whether this formula admits a satisfying truth assignment. As is well known, the remarkable result by S. Cook in 1971 established SAT as the first and genuine complete problem for the complexity class NP. In this thesis we consider SAT for a subclass of CNF, the so called Mixed Horn formula class (MHF). A formula F in MHF consists of a 2-CNF part P and a Horn part H. We propose that MHF has a central relevance in CNF because many prominent NP-complete problems, e.g. Feedback Vertex Set, Vertex Cover, Dominating Set and Hitting Set, can easily be encoded as MHF. Furthermore, we show that SAT remains NP-complete for some interesting subclasses of MHF. We also provide algorithms for some of these subclasses solving SAT in a better running time than O(2^0.5284n) which is the best bound for MHF so far. One of these subclasses consists of formulas, where the Horn part is negative monotone and the variable graph corresponding to the positive 2-CNF part P consists of disjoint triangles only. Regarding the other subclass consisting of certain k-uniform linear mixed Horn formulas, we provide an algorithm solving SAT in time O(k^(n/k)), for k>=4. Additionally, we consider mixed Horn formulas F in MHF for which holds: H is negative monotone, c=3. We also prove the NP-completeness of XSAT for CNF formulas which are l-regular meaning that every variable occurs exactly l times, where l>=3 is a fixed integer. On that basis, we can provide the NP-completeness of XSAT for the subclass of linear and l-regular formulas. This result is transferable to the monotone case. Moreover, we provide an algorithm solving XSAT for the subclass of monotone, linear and l-regular formulas faster than the so far best algorithm from J. M. Byskov et al. for CNF-XSAT with a running time of O(2^0.2325n). Using some connections to finite projective planes, we can also show that XSAT remains NP-complete for linear and l-regular formulas that in addition are l-uniform whenever l=q+1, where q is a prime power. Thus XSAT most likely is NP-complete for the other values of l>= 3, too. Apart from that, we are interested in exact linear formulas: Here each pair of distinct clauses has exactly one variable in common. We show that NAESAT is polynomial-time decidable restricted to exact linear formulas. Reinterpreting this result enables us to give a partial answer to a long-standing open question mentioned by T. Eiter: Classify the computational complexity of the symmetrical intersecting unsatisfiability problem (SIM-UNSAT). Then we show the NP-completeness of XSAT for monotone and exact linear formulas, which we can also establish for the subclass of formulas whose clauses have length at least k, k>=3. This is somehow surprising since both SAT and not-all-equal SAT are polynomial-time solvable for exact linear formulas. However, for k=3,4,5,6 we can show that XSAT is polynomial-time solvable for the k-uniform, monotone and exact linear formula class

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