11 research outputs found

    A representer theorem for deep kernel learning

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    In this paper we provide a finite-sample and an infinite-sample representer theorem for the concatenation of (linear combinations of) kernel functions of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. These results serve as mathematical foundation for the analysis of machine learning algorithms based on compositions of functions. As a direct consequence in the finite-sample case, the corresponding infinite-dimensional minimization problems can be recast into (nonlinear) finite-dimensional minimization problems, which can be tackled with nonlinear optimization algorithms. Moreover, we show how concatenated machine learning problems can be reformulated as neural networks and how our representer theorem applies to a broad class of state-of-the-art deep learning methods

    Structured Deep Kernel Networks for Data-Driven Closure Terms of Turbulent Flows

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    Standard kernel methods for machine learning usually struggle when dealing with large datasets. We review a recently introduced Structured Deep Kernel Network (SDKN) approach that is capable of dealing with high-dimensional and huge datasets - and enjoys typical standard machine learning approximation properties. We extend the SDKN to combine it with standard machine learning modules and compare it with Neural Networks on the scientific challenge of data-driven prediction of closure terms of turbulent flows. We show experimentally that the SDKNs are capable of dealing with large datasets and achieve near-perfect accuracy on the given application

    Counterfactual Learning with Multioutput Deep Kernels

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    In this paper, we address the challenge of performing counterfactual inference with observational data via Bayesian nonparametric regression adjustment, with a focus on high-dimensional settings featuring multiple actions and multiple correlated outcomes. We present a general class of counterfactual multi-task deep kernels models that estimate causal effects and learn policies proficiently thanks to their sample efficiency gains, while scaling well with high dimensions. In the first part of the work, we rely on Structural Causal Models (SCM) to formally introduce the setup and the problem of identifying counterfactual quantities under observed confounding. We then discuss the benefits of tackling the task of causal effects estimation via stacked coregionalized Gaussian Processes and Deep Kernels. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the proposed methods on simulated experiments that span individual causal effects estimation, off-policy evaluation and optimization

    On the composition of neural and kernel layers for machine learning

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    Deep Learning architectures in which neural layers alternate with mappings to infinitedimensional feature spaces have been proposed in recent years, showing improvements on the results obtained when using either technique separately. However, these new algorithms have been presented without delving into the rich mathematical structure that sustains kernel methods. The main focus of this thesis is not only to review these advances in the field of Deep Learning, but to extend and generalize them by defining a broader family of models that operate under the mathematical framework defined by the composition of a neural layerwith a kernel mapping, all of which operate in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces thatare then concatenated. Each of these spaces has a specific reproducing kernel that we can characterize. Together all of this defines a regularization-based learning optimization problem, for which we prove that minimizers exist. This strong mathematical background is complemented by the presentation of a new a model, the Kernel Network, which manages to produce successful results on many classification problems

    Be greedy and learn: efficient and certified algorithms for parametrized optimal control problems

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    We consider parametrized linear-quadratic optimal control problems and provide their online-efficient solutions by combining greedy reduced basis methods and machine learning algorithms. To this end, we first extend the greedy control algorithm, which builds a reduced basis for the manifold of optimal final time adjoint states, to the setting where the objective functional consists of a penalty term measuring the deviation from a desired state and a term describing the control energy. Afterwards, we apply machine learning surrogates to accelerate the online evaluation of the reduced model. The error estimates proven for the greedy procedure are further transferred to the machine learning models and thus allow for efficient a posteriori error certification. We discuss the computational costs of all considered methods in detail and show by means of two numerical examples the tremendous potential of the proposed methodology

    Representer Theorems in Banach Spaces: Minimum Norm Interpolation, Regularized Learning and Semi-Discrete Inverse Problems

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    Learning a function from a finite number of sampled data points (measurements) is a fundamental problem in science and engineering. This is often formulated as a minimum norm interpolation (MNI) problem, a regularized learning problem or, in general, a semi discrete inverse problem (SDIP), in either Hilbert spaces or Banach spaces. The goal of this paper is to systematically study solutions of these problems in Banach spaces. We aim at obtaining explicit representer theorems for their solutions, on which convenient solution methods can then be developed. For the MNI problem, the explicit representer theorems enable us to express the infimum in terms of the norm of the linear combination of the interpolation functionals. For the purpose of developing efficient computational algorithms, we establish the fixed-point equation formulation of solutions of these problems. We reveal that unlike in a Hilbert space, in general, solutions of these problems in a Banach space may not be able to be reduced to truly finite dimensional problems (with certain infinite dimensional components hidden). We demonstrate how this obstacle can be removed, reducing the original problem to a truly finite dimensional one, in the special case when the Banach space is â„“1(N)