25 research outputs found

    A quantitative Doignon-Bell-Scarf theorem

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    The famous Doignon-Bell-Scarf theorem is a Helly-type result about the existence of integer solutions to systems of linear inequalities. The purpose of this paper is to present the following quantitative generalization: Given an integer k, we prove that there exists a constant c(n, k), depending only on the dimension n and k, such that if a bounded polyhedron {x : Ax<=b} contains exactly k integer points, then there exists a subset of the rows, of cardinality no more than c(n, k), defining a polyhedron that contains exactly the same k integer points. In this case c(n, 0) = 2^n as in the original case of Doignon-Bell-Scarf for infeasible systems of inequalities. We work on both upper and lower bounds for the constant c(n, k) and discuss some consequences, including a Clarkson-style algorithm to find the l-th best solution of an integer program with respect to the ordering induced by the objective function

    Quantitative Tverberg theorems over lattices and other discrete sets

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    This paper presents a new variation of Tverberg's theorem. Given a discrete set SS of RdR^d, we study the number of points of SS needed to guarantee the existence of an mm-partition of the points such that the intersection of the mm convex hulls of the parts contains at least kk points of SS. The proofs of the main results require new quantitative versions of Helly's and Carath\'eodory's theorems.Comment: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1503.0611

    Helly numbers of Algebraic Subsets of Rd\mathbb R^d

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    We study SS-convex sets, which are the geometric objects obtained as the intersection of the usual convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d with a proper subset S⊂RdS\subset \mathbb R^d. We contribute new results about their SS-Helly numbers. We extend prior work for S=RdS=\mathbb R^d, Zd\mathbb Z^d, and Zd−k×Rk\mathbb Z^{d-k}\times\mathbb R^k; we give sharp bounds on the SS-Helly numbers in several new cases. We considered the situation for low-dimensional SS and for sets SS that have some algebraic structure, in particular when SS is an arbitrary subgroup of Rd\mathbb R^d or when SS is the difference between a lattice and some of its sublattices. By abstracting the ingredients of Lov\'asz method we obtain colorful versions of many monochromatic Helly-type results, including several colorful versions of our own results.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. This paper is a revised version of what was originally the first half of arXiv:1504.00076v

    Quantitative Tverberg, Helly, & Carath\'eodory theorems

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    This paper presents sixteen quantitative versions of the classic Tverberg, Helly, & Caratheodory theorems in combinatorial convexity. Our results include measurable or enumerable information in the hypothesis and the conclusion. Typical measurements include the volume, the diameter, or the number of points in a lattice.Comment: 33 page

    Complexity of short Presburger arithmetic

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    We study complexity of short sentences in Presburger arithmetic (Short-PA). Here by "short" we mean sentences with a bounded number of variables, quantifiers, inequalities and Boolean operations; the input consists only of the integers involved in the inequalities. We prove that assuming Kannan's partition can be found in polynomial time, the satisfiability of Short-PA sentences can be decided in polynomial time. Furthermore, under the same assumption, we show that the numbers of satisfying assignments of short Presburger sentences can also be computed in polynomial time