8 research outputs found


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    Probabilistic performance-assessment modeling of the mixed waste landfill at Sandia National Laboratories.

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    Diagnóstico e avaliaçao dos impactos ambientais de aterros de disposiçao de resíduos no Estado do Paraná : estudo de caso dos Municípios de Jacarezinho e Barra do Jacaré

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    Orientadora: Maria Cristina B. BragaCo-orientadora: Sandra Mara AlbertiDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Recursos Hídricos e Ambientais. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografia e anexosResumo: Com a finalidade de avaliar até que ponto as classificações e práticas adotadas pela engenharia e gestão pública são eficientes, foi realizado o diagnóstico ambiental de dois aterros municipais de disposição de resíduos, um em Jacarezinho e outro Barra do Jacaré, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Estes aterros estão localizados em uma região carente de estudos científicos e apoio tecnológico. A pesquisa levantou aspectos ambientais para a identificação dos impactos ambientais correlatos. O levantamento dos aspectos ambientais estendeu-se dos levantamentos bibliográficos aos ensaios laboratoriais, passando por ensaios de campo e modelagem matemática. Como resultados parciais, foi determinada a caracterização físico-química do chorume e dos efluentes do sistema de tratamento de chorume, assim como a caracterização físicoquímica dos solos locais. A identificação dos impactos ambientais permitiu o aprofundamento das investigações geoambientais a fim de caracterizar, de modo preliminar, as duas áreas de estudo. A percolação de chorume é a principal forma de contaminação de solos e águas por aterros de resíduos, sendo a ausência de poços e programas de monitoramento os fatores responsáveis pelo desconhecimento desta situação. A pesquisa apontou que a concepção do aterro acontece, normalmente, de forma apropriada estando as principais falhas relacionadas aos modos como os aterros são operados e geridos. Os resultados mostram que o enquadramento dado pelos órgãos ambientais nem sempre condiz com a realidade, podendo um aterro enquadrado como sanitário impactar mais o meio ambiente do que um lixão. Palavras-chave: Aterro Sanitário, Impacto Ambiental, Resíduos Sólidos, ChorumeAbstract: With the purpose of evaluating to what extent the classifications and practices adopted by the engineering and public administration they are efficient, it took place the environmental diagnosis of two municipal landfills in Jacarezinho and Barra do Jacaré, Paraná, Brazil. These landfills are located in a lacking area of scientific studies and technological support. The research lifted environmental aspects for identification of the related environmental impacts. The rising of the environmental aspects extended from bibliographical risings to laboratory rehearsals, going by field rehearsals and mathematical modeling. As partial results, it was obtained the physical-chemical characterization of the leachate and of the output of the system of leachate treatment, as well as the physical-chemical characterization of the local soils. The identification of the environmental impacts allowed goes deeper in the environmental investigations in order to characterize, in preliminary way, the two study areas. The leachate infiltration is the main form of contamination of soils and waters in landfill's areas, being the absence of wells and monitoring programs the responsible for the ignorance of this situation. The research pointed that the conception of the landfills happens, usually, in an appropriate way being the principal flaws related to the manners as the landfill's are operated and managed. The results show that the classification given by the environmental organs not always corresponds to the reality, being able to a landfill classified as safe be more dangerous to the environment of an old unlined landfill. Key-words: Landfill, Environmental Impact, Solid Urban Waste, Leachat


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    Justification for Class 3 Permit Modification, Corrective Action Complete with Controls, Solid Waste Management Unit 76, Mixed Waste Landfill, Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico, EPA ID Number NM5890110518 Volumes I through VIII

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    The Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE) and Sandia Corporation (Sandia) are submitting a request for a Class 3 Modification to Module IV of Hazardous Waste Permit NM5890110518-1 (the Permit). DOE and Sandia are requesting that the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) designate solid waste management unit (SWMU) 76 as approved for Corrective Action Complete status. NMED made a preliminary determination in October 2014 that corrective action is complete at this SWMU. SWMU 76, known as the Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL), is a 2.6-acre site at Sandia National Laboratories, located on Kirtland Air Force Base immediately southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Radioactive wastes and mixed wastes (radioactive wastes that are also hazardous wastes) were disposed of in the MWL from March 1959 through December 1988. The meximum depth of burial is approximately 25 feet below the ground surface. Groundwater occurs approximately 500 feet below the ground surface at the MWL. DOE and Sandia have implemented corrective measures at SWMU 76 in accordance with the requirements of the Permit; an April 2004 Compliance Order on Consent between NMED, DOE, and Sandia; and the plans approved by NMED. On January 8, 2014, NMED approved a long-term monitoring and maintenance plan (LTMMP) for SWMU 76. DOE and Sandia have implemented the approved LTMMP, maintaining the controls established through the corrective measures. The permit modification request consists of a letter with two enclosures: 1. A brief history or corrective action at SWMU 76 2. An index of the supporting documents that comprise the justification for the permit modification request. The supporting documents are included in an 8-volume set: Justification for Class 3 Permit Modification for Corrective Action Complete With Controls, Solid Waste Management Unit 76, Mixed Waste Landfill. Volume/pages: I/858. II/420. III/556. IV/1128. V/848. VI/1110. VII/914. VIII/866