3 research outputs found

    An Approach to Domain-Specific Reuse in Service-Oriented Environments

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    Domain engineering is successful in promoting reuse. An approach to domain-specific reuse in service-oriented environments is proposed to facilitate service requesters to reuse Web services. In the approach, we present a conceptual model of domain-specific services (called domain service). Domain services in a certain business domain are modeled by semantic and feature modeling techniques, and bound to Web services with diverse capabilities through a variability-supported matching mechanism. By reusing pre-modeled domain services, service requesters can describe their requests easily through a service customization mechanism. Web service selection based on customized results can also be optimized by reusing the pre-matching results between domain services and Web services. Feasibility of the whole approach is demonstrated on an example

    A Service-Oriented Architecture Adoption Maturity Matrix using Kano Model: Cross Evaluation between IT and Business Benefits

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    The many promised benefits of SOA adoption have attracted numerous organizations to adopt SOA. These SOA adoption benefits have been identified by the previous researchers and can be distinguished into IT and business benefits. However, this study found that there is a lack of work that provide a method on how to construct the matrix for evaluating the SOA adoption focuses on both IT and business benefits. Therefore, this study aims to provide a method that can be used to construct a cross evaluation matrix focuses on SOA adoption IT and business benefits. This study first determines the IT and business benefits characteristics and sub-characteristics in order to provide the evaluation criteria for evaluating the SOA adoption. Then this study adapted Kano Model in order to construct the cross evaluation matrix between IT and business benefits. The findings implies that Kano Model is appropriate to be used as the underlying structure to construct the cross evaluation matrix in this study. Kano Model provides the approach on how to plot, organize and better represent the evaluation dimension for evaluating the SOA adoption

    A service modeling approach with business-level reusability and extensibility.

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    This paper introduces a novel service modeling approach called VINCA_BS, which can be used by business people to extend the functionality of a service based software platform from a business perspective. VINCA_BS approach introduces the domain analysis approaches into service modeling and uses the domain requirement commonalities to define our VINCA business service models, which are user understandable, business level reusable service abstractions omitting concrete business details. These service models can be instantiated by different business people according to their actual business requirements that consequently add new functionalities to the platform. The approach has been successfully validated in a service based e-government project.Jianwu Wang, Jian Yu and Yanbo Ha