6 research outputs found

    A preliminary study on the role of simulation models in generating insights

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    The generation of insight from simulation models has received little attention in the discrete-event simulation (DES) literature. Often DES studies claim to have supported problem understanding and problem solving by creating new and effective ideas, however little empirical evidence exists to support these statements. This paper presents the design of an experimental study which aims to understand the role of simulation models in generating insights. Study participants are asked to solve a task based on a problem of a telephone service for non-emergency health care. One independent variable is manipulated: the features of the simulation model, forming three conditions. Participants either use the animation or only the statistical results of the model or no model at all to solve the task. The paper provides a preliminary analysis of the pilot tests, which indicates that simulation models may assist users in gaining better understanding and in achieving divergent thinking

    A preliminary study on the role of simulation models in generating insights

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    The generation of insight from simulation models has received little attention in the discrete-event simulation (DES) literature. Often DES studies claim to have supported problem understanding and problem solving by creating new and effective ideas, however little empirical evidence exists to support these statements. This paper presents the design of an experimental study which aims to understand the role of simulation models in generating insights. Study participants are asked to solve a task based on a problem of a telephone service for non-emergency health care. One independent variable is manipulated: the features of the simulation model, forming three conditions. Participants either use the animation or only the statistical results of the model or no model at all to solve the task. The paper provides a preliminary analysis of the pilot tests, which indicates that simulation models may assist users in gaining better understanding and in achieving divergent thinking

    An experimental investigation into the role of simulation models in generating insights

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    It is often claimed that discrete-event simulation (DES) models are useful for generating insights. There is, however, almost no empirical evidence to support this claim. To address this issue we perform an experimental study which investigates the role of DES, specifically the simulation animation and statistical results, in generating insight (an ‘Aha!’ moment). Undergraduate students were placed in three separate groups and given a task to solve using a model with only animation, a model with only statistical results, or using no model at all. The task was based around the UK’s NHS111 telephone service for non-emergency health care. Performance was measured based on whether participants solved the task with insight, the time taken to achieve insight and the participants’ problem-solving patterns. The results show that there is some association between insight generation and the use of a simulation model, particularly the use of the statistical results generated from the model. While there is no evidence that insights were generated more frequently from statistical results than the use of animation, the participants using the statistical results generated insights more rapidly

    Insight generation in simulation studies: an empirical exploration

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    This thesis presents an empirical research that aims to explore insight generation in discrete-event simulation (DES) studies. It is often claimed that simulation is useful for generating insights. There is, however, almost no empirical evidence to support this claim. The factors of a simulation intervention that affect the occurrence of insight are not clear. A specific claim is that watching the animated display of a simulation model is more helpful in making better decisions than relying on the statistical outcomes generated from simulation runs; but again, there is very limited evidence to support this. To address this dearth of evidence, two studies are implemented: a quantitative and a qualitative study. In the former, a laboratory-based experimental study is used, where undergraduate students were placed in three separate groups and given a task to solve using a model with only animation, a model with only statistical results, or using no model at all. In the qualitative study, semi-structured interviews with simulation consultants were carried out, where participants were requested to account examples of projects in which clients change their problem understanding and generate more effective ideas. The two separated parts of the study found different types of evidence to support that simulation generates insight. The experimental study suggests that insights are generated more rapidly from statistical results than the use of animation. Research outcomes from the interviews include descriptions of: the phase of a simulation study where insight emerges; the role of different methods applied and means used in discovering and overcoming discontinuity in thinking (for instance, the role of consultant s influence in problem understanding); how some factors of a simulation intervention are associated with the processes of uncovering and overcoming discontinuity in thinking (for example, the role of clients team in the selection of methods used to communicate results); and the role of the model and consultant in generating new ideas. This thesis contributes to the limited existing literature by providing a more in depth understanding of insight in the context of simulation and empirical evidence on the insight-enabling benefits of simulation based on an operational definition. The findings of the study provide new insights into the factors of simulation that support fast and creative problem solving

    Application of thermodynamic analysis for thermohydrodynamic loops systems

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    Disertacijoje, naudojant taikomosios termodinaminės analizės metodus, nagrinėjamos termohidrodinaminių kontūrų sistemos efektyvumo didinimo problemos. Šio darbo tikslas – sukurti termohidrodinaminių kontūrų sistemos sezoninio termodinaminio efektyvumo nustatymo metodą ir suformuluoti metodiką siekiant sistemingai didinti sezoninį efektyvumą. Sukurto metodo ir metodikos taikymo sritis – tiriamoji veikla ir inžinerinė praktika – orientuota į tvarių energinių sistemų kūrimą, eksploataciją ir tobulinimą. Disertacijoje taip pat siekiama sumažinti atotrūkį tarp tiriamojoje mokslinėje ir inžinerinėje praktikoje naudojamų taikomosios termodinaminės analizės metodų. Darbo tikslui pasiekti, sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: termodinaminės analizės taikymo problematikos identifikavimas, termodinaminio sezoninio efektyvumo (TSE) vertinimo metodo sudarymas, modeliavimui reikalingo detalumo lygio identifikavimas ir TSE tobulinimo metodikos sudarymas eliminuojant kritinius trukdžius. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai ir vienuolika priedų. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros apžvalgai ir analizei. Skyriaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados ir tikslinami disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateiktas termodinaminio sezoninio efektyvumo nustatymo metodas, skirtas apskaičiuoti specifinius efektyvumo atvejus, ir sezoninio efektyvumo gerinimo metodika. Trečiajame skyriuje pateikiama tiriamos sistemos analizės pavyzdys, iliustruojantis TSE nustatymo ir jo tobulinimo metodų funkcionalumą. Disertacijos tema paskelbti 9 straipsniai: 2 – Clarivate Analytics Web of Science duomenų bazėse referuojamuose leidiniuose, turinčiuose citavimo rodiklį (Martinaitis et al. 2017, Januševičius et. al 2019), 1 – tarptautinių konferencijų leidiniuose, referuojamuose Clarivate Analytics duomenų bazėje Proceedings (Januševičius et al. 2014a). 6 – kitų tarptautinių duomenų bazių leidiniuose (Januševičius et al. 2016; Januševičius et al. 2015; Januševičius, Streckienė 2015; Januševičius, Streckienė 2013; Bielskus et al. 2013). 2 – konferencijų pranešimų medžiagoje (Januševičius et al. 2014a, Januševičius et al. 2014b). Disertacijos tema perskaityti 3 pranešimai tarptautinėse konferencijose Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje

    A preliminary study on the role of simulation models in generating insights

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