2,303 research outputs found

    Reaction-diffusion problems on time-dependent Riemannian manifolds: stability of periodic solutions

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    We investigate the stability of time-periodic solutions of semilinear parabolic problems with Neumann boundary conditions. Such problems are posed on compact submanifolds evolving periodically in time. The discussion is based on the principal eigenvalue of periodic parabolic operators. The study is motivated by biological models on the effect of growth and curvature on patterns formation. The Ricci curvature plays an important role

    A striking correspondence between the dynamics generated by the vector fields and by the scalar parabolic equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to enhance a correspondence between the dynamics of the differential equations y˙(t)=g(y(t))\dot y(t)=g(y(t)) on Rd\mathbb{R}^d and those of the parabolic equations u˙=Δu+f(x,u,u)\dot u=\Delta u +f(x,u,\nabla u) on a bounded domain Ω\Omega. We give details on the similarities of these dynamics in the cases d=1d=1, d=2d=2 and d3d\geq 3 and in the corresponding cases Ω=(0,1)\Omega=(0,1), Ω=T1\Omega=\mathbb{T}^1 and dim(Ω\Omega)2\geq 2 respectively. In addition to the beauty of such a correspondence, this could serve as a guideline for future research on the dynamics of parabolic equations

    Semilinear elliptic equations in thin regions with terms concentrating on oscillatory boundaries

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    In this work we study the behavior of a family of solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation, with homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, posed in a two-dimensional oscillating thin region with reaction terms concentrated in a neighborhood of the oscillatory boundary. Our main result is concerned with the upper and lower semicontinuity of the set of solutions. We show that the solutions of our perturbed equation can be approximated with ones of a one-dimensional equation, which also captures the effects of all relevant physical processes that take place in the original problem

    Superconvergent interpolatory HDG methods for reaction diffusion equations I: An HDGk_{k} method

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    In our earlier work [8], we approximated solutions of a general class of scalar parabolic semilinear PDEs by an interpolatory hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (Interpolatory HDG) method. This method reduces the computational cost compared to standard HDG since the HDG matrices are assembled once before the time integration. Interpolatory HDG also achieves optimal convergence rates; however, we did not observe superconvergence after an element-by-element postprocessing. In this work, we revisit the Interpolatory HDG method for reaction diffusion problems, and use the postprocessed approximate solution to evaluate the nonlinear term. We prove this simple change restores the superconvergence and keeps the computational advantages of the Interpolatory HDG method. We present numerical results to illustrate the convergence theory and the performance of the method

    Five types of blow-up in a semilinear fourth-order reaction-diffusion equation: an analytic-numerical approach

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    Five types of blow-up patterns that can occur for the 4th-order semilinear parabolic equation of reaction-diffusion type u_t= -\Delta^2 u + |u|^{p-1} u \quad {in} \quad \ren \times (0,T), p>1, \quad \lim_{t \to T^-}\sup_{x \in \ren} |u(x,t)|= +\iy, are discussed. For the semilinear heat equation ut=Δu+upu_t= \Delta u+ u^p, various blow-up patterns were under scrutiny since 1980s, while the case of higher-order diffusion was studied much less, regardless a wide range of its application.Comment: 41 pages, 27 figure