820,219 research outputs found

    Prediktor Perilaku Menjaga Kadar Glukosa Darah Pasien Diabetes Mellitus: Persepsi Sehat Berbasis Health Belief Model

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    Persepsi sehat adalah suatu proses seseorang dalam menginterpretasikan stimulus yang diterima oleh alat indra yang berkaitan dengan keadaan sehat seseorang sehingga perilakunya disesuaikan dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara persepsi sehat berdasarkan teori health belief model sebagai prediktor perilaku mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah normal pada pasien diabetes tipe 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional pada 112 responden dengan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner health belief model dan perilaku menjaga kadar glukosa darah. Spearman rank test digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai modus persepsi sehat adalah 108 dan nilai median 106,5 dengan nilai minimum 86 dan nilai maksimum 119, sedangkan nilai modus perilaku menjaga kadar glukosa darah adalah 27 dan nilai median 27,5 dengan nilai minimum 23 dan nilai maksimum 33. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku persepsi sehat mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah (p = <0,011 dan r = 0,239). Terdapat korelasi positif yang berarti semakin tinggi persepsi kesehatan, semakin tinggi perilaku mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Perawat dapat menggunakan teori health belief model untuk memperjelas persepsi pasien DM tipe 2 sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pasien untuk mengadopsi gaya hidup yang lebih sehat.   Healthy perception is an individual process to interprete the stimulus received by the sense organs, which related to a healthy state that stimulated individuals to adjust behavior as expectation. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between healthy perceptions based on the theory of health belief models and behavior to maintain normal blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients. A cross-sectional design was performed 112 respondents using the purposive sampling. The data was collected using the health belief model and the behavior to maintain blood glucose levels questionnaire. Spearman rank test was used to analyse the objective the study. The results showed that the mode value of healthy perception was 108 and median value was 106,5 , with a minimum value of 86 and a maximum value of 119. While the mode value of behavior maintaining blood glucose levels was 27 and median value was 27,5 with a minimum value of 23 and a maximum value of 33. There was a significant correlation between healthy perception behavior of maintaining blood glucose levels (p = <0.011 and r = 0.239) with a low positive correlation between the two variables. It shows that the higher the perception of health, the higher the behavior of maintaining blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nurses suggested to use the health belief model theory to clarify the perception of type 2 diabetes patients that can influence patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle.Persepsi sehat adalah suatu proses seseorang dalam menginterpretasikan stimulus yang diterima oleh alat indra yang berkaitan dengan keadaan sehat seseorang sehingga perilakunya disesuaikan dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara persepsi sehat berdasarkan teori health belief model sebagai prediktor perilaku mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah normal pada pasien diabetes tipe 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional pada 112 responden dengan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner health belief model dan perilaku menjaga kadar glukosa darah. Spearman rank test digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai modus persepsi sehat adalah 108 dan nilai median 106,5 dengan nilai minimum 86 dan nilai maksimum 119, sedangkan nilai modus perilaku menjaga kadar glukosa darah adalah 27 dan nilai median 27,5 dengan nilai minimum 23 dan nilai maksimum 33. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku persepsi sehat mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah (p = <0,011 dan r = 0,239). Terdapat korelasi positif yang berarti semakin tinggi persepsi kesehatan, semakin tinggi perilaku mempertahankan kadar glukosa darah pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Perawat dapat menggunakan teori health belief model untuk memperjelas persepsi pasien DM tipe 2 sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pasien untuk mengadopsi gaya hidup yang lebih sehat.   Healthy perception is an individual process to interprete the stimulus received by the sense organs, which related to a healthy state that stimulated individuals to adjust behavior as expectation. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between healthy perceptions based on the theory of health belief models and behavior to maintain normal blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients. A cross-sectional design was performed 112 respondents using the purposive sampling. The data was collected using the health belief model and the behavior to maintain blood glucose levels questionnaire. Spearman rank test was used to analyse the objective the study. The results showed that the mode value of healthy perception was 108 and median value was 106,5 , with a minimum value of 86 and a maximum value of 119. While the mode value of behavior maintaining blood glucose levels was 27 and median value was 27,5 with a minimum value of 23 and a maximum value of 33. There was a significant correlation between healthy perception behavior of maintaining blood glucose levels (p = <0.011 and r = 0.239) with a low positive correlation between the two variables. It shows that the higher the perception of health, the higher the behavior of maintaining blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nurses suggested to use the health belief model theory to clarify the perception of type 2 diabetes patients that can influence patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle

    Promoting Student Action in a Primary School

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    This organizational improvement plan addresses a problem of practice in the primary division of an international school. This improvement plan focuses on increasing the quantity and quality of student action as an outcome of learning as evidenced in the school’s curriculum mapping database. Proposed changes are based on the belief that the overarching purpose of schooling is to prepare individuals for full engagement and participation in democratic society. Full participation requires that students develop a sense of agency and empowerment to act upon the knowledge they gain through their schooling. Schooling provides students with the ability and disposition to challenge the status quo and think critically about issues of fairness, justice, and equity to create a more just society. This plan uses social justice as a lens through which to view the process of change, with a blend of transformative leadership and distributed leadership to guide the planning and implementation of this change plan. Kotter’s (1996) Stage Model of change provides a framework upon which this organizational improvement plan is structured and guided. Keywords: Critical Theory, Transformative Leadership, Distributed Leadership, Kotter, Stage Model of Chang

    Analysis of Teacher Measurement-Evaluation Preferences from the Perspective of Epistemological Belief

