3 research outputs found

    Solving Multi Objectives Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows using Multi Integer Linear Programming

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    This study solves tourist trip planning using team orienteering problem with time windows with more than one objective. In MO-TOPTW, besides maximum score, there is minimum time that must be achieved to make sure tourist get effective and efficient routing. Score represent priority to visit the destinations, while time consist of visiting time and traveling time between destinations. Number of routing is determined and the goal is giving the tourist the best routing that fulfill all the constraints. The constraints are time windows and tourist’s budget time. Modification of mathematical programming will be done. We used small case to compare between heuristic procedure to develop the route with optimization. Optimization is implemented using Multi Integer Linear Programming using Lingo. The global optimum of optimization method gives better result than heuristic, with total score higher as 12% and total time lower 7.3%. Because this is NP-hard problem, the running time is 45 minutes 24 seconds, very long time for tourist to wait the result. Further research must be done to faster the process with preserving the best result


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    Tourist recommendation system is a system that provides information and recommendations for tourists. This system will help users to reduce the search process and help to make choices. Currently, the recommendation system uses the internet because it is cheap, requires a short time, can be accessed from anywhere and always update. The tourism recommendation system works by using the restrictions and preferences of tourists, then it will recommend tourism travel routes. Recommendation systems can be grouped into four types which are content-based, collaborative-filtering, knowledge-based, and hybrid systems that combine two or more methods. Usability is a product condition that can be used specifically by users to achieve effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in the context of use. Usability test is conducted to see the level of comfort and ease of use of a system recommendation. In general, there are two types of measurements, which are quantitative and qualitative measurements. Quantitatively is the level of completion, level of success, processing time, level of satisfaction and level of error. The SUS (System Usability Scale) will measure user satisfaction by software, hardware and mobile equipment and consisting of a scale that is easy and simple to respondents and makes it ideal for use with a small sample size. The metrics are completion rates, usability problems, task time, task level satisfaction, test level satisfaction, errors, expectations, page views/clicks, and conversions. This research will compare two existing tourist recommendation systems using SUS. The information recommendation that must be fulfilled are level of fulfillment (100%), usability (64%), and level of understanding (64%). Respondents said they need system recommendation that does not need special expertise to operate it (75%) and the function is well integrated (71%)

    A personalized multimodal tourist tour planner

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