7,030 research outputs found

    Comparing Feature Detectors: A bias in the repeatability criteria, and how to correct it

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    Most computer vision application rely on algorithms finding local correspondences between different images. These algorithms detect and compare stable local invariant descriptors centered at scale-invariant keypoints. Because of the importance of the problem, new keypoint detectors and descriptors are constantly being proposed, each one claiming to perform better (or to be complementary) to the preceding ones. This raises the question of a fair comparison between very diverse methods. This evaluation has been mainly based on a repeatability criterion of the keypoints under a series of image perturbations (blur, illumination, noise, rotations, homotheties, homographies, etc). In this paper, we argue that the classic repeatability criterion is biased towards algorithms producing redundant overlapped detections. To compensate this bias, we propose a variant of the repeatability rate taking into account the descriptors overlap. We apply this variant to revisit the popular benchmark by Mikolajczyk et al., on classic and new feature detectors. Experimental evidence shows that the hierarchy of these feature detectors is severely disrupted by the amended comparator.Comment: Fixed typo in affiliation

    Affine Subspace Representation for Feature Description

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    This paper proposes a novel Affine Subspace Representation (ASR) descriptor to deal with affine distortions induced by viewpoint changes. Unlike the traditional local descriptors such as SIFT, ASR inherently encodes local information of multi-view patches, making it robust to affine distortions while maintaining a high discriminative ability. To this end, PCA is used to represent affine-warped patches as PCA-patch vectors for its compactness and efficiency. Then according to the subspace assumption, which implies that the PCA-patch vectors of various affine-warped patches of the same keypoint can be represented by a low-dimensional linear subspace, the ASR descriptor is obtained by using a simple subspace-to-point mapping. Such a linear subspace representation could accurately capture the underlying information of a keypoint (local structure) under multiple views without sacrificing its distinctiveness. To accelerate the computation of ASR descriptor, a fast approximate algorithm is proposed by moving the most computational part (ie, warp patch under various affine transformations) to an offline training stage. Experimental results show that ASR is not only better than the state-of-the-art descriptors under various image transformations, but also performs well without a dedicated affine invariant detector when dealing with viewpoint changes.Comment: To Appear in the 2014 European Conference on Computer Visio

    RISAS: A novel rotation, illumination, scale invariant appearance and shape feature

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    © 2017 IEEE. This paper presents a novel appearance and shape feature, RISAS, which is robust to viewpoint, illumination, scale and rotation variations. RISAS consists of a keypoint detector and a feature descriptor both of which utilise texture and geometric information present in the appearance and shape channels. A novel response function based on the surface normals is used in combination with the Harris corner detector for selecting keypoints in the scene. A strategy that uses the depth information for scale estimation and background elimination is proposed to select the neighbourhood around the keypoints in order to build precise invariant descriptors. Proposed descriptor relies on the ordering of both grayscale intensity and shape information in the neighbourhood. Comprehensive experiments which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed RGB-D feature when compared with CSHOT [1] and LOIND[2] are presented. Furthermore, we highlight the utility of incorporating texture and shape information in the design of both the detector and the descriptor by demonstrating the enhanced performance of CSHOT and LOIND when combined with RISAS detector

    LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform

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    We introduce a novel Deep Network architecture that implements the full feature point handling pipeline, that is, detection, orientation estimation, and feature description. While previous works have successfully tackled each one of these problems individually, we show how to learn to do all three in a unified manner while preserving end-to-end differentiability. We then demonstrate that our Deep pipeline outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a number of benchmark datasets, without the need of retraining.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 2016 (spotlight

    FFD:Fast Feature Detector

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    Scale-invariance, good localization and robustness to noise and distortions are the main properties that a local feature detector should possess. Most existing local feature detectors find excessive unstable feature points that increase the number of keypoints to be matched and the computational time of the matching step. In this paper, we show that robust and accurate keypoints exist in the specific scale-space domain. To this end, we first formulate the superimposition problem into a mathematical model and then derive a closed-form solution for multiscale analysis. The model is formulated via difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) kernels in the continuous scale-space domain, and it is proved that setting the scale-space pyramid's blurring ratio and smoothness to 2 and 0.627, respectively, facilitates the detection of reliable keypoints. For the applicability of the proposed model to discrete images, we discretize it using the undecimated wavelet transform and the cubic spline function. Theoretically, the complexity of our method is less than 5\% of that of the popular baseline Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). Extensive experimental results show the superiority of the proposed feature detector over the existing representative hand-crafted and learning-based techniques in accuracy and computational time. The code and supplementary materials can be found at~{\url{https://github.com/mogvision/FFD}}
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