14,168 research outputs found

    A permanent formula for the Jones polynomial

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    The permanent of a square matrix is defined in a way similar to the determinant, but without using signs. The exact computation of the permanent is hard, but there are Monte-Carlo algorithms that can estimate general permanents. Given a planar diagram of a link L with nn crossings, we define a 7n by 7n matrix whose permanent equals to the Jones polynomial of L. This result accompanied with recent work of Freedman, Kitaev, Larson and Wang provides a Monte-Carlo algorithm to any decision problem belonging to the class BQP, i.e. such that it can be computed with bounded error in polynomial time using quantum resources.Comment: To appear in Advances in Applied Mathematic

    A determinant formula for the Jones polynomial of pretzel knots

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    This paper presents an algorithm to construct a weighted adjacency matrix of a plane bipartite graph obtained from a pretzel knot diagram. The determinant of this matrix after evaluation is shown to be the Jones polynomial of the pretzel knot by way of perfect matchings (or dimers) of this graph. The weights are Tutte's activity letters that arise because the Jones polynomial is a specialization of the signed version of the Tutte polynomial. The relationship is formalized between the familiar spanning tree setting for the Tait graph and the perfect matchings of the plane bipartite graph above. Evaluations of these activity words are related to the chain complex for the Champanerkar-Kofman spanning tree model of reduced Khovanov homology.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    A Linear-Optical Proof that the Permanent is #P-Hard

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    One of the crown jewels of complexity theory is Valiant's 1979 theorem that computing the permanent of an n*n matrix is #P-hard. Here we show that, by using the model of linear-optical quantum computing---and in particular, a universality theorem due to Knill, Laflamme, and Milburn---one can give a different and arguably more intuitive proof of this theorem.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the Royal Society A. doi: 10.1098/rspa.2011.023

    Quantum Tetrahedra

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    We discuss in details the role of Wigner 6j symbol as the basic building block unifying such different fields as state sum models for quantum geometry, topological quantum field theory, statistical lattice models and quantum computing. The apparent twofold nature of the 6j symbol displayed in quantum field theory and quantum computing -a quantum tetrahedron and a computational gate- is shown to merge together in a unified quantum-computational SU(2)-state sum framework

    Quantum alpha-determinants and q-deformed hypergeometric polynomials

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    The quantum α\alpha-determinant is defined as a parametric deformation of the quantum determinant. We investigate the cyclic Uq(sl2)\mathcal{U}_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)-submodules of the quantum matrix algebra Aq(Mat2)\mathcal{A}_q(\mathrm{Mat}_2) generated by the powers of the quantum α\alpha-determinant. For such a cyclic module, there exists a collection of polynomials which describe the irreducible decomposition of it in the following manner: (i) each polynomial corresponds to a certain irreducible Uq(sl2)\mathcal{U}_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)-module, (ii) the cyclic module contains an irreducible submodule if the parameter is a root of the corresponding polynomial. These polynomials are given as a qq-deformation of the hypergeometric polynomials. This is a quantum analogue of the result obtained in our previous work [K. Kimoto, S. Matsumoto and M. Wakayama, Alpha-determinant cyclic modules and Jacobi polynomials, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.].Comment: 10 page

    Exponential Time Complexity of the Permanent and the Tutte Polynomial

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    We show conditional lower bounds for well-studied #P-hard problems: (a) The number of satisfying assignments of a 2-CNF formula with n variables cannot be counted in time exp(o(n)), and the same is true for computing the number of all independent sets in an n-vertex graph. (b) The permanent of an n x n matrix with entries 0 and 1 cannot be computed in time exp(o(n)). (c) The Tutte polynomial of an n-vertex multigraph cannot be computed in time exp(o(n)) at most evaluation points (x,y) in the case of multigraphs, and it cannot be computed in time exp(o(n/polylog n)) in the case of simple graphs. Our lower bounds are relative to (variants of) the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH), which says that the satisfiability of n-variable 3-CNF formulas cannot be decided in time exp(o(n)). We relax this hypothesis by introducing its counting version #ETH, namely that the satisfying assignments cannot be counted in time exp(o(n)). In order to use #ETH for our lower bounds, we transfer the sparsification lemma for d-CNF formulas to the counting setting
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