5 research outputs found

    Sub-session hijacking on the web: Root causes and prevention

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    Since cookies act as the only proof of a user identity, web sessions are particularly vulnerable to session hijacking attacks, where the browser run by a given user sends requests associated to the identity of another user. When n > 1 cookies are used to implement a session, there might actually be n sub-sessions running at the same website, where each cookie is used to retrieve part of the state information related to the session. Sub-session hijacking breaks the ideal view of the existence of a unique user session by selectively hijacking m sub-sessions, with m < n. This may reduce the security of the session to the security of its weakest sub-session. In this paper, we take a systematic look at the root causes of sub-session hijacking attacks and we introduce sub-session linking as a possible defense mechanism. Out of two flavors of sub-session linking desirable for security, which we call intra-scope and inter-scope sub-session linking respectively, only the former is relatively smooth to implement. Luckily, we also identify programming practices to void the need for inter-scope sub-session linking. We finally present Warden, a server-side proxy which automatically enforces intra-scope sub-session linking on incoming HTTP(S) requests, and we evaluate it in terms of protection, performances, backward compatibility and ease of deployment

    Dr Cookie and Mr Token - Web session implementations and how to live with them

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    The implementation of web sessions is a somewhat anarchic and largely unstructured process. Our goal with the present paper is to provide a disciplined perspective of which are the relative strengths and weaknesses of the most common techniques to implement web sessions, with a particular focus on their security. We clarify common misconceptions in the recent "cookies vs tokens" debate and we propose a more useful classification of web session implementations, based on where session information and session credentials are stored. We then propose a new implementation technique for web sessions which combines the strengths of existing web technologies to overcome their weaknesses and we successfully deploy our solution on top of WordPress and the Auth0 library for web authentication to demonstrate its feasibility

    CookiExt: Patching the browser against session hijacking attacks

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    Session cookies constitute one of the main attack targets against client authentication on the Web. To counter these attacks, modern web browsers implement native cookie protection mechanisms based on the HttpOnly and Secure flags. While there is a general understanding about the effectiveness of these defenses, no formal result has so far been proved about the security guarantees they convey. With the present paper we provide the first such result, by presenting a mechanized proof of noninterference assessing the robustness of the HttpOnly and Secure cookie flags against both web and network attackers with the ability to perform arbitrary XSS code injection. We then develop CookiExt, a browser extension that provides client-side protection against session hijacking, based on appropriate flagging of session cookies and automatic redirection over HTTPS for HTTP requests carrying these cookies. Our solution improves over existing client-side defenses by combining protection against both web and network attacks, while at the same time being designed so as to minimise its effects on the user's browsing experience. Finally, we report on the experiments we carried out to practically evaluate the effectiveness of our approach