2 research outputs found


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    The article describes new approaches to creating an autonomous compact system with automatic control for hemodialysis. It is proposed to organize a closed circuit for cleaning the dialysis solution using an electrolytic regenerator as a function of the concentration of urea in it. The functional diagram of the created system is presented and described. To power the regenerator, ensure thermal stabilization of the solution, and power auxiliary electronic and electrical equipment, a multi-channel power supply and control system for the hemodialysis machine based on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers has been developed and researched. The advantages of power switches based on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers in comparison with transistor switches, including in the construction of controlled power sources, are given. The principle of operation of the voltage regulator on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers is described. Theoretical and experimental oscillograms are given. Photographs of the experimental unit as well as an industrial sample of the multi-channel power supply and control system of the hemodialysis machine are provided. Their main technical characteristics are given. Conclusions to the conducted work are formulated. Carrying out the regeneration of the dialysis solution significantly reduces its costs – 2 liters of solution, which is suitable for use for 6 months, is enough for the operation of the device. Existing hemodialysis machines are a stationary open system using a single-use dialysis solution at a rate of up to 35 l/h, which ties the machine to stationary clinical conditions. Introducing feedback on the concentration of urea in the dialysis solution allows you to automate the blood purification procedure, as well as automatically complete hemodialysis at the necessary time, and also eliminates the dependence of the device on the conditions of the hospital.Do zasilania regeneratora, stabilizacji termicznej roztworu oraz zasilania pomocniczych urządzeń elektronicznych i elektrycznych opracowano i zbadano wielokanałowy układ zasilania i sterowania aparatu do hemodializy oparty na wzmacniaczach magnetycznych wysokiej częstotliwości. Przedstawiono zalety wyłączników mocy opartych na wzmacniaczach magnetycznych wysokiej częstotliwości w porównaniu z wyłącznikami tranzystorowymi, w tym w budowie sterowanych źródeł prądu. Opisano zasadę działania regulatora napięcia we wzmacniaczach magnetycznych wysokiej częstotliwości. Podano oscylogramy teoretyczne i eksperymentalne. Przedstawiono fotografie jednostki doświadczalnej oraz próbkę przemysłową wielokanałowego układu zasilania i sterowania aparatu do hemodializy. Podano ich główne parametry techniczne. Sformułowano wnioski z przeprowadzonej pracy. Przeprowadzenie regeneracji płynu do dializy znacząco obniża jego koszty – do pracy urządzenia wystarczają 2 litry płynu, który wystarcza na 6 miesięcy. Istniejące aparaty do hemodializy to stacjonarne systemy otwarte wykorzystujące roztwór do dializy jednorazowego użytku z szybkością do 35 l/h, co wiąże urządzenie ze stacjonarnymi warunkami klinicznymi. Wprowadzenie informacji zwrotnej o stężeniu mocznika w płynie dializacyjnym pozwala zautomatyzować procedurę oczyszczania krwi, a także automatycznie zakończyć hemodializę w wymaganym czasie, a także eliminuje zależność urządzenia od warunków panujących w szpitalu


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    The article describes new approaches to creating an autonomous compact system with automatic control for hemodialysis. It is proposed to organize a closed circuit for cleaning the dialysis solution using an electrolytic regenerator as a function of the concentration of urea in it. The functional diagram of the created system is presented and described. To power the regenerator, ensure thermal stabilization of the solution, and power auxiliary electronic and electrical equipment, a multi-channel power supply and control system for the hemodialysis machine based on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers has been developed and researched. The advantages of power switches based on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers in comparison with transistor switches, including in the construction of controlled power sources, are given. The principle of operation of the voltage regulator on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers is described. Theoretical and experimental oscillograms are given. Photographs of the experimental unit as well as an industrial sample of the multi-channel power supply and control system of the hemodialysis machine are provided. Their main technical characteristics are given. Conclusions to the conducted work are formulated. Carrying out the regeneration of the dialysis solution significantly reduces its costs – 2 liters of solution, which is suitable for use for 6 months, is enough for the operation of the device. Existing hemodialysis machines are a stationary open system using a single-use dialysis solution at a rate of up to 35 l/h, which ties the machine to stationary clinical conditions. Introducing feedback on the concentration of urea in the dialysis solution allows you to automate the blood purification procedure, as well as automatically complete hemodialysis at the necessary time, and also eliminates the dependence of the device on the conditions of the hospital