1,478 research outputs found

    A Path Following Control for Unicycle Robots

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    In this work we present a new path following control for unicycle robots that is applicable for almost all the possible desired paths and whose analysis is very straightforward. First we select the path following method that consists of two steps: choosing a ‘‘projection’’ that relates the actual posture to the desired path and imposing a ‘‘motion exigency’’ to ensure that the robot advances. A ‘‘projection’’ that considers all the error coordinates is selected and closed equations are obtained for it. The uniqueness projection is carefully analyzed and a necessary and sufficient condition is also presented. This condition shows that a slight bound on the curvature derivative of desired paths must be imposed to preserve uniqueness. It is remarkable that the selected path following is applicable for paths containing zero-radius turns, a problem that has never been resolved as far as we know. In addition, an asymptotically stable control law is found using the closed form equation of the proposed path following and the second Lyapunov method. Finally, we show the behavior of the path following and the control law through several simulated and experimental results, using a computerized wheelchair built at our research facility.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TER96-2056-C02-0

    Multirobot heterogeneous control considering secondary objectives

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    Cooperative robotics has considered tasks that are executed frequently, maintaining the shape and orientation of robotic systems when they fulfill a common objective, without taking advantage of the redundancy that the robotic group could present. This paper presents a proposal for controlling a group of terrestrial robots with heterogeneous characteristics, considering primary and secondary tasks thus that the group complies with the following of a path while modifying its shape and orientation at any time. The development of the proposal is achieved through the use of controllers based on linear algebra, propounding a low computational cost and high scalability algorithm. Likewise, the stability of the controller is analyzed to know the required features that have to be met by the control constants, that is, the correct values. Finally, experimental results are shown with di erent configurations and heterogeneous robots, where the graphics corroborate the expected operation of the proposalThis research was funded by Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y Academia–CEDI

    Technical report on Optimization-Based Bearing-Only Visual Homing with Applications to a 2-D Unicycle Model

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    We consider the problem of bearing-based visual homing: Given a mobile robot which can measure bearing directions with respect to known landmarks, the goal is to guide the robot toward a desired "home" location. We propose a control law based on the gradient field of a Lyapunov function, and give sufficient conditions for global convergence. We show that the well-known Average Landmark Vector method (for which no convergence proof was known) can be obtained as a particular case of our framework. We then derive a sliding mode control law for a unicycle model which follows this gradient field. Both controllers do not depend on range information. Finally, we also show how our framework can be used to characterize the sensitivity of a home location with respect to noise in the specified bearings. This is an extended version of the conference paper [1].Comment: This is an extender version of R. Tron and K. Daniilidis, "An optimization approach to bearing-only visual homing with applications to a 2-D unicycle model," in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2014, containing additional proof

    Secure Trajectory Planning Against Undetectable Spoofing Attacks

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    This paper studies, for the first time, the trajectory planning problem in adversarial environments, where the objective is to design the trajectory of a robot to reach a desired final state despite the unknown and arbitrary action of an attacker. In particular, we consider a robot moving in a two-dimensional space and equipped with two sensors, namely, a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensor and a Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) sensor. The attacker can arbitrarily spoof the readings of the GNSS sensor and the robot control input so as to maximally deviate his trajectory from the nominal precomputed path. We derive explicit and constructive conditions for the existence of undetectable attacks, through which the attacker deviates the robot trajectory in a stealthy way. Conversely, we characterize the existence of secure trajectories, which guarantee that the robot either moves along the nominal trajectory or that the attack remains detectable. We show that secure trajectories can only exist between a subset of states, and provide a numerical mechanism to compute them. We illustrate our findings through several numerical studies, and discuss that our methods are applicable to different models of robot dynamics, including unicycles. More generally, our results show how control design affects security in systems with nonlinear dynamics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Automatic

    A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Global Rendezvous of Unicycles

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    This paper presents a solution to the rendezvous control problem for a network of kinematic unicycles in the plane, each equipped with an onboard camera measuring its relative displacement with respect to its neighbors in body frame coordinates. A smooth, time-independent control law is presented that drives the unicycles to a common position from arbitrary initial conditions, under the assumption that the sensing digraph contains a reverse-directed spanning tree. The proposed feedback is very simple, and relies only on the onboard measurements. No global positioning system is required, nor any information about the unicycles' orientations
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