18 research outputs found

    Learning by Viewing: Generating Test Inputs for Games by Integrating Human Gameplay Traces in Neuroevolution

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    Although automated test generation is common in many programming domains, games still challenge test generators due to their heavy randomisation and hard-to-reach program states. Neuroevolution combined with search-based software testing principles has been shown to be a promising approach for testing games, but the co-evolutionary search for optimal network topologies and weights involves unreasonably long search durations. In this paper, we aim to improve the evolutionary search for game input generators by integrating knowledge about human gameplay behaviour. To this end, we propose a novel way of systematically recording human gameplay traces, and integrating these traces into the evolutionary search for networks using traditional gradient descent as a mutation operator. Experiments conducted on eight diverse Scratch games demonstrate that the proposed approach reduces the required search time from five hours down to only 52 minutes

    The Layered Learning Method and its Application to Generation of Evaluation Functions for the Game

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe and analyze a Computational Intelligence (CI)-based approach to creating evaluation functions for two player mind games (i.e. classical turn-based board games that require mental skills, such as chess, checkers, Go, Othello, etc.). The method allows gradual, step-by-step training, starting with end-game positions and gradually moving towards the root of the game tree. In each phase a new training set is generated basing on results of previous training stages and any supervised learning method can be used for actual development of the evaluation function. We validate the usefulness of the approach by employing it to develop heuristics for the game of checkers. Since in previous experiments we applied it to training evaluation functions encoded as linear combinations of game state statistics, this time we concentrate on development of artificial neural network (ANN)-based heuristics. Games provide cheap, reproducible environments suitable for testing new search algorithms, pattern-based evaluation methods or learning concepts. Since the seminal papers devoted to programming chess [1-3] and checkers Most examples of application of CI methods to mind game playing make use of either reinforcement learning methods, neural networks-based approaches, evolutionary methods or hybrid neuro-genetic solutions, e.g. in chess The main focus of this paper is on testing the efficacy of what we call Layered Learning -a generally-applicable approach to building the evaluation function for twoplayer games (checkers in here) which can be implemented either in the evolutionary mode or as a gradient backpropagation-type neural network training. The method, originally proposed i

    Computational intelligence from AI to BI to NI

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    ABSTRACT This paper gives highlights of the history of the neural network field, stressing the fundamental ideas which have been in play. Early neural network research was motivated mainly by the goals of artificial intelligence (AI) and of functional neuroscience (biological intelligence, BI), but the field almost died due to frustrations articulated in the famous book Perceptrons by Minsky and Papert. When I found a way to overcome the difficulties by 1974, the community mindset was very resistant to change; it was not until 1987/1988 that the field was reborn in a spectacular way, leading to the organized communities now in place. Even then, it took many more years to establish crossdisciplinary research in the types of mathematical neural networks needed to really understand the kind of intelligence we see in the brain, and to address the most demanding engineering applications. Only through a new (albeit short-lived) funding initiative, funding crossdisciplinary teams of systems engineers and neuroscientists, were we able to fund the critical empirical demonstrations which put our old basic principle of "deep learning" firmly on the map in computer science. Progress has rightly been inhibited at times by legitimate concerns about the "Terminator threat" and other possible abuses of technology. This year, at SPIE, in the quantum computing track, we outline the next stage ahead of us in breaking out of the box, again and again, and rising to fundamental challenges and opportunities still ahead of us

    Automatic Generation of Evaluation Features for Computer Game Players

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    Neuroevolution in Games: State of the Art and Open Challenges

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    This paper surveys research on applying neuroevolution (NE) to games. In neuroevolution, artificial neural networks are trained through evolutionary algorithms, taking inspiration from the way biological brains evolved. We analyse the application of NE in games along five different axes, which are the role NE is chosen to play in a game, the different types of neural networks used, the way these networks are evolved, how the fitness is determined and what type of input the network receives. The article also highlights important open research challenges in the field.Comment: - Added more references - Corrected typos - Added an overview table (Table 1

    Tree Pruning for New Search Techniques in Computer Games

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