18 research outputs found

    Survival Techniques for Computer Programs

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    Programs developed with standard techniques often fail when they encounter any of a variety of internal errors. We present a set of techniques that prevent programs from failing and instead enable them to continue to execute even after they encounter otherwise fatal internal errors. Our results indicate that even though the techniques may take the program outside of its anticipated execution envelope, the continued execution often enables the program to provide acceptable results to their users. These techniques may therefore play an important role in making software systems more resilient and reliable in the face or errors.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Precise garbage collection for C

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    Journal ArticleMagpie is a source-to-source transformation for C programs that enables precise garbage collection, where precise means that integers are not confused with pointers, and the liveness of a pointer is apparent at the source level. Precise GC is primarily useful for long-running programs and programs that interact with untrusted components. In particular, we have successfully deployed precise GC in the C implementation of a language run-time system that was originally designed to use conservative GC. We also report on our experience in transforming parts of the Linux kernel to use precise GC instead of manual memory management

    Practical memory leak detector based on parameterized procedural summaries

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    We present a static analyzer that detects memory leaks in C pro-grams. It achieves relatively high accuracy at a relatively low cost on SPEC2000 benchmarks and several open-source software pack-ages, demonstrating its practicality and competitive edge against other reported analyzers: for a set of benchmarks totaling 1,777 KLOCs, it found 332 bugs with 47 additional false positives (a 12.4 % false-positive ratio), and the average analysis speed was 720 LOC/sec. We separately analyze each procedure’s memory behavior into a summary that is used in analyzing its call sites. Each procedural summary is parameterized by the procedure’s call context so that it can be instantiated at different call sites. What information to cap-ture in each procedural summary has been carefully tuned so that the summary should not lose any common memory-leak-related be-haviors in real-world C programs. Because each procedure is summarized by conventional fixpoint iteration over the abstract semantics (à la abstract interpretation), the analyzer naturally handles arbitrary call cycles from direct or indirect recursive calls

    Using Disjoint Reachability for Parallelization

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    Abstract. We present a disjoint reachability analysis for Java. Our analysis com-putes extended points-to graphs annotated with reachability states. Each heap node is annotated with a set of reachability states that abstract the reachability of objects represented by the node. The analysis also includes a global pruning step which analyzes a reachability graph to prune imprecise reachability states that cannot be removed with local reasoning alone. We have implemented the analysis and used it to parallelize 9 benchmarks. Our evaluation shows the anal-ysis results are sufficiently precise to parallelize our benchmarks and achieve an average speedup of 16.9×.

    Automatic mining of source code repositories to improve bug finding techniques

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    A Practical Flow-Sensitive and Context-Sensitive C and C++ Memory Leak Detector

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    This paper presents a static analysis tool that can automatically find memory leaks and deletions of dangling pointers in large C and C++ applications

    Proving safety properties of software

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    The use of software is pervasive in areas as diverse as aerospace, automotive, chemical processes, civil infrastructure, energy, health-care, manufacturing, transportation, entertainment, and consumer appliances. Our safety, security, and economy are now closely linked to the reliability of software. This research is about a technique to prove event-based safety properties of program. A safety property is defined in terms of event traces. An event trace is associated with an execution path and it is the sequence of events that execute on the path. Each event is identified with a program statement or a block of statements. Particularly, this research has been focused on one type of problem that follows one type of safety property we call matching pair (MP) property. Memory leaks, asymmetric synchronization, and several other defects are examples of violation of the matching pair property. The property involves matching between two types of events on every execution path. We present a practical method to validate the MP property for large software. The method is designed to address the challenges resulting from the cross-cutting semantics and presence of invisible control flow. The method has two phases: the macro phrase and the micro phrase. The macro analysis phase incorporates important notions of signature and matching pair graph (MPG). Signatures enable a decomposition of the problem into small independent instances for validation, each identified by a unique signature. The MPG(X) defines for each signature X, a minimal set of functions to be analyzed for validating the instance. The micro analysis phase produces the event traces graph representing all the relevant execution paths through the functions belonging to a MPG(X). A fast and accurate analysis of large software is possible because the macro analysis can exactly identify the functions that need to be analyzed and the micro analysis further greatly reduces the amount of analysis required to cover all execution paths by creating event trace graph (ETG) from the control flow graph (CFG). We applied macro level analysis on eight versions of Linux kernels spanning for three years. We further calculated ETGs for all functions identified by macro analysis for three versions of Linux. With the combination of macro and micro analysis, we were able to prove the correctness of more than 90% of the synchronization instances in the Linux kernel. For each remaining case, we produced relevant ETGs for the further investigation by human experts

    Memory and resource leak defects and their repairs in Java projects

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    Despite huge software engineering efforts and programming language support, resource and memory leaks are still a troublesome issue, even in memory-managed languages such as Java. Understanding the properties of leak-inducing defects, how the leaks manifest, and how they are repaired is an essential prerequisite for designing better approaches for avoidance, diagnosis, and repair of leak-related bugs. We conduct a detailed empirical study on 491 issues from 15 large open-source Java projects. The study proposes taxonomies for the leak types, for the defects causing them, and for the repair actions. We investigate, under several aspects, the distributions within each taxonomy and the relationships between them. We find that manual code inspection and manual runtime detection are still the main methods for leak detection. We find that most of the errors manifest on error-free execution paths, and developers repair the leak defects in a shorter time than non-leak defects. We also identify 13 recurring code transformations in the repair patches. Based on our findings, we draw a variety of implications on how developers can avoid, detect, isolate and repair leak-related bugs