5,656 research outputs found

    Retrospective: A Scalable Processing-in-Memory Accelerator for Parallel Graph Processing

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    Our ISCA 2015 paper provides a new programmable processing-in-memory (PIM) architecture and system design that can accelerate key data-intensive applications, with a focus on graph processing workloads. Our major idea was to completely rethink the system, including the programming model, data partitioning mechanisms, system support, instruction set architecture, along with near-memory execution units and their communication architecture, such that an important workload can be accelerated at a maximum level using a distributed system of well-connected near-memory accelerators. We built our accelerator system, Tesseract, using 3D-stacked memories with logic layers, where each logic layer contains general-purpose processing cores and cores communicate with each other using a message-passing programming model. Cores could be specialized for graph processing (or any other application to be accelerated). To our knowledge, our paper was the first to completely design a near-memory accelerator system from scratch such that it is both generally programmable and specifically customizable to accelerate important applications, with a case study on major graph processing workloads. Ensuing work in academia and industry showed that similar approaches to system design can greatly benefit both graph processing workloads and other applications, such as machine learning, for which ideas from Tesseract seem to have been influential. This short retrospective provides a brief analysis of our ISCA 2015 paper and its impact. We briefly describe the major ideas and contributions of the work, discuss later works that built on it or were influenced by it, and make some educated guesses on what the future may bring on PIM and accelerator systems.Comment: Selected to the 50th Anniversary of ISCA (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture), Commemorative Issue, 202

    GraphR: Accelerating Graph Processing Using ReRAM

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    This paper presents GRAPHR, the first ReRAM-based graph processing accelerator. GRAPHR follows the principle of near-data processing and explores the opportunity of performing massive parallel analog operations with low hardware and energy cost. The analog computation is suit- able for graph processing because: 1) The algorithms are iterative and could inherently tolerate the imprecision; 2) Both probability calculation (e.g., PageRank and Collaborative Filtering) and typical graph algorithms involving integers (e.g., BFS/SSSP) are resilient to errors. The key insight of GRAPHR is that if a vertex program of a graph algorithm can be expressed in sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMV), it can be efficiently performed by ReRAM crossbar. We show that this assumption is generally true for a large set of graph algorithms. GRAPHR is a novel accelerator architecture consisting of two components: memory ReRAM and graph engine (GE). The core graph computations are performed in sparse matrix format in GEs (ReRAM crossbars). The vector/matrix-based graph computation is not new, but ReRAM offers the unique opportunity to realize the massive parallelism with unprecedented energy efficiency and low hardware cost. With small subgraphs processed by GEs, the gain of performing parallel operations overshadows the wastes due to sparsity. The experiment results show that GRAPHR achieves a 16.01x (up to 132.67x) speedup and a 33.82x energy saving on geometric mean compared to a CPU baseline system. Com- pared to GPU, GRAPHR achieves 1.69x to 2.19x speedup and consumes 4.77x to 8.91x less energy. GRAPHR gains a speedup of 1.16x to 4.12x, and is 3.67x to 10.96x more energy efficiency compared to PIM-based architecture.Comment: Accepted to HPCA 201

    Mixing multi-core CPUs and GPUs for scientific simulation software

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    Recent technological and economic developments have led to widespread availability of multi-core CPUs and specialist accelerator processors such as graphical processing units (GPUs). The accelerated computational performance possible from these devices can be very high for some applications paradigms. Software languages and systems such as NVIDIA's CUDA and Khronos consortium's open compute language (OpenCL) support a number of individual parallel application programming paradigms. To scale up the performance of some complex systems simulations, a hybrid of multi-core CPUs for coarse-grained parallelism and very many core GPUs for data parallelism is necessary. We describe our use of hybrid applica- tions using threading approaches and multi-core CPUs to control independent GPU devices. We present speed-up data and discuss multi-threading software issues for the applications level programmer and o er some suggested areas for language development and integration between coarse-grained and ne-grained multi-thread systems. We discuss results from three common simulation algorithmic areas including: partial di erential equations; graph cluster metric calculations and random number generation. We report on programming experiences and selected performance for these algorithms on: single and multiple GPUs; multi-core CPUs; a CellBE; and using OpenCL. We discuss programmer usability issues and the outlook and trends in multi-core programming for scienti c applications developers

    Understanding Next-Generation VR: Classifying Commodity Clusters for Immersive Virtual Reality

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    Commodity clusters offer the ability to deliver higher performance computer graphics at lower prices than traditional graphics supercomputers. Immersive virtual reality systems demand notoriously high computational requirements to deliver adequate real-time graphics, leading to the emergence of commodity clusters for immersive virtual reality. Such clusters deliver the graphics power needed by leveraging the combined power of several computers to meet the demands of real-time interactive immersive computer graphics.However, the field of commodity cluster-based virtual reality is still in early stages of development and the field is currently adhoc in nature and lacks order. There is no accepted means for comparing approaches and implementers are left with instinctual or trial-and-error means for selecting an approach.This paper provides a classification system that facilitates understanding not only of the nature of different clustering systems but also the interrelations between them. The system is built from a new model for generalized computer graphics applications, which is based on the flow of data through a sequence of operations over the entire context of the application. Prior models and classification systems have been too focused in context and application whereas the system described here provides a unified means for comparison of works within the field
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