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    The goal of this research is to make an epistemological analysis of methods used by high school teachers in teaching process and their measurement and evaluation preferences. The research is based on descriptive model and conducted on a total of 819 teachers. Data are collected through information form and analyzed with scientific statistical techniques. At the end of the analyses, it is observed that high school teachers participated in the research are partially sufficient in terms of epistemological belief; but these teachers stated that they highly benefit from the nature of knowledge while teaching a topic and conducting an exam. As there seems to be a dilemma between the statements and practices of teachers, the statements are found questionable. Participant teachers preferred the method of presentation in teaching process while they preferred conducting written exams in measurement-evaluation processes. These preferences justified the questionable point. This situation, which reveals the epistemological deficiency of teachers who participated in the research, is also an indication of epistemological discrepancy between current education programs and teachers. This indication shows that modern constructivist education programs in Turkey are practiced in a traditional sense. Putting education programs into practice by epistemologically destroying their nature is a serious risk that can prevent Turkey from reaching educational goals. It is known that constructivist approach makes significant contributions to ensure efficient education and to the process of raising creative individuals.

    Model Penguatan Modal Sosial dalam Kerangka Perluasan Lapangan Kerja bagi Orang Asli Papua di Kabupaten Manokwari

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    This study aims to reconstruct a model of strengthening social capital to expand opportunities for employment for Papuans, which have been difficult to obtain in Manokwari District. The approach used is grounded theory based on phenomena by applying it in the form of concepts, categories and propositions as a means of construction, reconstruction and elaboration in a social process, with a constructivism paradigm model and emphasizing more on the emic approach. Methods of observation, interviews and documentation. The main instrument is the researcher himself with the help of: a tape recorder notebook, and a camera. The validity of the data was tested using the technique, source, and time triangulation method. Data analysis used descriptive narrative analysis. Research findings show, among others; there is an imbalance of knowledge and understanding of the meaning of belief; there is a tendency for indigenous Papuans to prefer working in the formal sector rather than in the informal sector; the collaboration of social capital and other capital in the process of expanding employment opportunities; indigenous Papuans have no trust in each other, are suspicious of each other, feel inferior; a sense of injustice; the government in empowering no follow-up; the MRPB and LMA should have collaborated with the Otsus faction, Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), TNI/Polri, and the private sector; Obstacles to Perda and Perdasus. The strategy to strengthen the structuring of the model within the framework of understanding social relations and the meaning of affirmative action as protection for the basic rights of indigenous Papuans does not yet have a strategy that looks specifically for expanding employment opportunities for indigenous Papuans both in the informal and formal sectors based on local wisdom in the Law -Special Autonomy Act

    A Search for Meaning: The Family’s Response to Serious Mental Illness

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    It is a commonly held belief that it is inherent in human nature to strive for coherence and meaning in the midst of adversity. Whether this is short or long term, for immediate or prolonged functioning, we all strive to put experiences within events into a framework that enables us to develop a sense of order leading to acceptance and resolution. Therefore, each individual within a family system may develop a hypothesis in order to make a modicum of sense of what can appear to be an impossible situation. The participants involved in this study were individuals with relatives suffering from mental illness; parents, siblings, children, and extended family members who had raised a niece/nephew or grandchild with mental illness. The research design was based on pilot interviews, a demographic questionnaire, and a structured narrative interview. The transcribed texts were analyzed using structural analysis and grounded theory. Five women and three men provided narratives of their lived experience with a family member suffering with mental illness from a variety of perspectives in response to open-ended questions posed by Researcher. The emergent themes were organized and categorized into levels or stages of experience that became the structural equivalent of the journey undertaken by these individuals in their search for meaning. These themes were characterized by the need for the experience of feelings, the need to reach out (personal contact), the need for cognitive process (faculty of knowing), the need for an end purpose, the need for an outcome, and the need for an ultimate resolution from which sense or meaning is derived. Results of the study indicated that family members come to terms with or find meaning in the midst of familial mental illness through a process that incorporates the succinct concepts of emotion, resources, knowledge, strategies, process, and coming to terms. The integration of these components into a model of meaning for families with relatives suffering from mental illness lead these individuals to ways of being in the world that is characterized, in most cases, by active engagement in the search for meaning. The electronic version of this dissertation is available in the open-access OhioLink ETD Center, www.ohiolink.edu/et

    Literal Perceptual Inference

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    In this paper, I argue that theories of perception that appeal to Helmholtz’s idea of unconscious inference (“Helmholtzian” theories) should be taken literally, i.e. that the inferences appealed to in such theories are inferences in the full sense of the term, as employed elsewhere in philosophy and in ordinary discourse. In the course of the argument, I consider constraints on inference based on the idea that inference is a deliberate acton, and on the idea that inferences depend on the syntactic structure of representations. I argue that inference is a personal-level but sometimes unconscious process that cannot in general be distinguished from association on the basis of the structures of the representations over which it’s defined. I also critique arguments against representationalist interpretations of Helmholtzian theories, and argue against the view that perceptual inference is encapsulated in a module

    Fictional Persuasion and the Nature of Belief

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    Psychological studies on fictional persuasion demonstrate that being engaged with fiction systematically affects our beliefs about the real world, in ways that seem insensitive to the truth. This threatens to undermine the widely accepted view that beliefs are essentially regulated in ways that tend to ensure their truth, and may tempt various non-doxastic interpretations of the belief-seeming attitudes we form as a result of engaging with fiction. I evaluate this threat, and argue that it is benign. Even if the relevant attitudes are best seen as genuine beliefs, as I think they often are, their lack of appropriate sensitivity to the truth does not undermine the essential tie between belief and truth. To this end, I shall consider what I take to be the three most plausible models of the cognitive mechanisms underlying fictional persuasion, and argue that on none of these models does fictional persuasion undermine the essential truth-tie
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