3,188 research outputs found

    Seglearn: A Python Package for Learning Sequences and Time Series

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    Seglearn is an open-source python package for machine learning time series or sequences using a sliding window segmentation approach. The implementation provides a flexible pipeline for tackling classification, regression, and forecasting problems with multivariate sequence and contextual data. This package is compatible with scikit-learn and is listed under scikit-learn Related Projects. The package depends on numpy, scipy, and scikit-learn. Seglearn is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Documentation includes a detailed API description, user guide, and examples. Unit tests provide a high degree of code coverage

    Pycobra: A Python Toolbox for Ensemble Learning and Visualisation

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    We introduce \texttt{pycobra}, a Python library devoted to ensemble learning (regression and classification) and visualisation. Its main assets are the implementation of several ensemble learning algorithms, a flexible and generic interface to compare and blend any existing machine learning algorithm available in Python libraries (as long as a \texttt{predict} method is given), and visualisation tools such as Voronoi tessellations. \texttt{pycobra} is fully \texttt{scikit-learn} compatible and is released under the MIT open-source license. \texttt{pycobra} can be downloaded from the Python Package Index (PyPi) and Machine Learning Open Source Software (MLOSS). The current version (along with Jupyter notebooks, extensive documentation, and continuous integration tests) is available at \href{https://github.com/bhargavvader/pycobra}{https://github.com/bhargavvader/pycobra} and official documentation website is \href{https://modal.lille.inria.fr/pycobra}{https://modal.lille.inria.fr/pycobra}

    Targeting HIV-related Medication Side Effects and Sentiment Using Twitter Data

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    We present a descriptive analysis of Twitter data. Our study focuses on extracting the main side effects associated with HIV treatments. The crux of our work was the identification of personal tweets referring to HIV. We summarize our results in an infographic aimed at the general public. In addition, we present a measure of user sentiment based on hand-rated tweets

    Evaluation of classical machine learning techniques towards urban sound recognition embedded systems

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    Automatic urban sound classification is a desirable capability for urban monitoring systems, allowing real-time monitoring of urban environments and recognition of events. Current embedded systems provide enough computational power to perform real-time urban audio recognition. Using such devices for the edge computation when acting as nodes of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) drastically alleviates the required bandwidth consumption. In this paper, we evaluate classical Machine Learning (ML) techniques for urban sound classification on embedded devices with respect to accuracy and execution time. This evaluation provides a real estimation of what can be expected when performing urban sound classification on such constrained devices. In addition, a cascade approach is also proposed to combine ML techniques by exploiting embedded characteristics such as pipeline or multi-thread execution present in current embedded devices. The accuracy of this approach is similar to the traditional solutions, but provides in addition more flexibility to prioritize accuracy or timing
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