3 research outputs found


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    The algorithm of complex information processing in the local navigation system of a terrestrial mobile robot and its physical model is developed. Experimental researches of this physical model have been carried out, as a result of which qualitative characteristics of the developed local navigation system have been determined. The trajectory of the object, based on the calculated navigation parameters, has a configuration identical to the actually passed route (adequate functioning of the system as a course indicator). The error in determining the coordinates of an offline object has value 0.012t2 (1.2 m per 10 s) when moving linearly and 0.022t2 (2.2 m per 10 s) when maneuvering. The orientation angles are worked out with precision (0.1梅0.3)芯 for roll and pitch angles and (2梅3)芯 for the angle of the course. Precise characteristics of the developed physical model LNS for determining orientation angles and motion parameters 袦R similar to the passport serial data SINS, and in some cases due to navigation features 袦R show even better accuracy.Opracowano algorytm z艂o偶onego przetwarzania informacji w lokalnym systemie nawigacji naziemnego mobilnego robota i jego modelu fizycznego. Przeprowadzono eksperymentalne badania tego modelu fizycznego, w wyniku kt贸rych okre艣lono cechy jako艣ciowe opracowanego lokalnego systemu nawigacji. Trajektoria obiektu, okre艣lona na podstawie obliczonych parametr贸w nawigacyjnych, ma konfiguracj臋 identyczn膮 z rzeczywist膮 przebyt膮 tras膮 (system dzia艂a poprawnie jako wska藕nik). B艂膮d w okre艣laniu wsp贸艂rz臋dnych obiektu offline wynosi 0,012t2 (1,2 m w 10 s) podczas ruchu liniowego i 0,022t2 (2,2 m w 10 s) podczas manewrowania. K膮ty orientacji s膮 obliczane z dok艂adno艣ci膮 (0,1梅0,3)o dla k膮t贸w przechy艂u i pochylenia oraz (2梅3)o dla k膮ta kursu. Dok艂adne cechy opracowanego modelu fizycznego systemu do okre艣lania k膮t贸w orientacji i parametr贸w ruchu robota mobilnego s膮 podobne do danych paszportowych seryjnych BINS, a w niekt贸rych przypadkach, ze wzgl臋du na cechy nawigacji robot贸w mobilnych, wykazuj膮 jeszcze lepsz膮 dok艂adno艣膰

    Mobile Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments: Geometric, Topological, and Semantic Navigation

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    The objective of the chapter is to show current trends in robot navigation systems related to indoor environments. Navigation systems depend on the level of abstraction of the environment representation. The three main techniques for representing the environment will be described: geometric, topological, and semantic. The geometric representation of the environment is closer to the sensor and actuator world and it is the best one to perform local navigation. Topological representation of the environment uses graphs to model the environment and it is used in large navigation tasks. The semantic representation is the most abstract representation model and adds concepts such as utilities or meanings of the environment elements in the map representation. In addition, regardless of the representation used for navigation, perception plays a significant role in terms of understanding and moving through the environment